
What you should know about bullying in schools

author:Gaomi City Financial Media Center

Learn to relate to people

It is an important topic in life

Adolescents are at a critical stage of their development

Parents and teachers need to be attentive at all times

The child's physical and mental development

What constitutes bullying in schools?

The child has been bullied at school,

What are we going to do?

Protecting "Young You"

We all need to understand this-


The following behaviors are classified as school bullying

What you should know about bullying in schools

Where the party with an advantage in age, body, or numbers intentionally or maliciously carries out the following conduct against the other party, or otherwise oppresses or insults the other party, causing physical injury, property damage, or mental loss, it may be found to constitute bullying.

  • Assault, kicking, slapping, scratching, biting, pushing, pulling, or other physical assault or intimidation threats.
  • Acts that violate human dignity by means of verbal abuse, ridicule, ridicule, sarcasm, insulting nicknames, etc.
  • Snatching, forcibly taking, or intentionally destroying other people's property.
  • Maliciously rejecting, intimidating, threatening, persecuting, or isolating others, or influencing others to participate in school activities or social interactions.
  • Fabricate facts to slander others, spread rumors or misinformation to slander others, or maliciously disseminate others' privacy through the Internet or other information dissemination methods.


These situations arise

Your child may be being bullied

Suddenly, Hypothetical

Children who are not excluded from school suddenly show a tendency to be reluctant to go to school, which may be due to something in the school that annoys the child and does not want to face and deal with.

Unprovoked mood changes

The child came home from school sullen and bored with school, and the originally lively and cheerful child suddenly became cloudy, maybe something at school affected him.

complained that some classmates targeted him

This is a signal for the child to ask for help. Parents can provide some practical ways to teach their children to try to alleviate this situation, ask them for a certain period of time, or invite classmates to play at home and chat casually.

Injuries appear on the body

The child came home from school and was dirty all over his body, and there were scars on his body, which looked like they were caused by the fight, but the child insisted that he had accidentally injured himself. It must not be overlooked.

Abnormal behavior

If the child is particularly emotionally unstable, a little thing can cause a very violent reaction, such as being particularly clingy, refusing to go to school, being very timid and fearful, and even having a tendency to self-harm, etc., it is recommended that parents go to school to understand the situation.

Problems sleeping

Problems such as insomnia, nightmares, and bedwetting are also among the manifestations of a child being bullied at school.


Bullying occurs in schools

What should we do


What should I do if my child is bullied at school?

1. Stay calm.

2. Call for help, call for help from passers-by, and use abnormal actions to attract the attention of people around you.

3. Personal safety always comes first. Try to push the other person off with cautionary language, or get yourself out of trouble with strategic conversations and the use of circumstances. But don't provoke the other person.

4. Do not take the initiative to have conflicts with classmates at school, and find teachers to solve them in time if they occur.

5. No matter what kind of intimidation you encounter, tell your parents not to suffer physical and psychological trauma yourself.


What should parents do if their children are bullied?

1. Teach children self-esteem, self-love and self-protection.

Some parents usually ask their children to be obedient and suppress their children's self-esteem, which can easily lead to their children becoming the target of bullying at school.

2. Encourage your child to build beneficial relationships.

Children who are withdrawn, misfits, and have poor interpersonal skills are more likely to be bullied at school. Parents should cultivate their children's ability to build kind and supportive interpersonal relationships with their peers from an early age, which can have a buffering effect on the impact of school bullying.

3. Calm down and most importantly children.

When your child tells about bullying, stay calm, listen and respond well to let your child know that the situation is completely manageable. No matter what happens, his parents will be on his side and support him.

4. Empathize, don't ask too much detail first.

Don't try to comfort your child not to worry about his classmates, as this may lead him into thinking that the bullying is due to his own problems, which may lead him to deeper pain and self-blame. Show empathy to your child and send a signal that what he is describing is not the "norm" of growing up and that you are very sad about how he was treated.

5. Acceptance, parents will never abandon you.

Children are prone to extreme emotions after being bullied, such as being unusually resistant to interpersonal relationships, unwilling to go to school, etc., at this time, parents should be tolerant, because the child may be in a state of stress, do not hurt him twice.

6. Calm the child's emotions first.

The sooner the emotions are dealt with, the less harm and future impact will be on the child, which is more important than solving the problem itself.

7. Thank you, you are willing to tell things and are very brave.

Tell your child that he is grateful that he has the courage to tell you about it, and explain to him that parents will only have a chance to help him if he is willing to talk about it. One of the more effective ways to put it is: I know you need a lot of courage to tell me this, and despite all this difficulty, you are willing to tell me and thank you for your trust.


What should schools do if bullying happens?

1. Rescue first: For victims of campus bullying, the school should immediately organize medical assistance, psychological intervention, judicial assistance, etc.

2. Appropriate punishment: For perpetrators of campus bullying, the school must notify their parents, give serious criticism and education, and never tolerate it, the overall principle is to ensure that the purpose of education and salvation is to be appropriately punished within the scope of the law.

