
33 classic book excerpts that can't help but be copied, one sentence top 10,000 sentences, which makes people never get tired of reading!

author:Xiaozhou reads

1. The important thing is to take the first step boldly, regardless of right or wrong, since ancient times, there has been no such thing as designing everything before starting.

——Shi Xiaosheng

2. The happiness pinned on others is like a boat floating on the sea, only the strength that grows in one's own heart can make the feet take root and not be overturned by time.

- Su Qin

3. Loneliness is an independent existence, and I once longed for it and kept it for a long time. Loneliness is cold, but at the same time it is also quiet, with a wonderful sense of stillness and vastness, like a cold universe with only stars constantly rotating back and forth.

- Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

33 classic book excerpts that can't help but be copied, one sentence top 10,000 sentences, which makes people never get tired of reading!

4. Don't expect someone to appear in your life to meet all your psychological needs. There is no such thing.

- Zhang Defen

5. There is only one thing that people will regret, and that is that they did not live bravely enough.

– Ted Hughes

6. Those who can see flowers will see clouds, moons, stars, and wisdom in everything in the world.

—— Lin Qingxuan

7. Three conditions that determine a person's wealth. One is the background, the second is luck, and the third is hard work. And of the three, the effort is the most insignificant.

— Knight

8. Appearing in front of everyone beautifully and calmly is not only a vain thing, but also a solemn and confident thing.

- Li Juan

9. Be a person, no matter how others treat you, you must cherish yourself, be worthy of the pride in your heart, be alone in your own world, and go with the flow in other people's world.

- Jia Pingwa

10. Studying is not to get a diploma or make a fortune,

It's about becoming a person who has a temperature, understands taste, and can think.

- Yang Jiang

11. There is no annoying person in the world, and the process of life makes everyone unhappy, and unhappiness is naturally significantly hated.

——Lao She, "Divorce"

12. Life is, to live is to live...... The problem of life is like this, you just live a good life, you live a good life in life, there is no problem.

——Yang Xiao "Re-walking"

13. The first object of love in life should be yourself, write poems to yourself, talk to yourself, be quiet in a space, listen to your heartbeat and breathing, I believe, this life will not panic when you go out.

——Jiang Xun "Six Lectures on Loneliness"

14. The road of life depends on yourself to go step by step, and what can really protect you is your own life choice.

——Yu Qiuyu "Borrow My Life"

15. I feel that being a kind, composed, and authentic person is already very rich.

- "Mirror Lake" Baby Anne

16. A joyful, truly happy person is one who lives without effort.

——Li Yinhe, "Li Yinhe: My Philosophy of Life"

17. The pursuit of peace seems to me to be a more reasonable ambition than the pursuit of happiness.

- Borges

18. When people reach a certain age, they are recycled, and at the end, they receive three or two confidants and a cup of light tea, and live their lives as they want.

—— Xue Xiaozen

33 classic book excerpts that can't help but be copied, one sentence top 10,000 sentences, which makes people never get tired of reading!

19. I am willing to go deep into life, suck the marrow of life, live a solid and simple life, and eliminate everything that does not belong to life cleanly, simply, simply, and simply.

- Thoreau, Walden

20. Growth is about repeating closeness and distancing in order to find a distance where neither of you can be harmed.

- Neon Genesis Evangelion

21. There are many stupid things that a person can do in his life, but the two stupidest things are: refusing to read and ignoring the soul; Refuse to exercise, neglect health.

22. The purpose of reading is to further study knowledge and broaden one's mind.

All the troubles of life will follow you forever.

It's just that knowledge can make you analyze and deal with these problems more rationally and calmly.

- Yishu

23. Never, sacrifice your honesty in exchange for relationships with others.

One by one Ruby Kaul

24. What is the guarantee of freedom? It's about no longer being ashamed of yourself.

—— Nietzsche, The Science of Happiness

25. Only those who live in poverty themselves like to spy on other people's private affairs.

- Zhang Ailing

26. You don't seem to have finally understood that it is a matter of course for people to understand someone, not because they want the other person to understand.

- Haruki Murakami, "Norwegian Wood"

27. Strive for things that others can't steal, such as thinking, such as body; Such as temperament, such as happiness.

28. To be happy, we must not pay too much attention to others.

— Albert Camus, The Outsider

29. The Northern Song Dynasty Prime Minister Yan Shu's "Interpretation of Misfortune", a sixteen-character mantra that changes fate:

"Hidden Front, Hidden Wisdom, Abstinence, Self-Examination, Truth-seeking, Prudence, Temperance, and Goodness".

33 classic book excerpts that can't help but be copied, one sentence top 10,000 sentences, which makes people never get tired of reading!

30. Reading, opening the mouth, removing contempt, gaining new knowledge, increasing knowledge, broadening knowledge, and cultivating the soul.

- Lin Yutang

31. A quote that I liked very much recently:

"Emotions are nothing but the product of insufficient wisdom."

32. No matter what happens, you have to move forward. Even if the earth cracks under your feet, you have to move forward step by step, and nothing is more important than moving forward.

- Beth Kalb, "The Long Goodbye to Grandma"

33. There are many things in this world, and you must wait until a certain age to see them, and you must have a certain amount of wisdom to see them. For example, those rainy days that are not meant to be rain, the kind of light that is not sunshine.

——"Mid-Levels Anthology"#妙笔生花创作挑战##挑战30天在头条写日记##人生感悟##头条创作挑战赛##我在岛屿读书##读书笔记#