
E-commerce employees make more than 92 million a year! The official flagship store you trust is just a tool to collect money

author:Small freshness

When shopping on e-commerce platforms, we are accustomed to believing in the authority of the "official flagship store" and the guarantee of authenticity. However, just recently, a high-profile case completely shattered this trust - an "official flagship store" of an e-commerce platform was exposed, which turned out to be a "money-collecting" tool manipulated by internal employees for a long time! What's even more incredible is that in just one year, these "inner ghosts" have frantically amassed more than 92 million yuan! Seeing this staggering number, do you also fall into deep thought: how many of the "official flagship stores" we trust are "genuine"?

E-commerce employees make more than 92 million a year! The official flagship store you trust is just a tool to collect money

This case of exposing the "inner ghost to accumulate money" is due to the "official flagship store" of an underwear brand on an e-commerce platform. In March this year, a consumer found that many of the products in this store had quality problems during the purchase process, and reported the case after complaining to no avail. Subsequently, after several months of investigation, the police finally found out the truth - it turned out that the store, which was known as the "official flagship store", was actually operated by several employees of the brand on the e-commerce platform! They mixed in a large number of counterfeit goods and made a high amount of illegal gains of more than 92 million yuan for a long time.

E-commerce employees make more than 92 million a year! The official flagship store you trust is just a tool to collect money
E-commerce employees make more than 92 million a year! The official flagship store you trust is just a tool to collect money
E-commerce employees make more than 92 million a year! The official flagship store you trust is just a tool to collect money

As ordinary consumers, we naturally prefer the "official flagship store" when shopping online, because we subconsciously think that there is the real thing. However, now this case has completely toppled our trust to the ground, which is shocking. As the agent of a well-known brand on the e-commerce platform, these employees should be a good checker and maintain the brand image. Unexpectedly, they abused their power and wantonly mixed in counterfeit goods to make huge profits, which can be said to have completely deviated from professional ethics. What's even more terrifying is that they have been doing evil for a year beyond imagination, and the amount of money they have collected is ridiculous. Of course, we hate their actions, but at the same time, the whole incident also reflects the loopholes in the supervision of e-commerce platforms.

E-commerce employees make more than 92 million a year! The official flagship store you trust is just a tool to collect money
E-commerce employees make more than 92 million a year! The official flagship store you trust is just a tool to collect money
E-commerce employees make more than 92 million a year! The official flagship store you trust is just a tool to collect money
E-commerce employees make more than 92 million a year! The official flagship store you trust is just a tool to collect money
E-commerce employees make more than 92 million a year! The official flagship store you trust is just a tool to collect money

Now, the scandal of the "official flagship store" being exposed as a tool for employees to collect money has become a hot topic after dinner. As consumers, of course, we must fiercely condemn these "ghosts" and defend our legitimate rights and interests with our voices. But more importantly, the whole incident has sounded the "alarm bell" of the e-commerce platform platform - how to strengthen supervision and eliminate loopholes under the huge system needs to be further reformed and improved. At the same time, consumers themselves should also be vigilant, even if it is an "official flagship store", they should be more vigilant and not be easily fooled. In short, I believe that through everyone's joint supervision, the healthy development of e-commerce platforms will definitely make such a "nightmare" not repeat. I hope you will actively pay attention to the follow-up of this matter!

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