4. Rapid response: Schools should pay attention to students' dynamics in a timely manner, immediately carry out rescue work, and reasonably handle bullying incidents.

4. Make up for it in a low-key manner: In the process of disposition, the school should start from the perspective of the victim, pay more attention to the interests of the victim's child and parents, protect the privacy of minors, and objectively respond to social concerns.


Preventing "School Bullying"

The "three noes" should be achieved

Don't be a victim

(1) Do not carry valuables such as money and mobile phones, and do not publicly reveal your belongings.

(2) When going to the toilet, the corner of the hallway, or the alley near the school, and other places where bullying is common, try to walk in a group.

(3) Get along with classmates in a friendly manner, be tolerant, rational and peaceful to resolve conflicts, and do not use radical methods.

(4) Improve self-protection awareness and protection ability, and strengthen physical fitness training at ordinary times, so as to protect themselves in dangerous moments.

Don't be a bully

Intentionally assaulting others, violently insulting others, violently soliciting other people's property, and intentionally and illegally harming others may constitute the crimes of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, forcible insults, robbery, and intentional injury under the Criminal Law of the Mainland.

Don't be an accomplice or a bystander

(1) Refuse to fan the flames and refuse to be an "accomplice" to the bully.

(2) Reject bystanders who do not concern you, and appropriately express sympathy and concern for the bullied.

(3) Help the bullied person within the scope of their ability.

(4) Report to teachers and parents in a timely manner, and even call the police.


Some of the laws related to bullying in schools


Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 234:[Crime of Intentional Injury]Whoever intentionally harms the body of another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, short-term detention or controlled release. Whoever commits the crime in the preceding paragraph, causing serious injury, is to be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years; Whoever causes death or seriously injures a person by especially cruel means, causing serious disability, is to be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment, or death. Where this Law provides otherwise, follow those provisions.

Article 246:[Crime of Insult] [Crime of Defamation] Whoever openly insults others or fabricates facts to slander others by violence or other means, and the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, short-term detention, controlled release, or deprivation of political rights. The crimes in the preceding paragraph are to be dealt with only if they are told, except where they seriously endanger social order and national interests. Where the conduct provided for in paragraph 1 is carried out through information networks, and the victim complains to the people's court, but there is genuine difficulty in providing evidence, the people's court may request that the public security organs provide assistance.


Civil Code of the People's Republic of China

Article 110:Natural persons enjoy rights such as the right to life, the right to body, the right to health, the right to name, the right to portrait, the right to reputation, the right to honor, the right to privacy, and the right to marital autonomy.

Legal persons and unincorporated organizations enjoy the right to name, reputation and honor.

Article 991:The personality rights of civil entities are protected by law and must not be infringed upon by any organization or individual.


School bullying

Guidance documents

Preventing bullying among primary and secondary school students

Work plan for special governance actions》

On January 20, 2021, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the "Work Plan for the Special Governance Action for the Prevention of Bullying of Primary and Secondary School Students", which requires that through the in-depth development of the special governance action for the prevention of bullying among primary and secondary school students, the ideological and moral education, rule of law education and mental health education of primary and secondary school students should be effectively strengthened, and a number of vicious incidents with heinous circumstances and large social impact should be investigated and reported, and all localities should be guided to further explore the dead ends in their work, weave a solid linkage network, improve long-term mechanisms, build safe and harmonious campuses, and promote the healthy and happy growth of students.

"On the prevention and treatment of primary and secondary school students

Guidance on bullying and violence

On November 1, 2016, the Ministry of Education and other nine departments (the Comprehensive Management Office, the High People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the All-China Women's Federation) jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on the Prevention and Control of Bullying and Violence among Primary and Secondary School Students". and quickly contact the public security organs to intervene in the handling. When necessary, students who constitute violations or crimes may be taken into custody and re-educated by the government, or given corresponding administrative or criminal punishments, especially where the nature and circumstances of the crime are heinous, the methods are cruel, and the consequences are serious, they must be resolutely punished in accordance with law.

"Safety Work in Primary and Secondary Schools (Kindergartens)."

Interim Measures for Special Supervision》

On November 30, 2016, in order to implement the overall requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on ensuring school safety, promote the establishment of a scientific, standardized and institutionalized safety guarantee system and operation mechanism for primary and secondary schools (kindergartens), and improve the ability to prevent and control safety risks, the Office of the Education Steering Committee of the State Council issued the "Interim Measures for the Special Supervision of Safety Work in Primary and Secondary Schools (Kindergartens)", emphasizing the focus on inspecting the prevention of drowning, traffic accidents, campus bullying and violence in primary and secondary schools and other relevant functional departments. Prevention and response to key issues such as school-related and student-related violations and crimes, as well as psychological and behavioral counseling and corrections.

Resist bullying in schools

Let every child bask in the sunshine of the rule of law

Tell the kids

Don't be an abuser

Don't be a victim either

Let's work together

Say no to school bullying!

Source: China Education Daily

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yanyan First instance: Guo Qiujuan Second instance: Sun Weiwei Third trial: Shan Wei