
"Five trees enter the house, people are poor and the family is ruined", which five kinds of trees are referring to? Does that make sense

author:Xi Yan said

In traditional Chinese culture, home is a very important concept, and the house is the embodiment of home. It is widely believed that having a stable home means having a stable home, which can bring psychological comfort and a sense of belonging. Therefore, many Chinese will spend their life savings just to buy a home of their own.

It is precisely because housing is not easy to come by, so many people will look at feng shui before buying a house, the purpose is to ensure the balance and smoothness of personal destiny and improve the potential value of the house.

When it comes to the feng shui of the house, the Chinese have a lot of special particulars, including the saying "five trees enter the house, the poor and the family loses", which is widely spread among the people. So, what kind of trees are these five trees, and is this statement really true?

"Five trees enter the house, people are poor and the family is ruined", which five kinds of trees are referring to? Does that make sense

1. Pine trees

The pine tree has the reputation of "the length of a hundred trees" in China, its age is very long, it can grow for thousands of years, 10,000 years without decay, and calmly wind and frost, the four seasons are as usual, so in Chinese culture, it often has a special meaning of perseverance, vitality and longevity.

In the feng shui layout, pine trees are also believed to have the effect of enhancing aura, improving fortune, attracting nobles and warding off evil spirits. For example, planting a pine tree at the gate of one's home can enhance the aura and fortune of the family, and at the same time, it can also attract noble luck and help one's career and financial fortune to develop.

In addition, because the leaves of the pine tree are needle-pointed, which can ward off evil spirits, it is believed that keeping pine trees at home can also play a role in warding off evil spirits. It can be said that in Feng Shui, the pine tree is an auspicious plant that attracts wealth and treasure.

In this case, why is there still a saying that pine trees are not suitable for entering houses?

"Five trees enter the house, people are poor and the family is ruined", which five kinds of trees are referring to? Does that make sense

This statement is still related to Feng Shui. In addition to the positive effects mentioned above, in Feng Shui, the Guan pine tree is also regarded as a feminine plant, its shape is tall and straight, giving people a solemn and solemn feeling, so it is also believed to bring a heavy and oppressive atmosphere, which may have a negative impact on the aura of the family, thus affecting the fortune of the family.

In addition, pine trees planted inside the house will affect indoor lighting and ventilation, and Chinese housing pays attention to north-south transparency, believing that this can bring good luck and wealth, and pine trees entering the house obviously do not conform to this concept.

On top of that, pine trees have a well-developed root system, and if planted inside a house, it can adversely affect the foundation of the house, leading to problems such as structural instability of the house or subsidence of the foundation.

Feng Shui also believes that the foundation of a house should be stable in order to maintain the stability of the energy field around the house, so pine trees, which will affect the foundation of the house, are naturally not suitable for planting in the house.

"Five trees enter the house, people are poor and the family is ruined", which five kinds of trees are referring to? Does that make sense

2. Cypress

The cypress tree is an evergreen tree that stays green and full of life even in the cold winter. Therefore, it is often referred to as the "evergreen tree", which means that youth is permanent and life is long. This tree is often planted in mausoleum gardens in China, not only because of its beautiful form, but also because it has the meaning of eternal life or rebirth.

In Feng Shui, cypress trees are considered to be a plant with stable energy due to their slow growth and long lifespan, which can bring stability and long-lasting blessings. Therefore, if it is planted in the home or garden, it can convey the desire to pursue longevity and stability; If planted near a home or commercial place, it can attract wealth and bring prosperity and abundance.

Moreover, the cypress tree's aura purification ability is also very strong, it is able to absorb the negative energy around it and convert it into positive energy. Therefore, Feng Shui believes that it can purify the aura of the living room, keep the space pure and fresh, and can be used as a plant to ward off evil spirits to dispel bad energy and maintain the peace and balance of the living environment.

"Five trees enter the house, people are poor and the family is ruined", which five kinds of trees are referring to? Does that make sense

However, in addition to these advantages, it also has certain disadvantages, which is that it is also a feminine plant. In folk beliefs, cypress trees are often associated with cemeteries or funeral grounds, and Chinese are very taboo about "death", so some people believe that cypress trees carry a "yin" or "death" aura, and planting them at home may bring bad luck and affect people's health and fortune.

3. Pear Tree

The pear tree, in Chinese culture, is often endowed with auspiciousness, beauty and happiness. It represents the reunion and harmony of the family, symbolizing the reproduction of children and grandchildren and the prosperity of the family. At the same time, it is also seen as a symbol of longevity and health, and is often used as a symbol of eternal friendship and love.

In addition, the pear tree blooms in spring, and the flowers are white and pure, giving people a good feeling, so they also have the meaning of new life and hope.

Moreover, in Buddhist culture, pears have a special meaning, symbolizing "freedom from suffering and happiness", so Buddhists also often use pears as tributes to express their respect and worship for the Buddha.

"Five trees enter the house, people are poor and the family is ruined", which five kinds of trees are referring to? Does that make sense

However, it is precisely because the word "pear" in the pear tree is homophonic with the word "leave", and "leave" often contains the meaning of separation and dispersion in Chinese, so some people believe that pear trees are easy to lead to family separation, which is not conducive to family harmony and is an unlucky symbol that should not be planted in the family home.

Moreover, Feng Shui also believes that too many pear trees or poor location can lead to family instability, loss of wealth, and even decline of the family. For example, a pear tree should not be planted in the middle of a courtyard because the central location is crucial in the feng shui layout and symbolizes the core cohesion of the family.

Therefore, under the influence of these factors, many people think that pear trees are not suitable for planting in their homes.

"Five trees enter the house, people are poor and the family is ruined", which five kinds of trees are referring to? Does that make sense

Fourth, the mulberry tree

The mulberry tree is known as the "Oriental Sacred Tree" and "Fusang" in traditional Chinese culture, and it is closely related to sericulture, which in turn is closely related to China's silk culture, so in some areas, people often hold celebrations under the mulberry tree to express their blessings for a good harvest and prosperity.

In Feng Shui, mulberry trees are often seen as a symbol of longevity and well-being, so planting mulberry trees also symbolizes long-term prosperity and stability for a family or business.

Moreover, the mulberry tree is closely linked to sericulture, so in Feng Shui, it also means abundance and wealth, and is often believed to bring wealth and good luck.

"Five trees enter the house, people are poor and the family is ruined", which five kinds of trees are referring to? Does that make sense

However, like the pear tree, it also has a homonym in Chinese. In Chinese, "Sang" is homophonic with "mourning", and the character "mourning" is often associated with unlucky meanings such as death and funeral. Therefore, it is believed that planting mulberry trees in the home or yard will bring bad luck and lead to family misfortune or decay.

5. Locust trees

The locust tree has a long history in China, and it can grow for decades, even hundreds of years, so it is often given the meaning of blessing peace, health and auspiciousness. In ancient times, wealthy families often planted locust trees in their yards, implying family health and family prosperity.

"Five trees enter the house, people are poor and the family is ruined", which five kinds of trees are referring to? Does that make sense

In addition, the locust tree also has a close connection with official career fame in ancient times, and it is often regarded as a symbol of the "Three Princes", that is, the highest official position in ancient times. Therefore, in Feng Shui, planting locust trees is also believed to help improve one's career fortune and provide a boost for career success.

However, if you plant a locust tree at home, the meaning is different. Feng Shui believes that locust trees are feminine trees, and if planted in the home, it will cause too much yin in the home, thus affecting the harmony and balance of the family.

In addition, the word "locust tree" contains the word "ghost" in the word "locust", so it is believed to have the property of attracting ghosts, and it is easy to attract or gather negative or evil energy, thus adversely affecting the home, so some people think that the locust tree is not suitable for planting at home.