
Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

author:Yojun theory

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Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

Text, Editor|Xiao Lou

There are often multiple-choice questions on the Internet: Which one will you want from the admission letter of Tsinghua University and Peking University or 10 million?

In fact, the essence of this multiple-choice question is the comparison of academic qualifications and money, if you change the notice to other options, most people will choose 10 million.

But when the notice of the top famous school is placed here, many people hesitate, which also shows the importance of academic qualifications to Chinese.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

From primary school to middle school to university, the key classes of famous schools have always been the pursuit of students and parents, and in this case, vocational schools have become the existence that everyone dislikes.

In the eyes of most people, vocational schools are just used by poor students to make a living, but is this necessarily the case?

Gu Huijing, a beautiful girl from Shenzhen, gave the answer, she not only went to vocational school, but also studied the auto repair major where boys dominate.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

What's even more shocking is that after the unexpected explosion in 2021, Gu Huijing rejected the Internet celebrity with a salary of one million that year, and chose to continue to study auto repair.

Some people say that Gu Huijing is too stupid and will regret it sooner or later, now that three years have passed, what kind of life does Gu Huijing live? Did she regret her decision?


Gu Huijing: From a vocational school student to a CCTV celebrity

In the public stereotype, the most suitable professions for girls are probably teachers and nurses.

This kind of job is relatively stable and seems to be the best choice for girls.

Of course, the carefulness and patience of girls are exactly what these two professions need.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

But no two leaves in the world are exactly the same, and there can be no identical people.

There are girls who like pink, and there are girls who like blue and black.

It's like someone is suitable to be a nurse teacher, and someone is suitable to be a police driver.

This girl from Shenzhen, Gu Huijing, is the kind of existence that is completely different from the stereotypical girl.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

The smell of gasoline that is unpleasant to others is better to her than the smell of flowers.

Other girls like Barbie dolls, but she likes cars.

However, for the young Gu Huijing, her future is to study hard and be admitted to a good school like most children who are planned by their parents for the future.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

At first, Gu Huijing followed her parents' ideas step by step, but after graduating from junior high school, her thoughts changed.

Gu Huijing knew that her ambition was not in the classroom, but in the car, so she discussed with her parents not to go to a regular high school, but to go to a vocational school.

The word vocational school is the most terrible for parents who have children in the critical period of going to school.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

Because in the eyes of most Chinese parents, children who enter vocational schools are mixed up because they did not go to school.

So at first, Gu Huijing's parents did not agree with her going to vocational school.

But for Koo, it was her dream to learn auto repair, and when she was a child, others were watching cartoons, but she was obsessed with movies with racing clips.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

In Koo's opinion, movies like "Fast and Furious" are simply tailor-made for her preferences.

She likes the thrill and the handsome way the protagonist looks when he drives.

But when her parents knew that Gu Huijing wanted to go to vocational school because of auto repair, they only thought she was joking and didn't take it seriously.

Later, under Gu Huijing's repeated insistence, her parents began to seriously consider this matter.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

In the end, after Gu Huijing's persuasion, her parents finally nodded and agreed to this matter.

When other students stepped into the gate of the key high school, Gu Huijing entered the Shenzhen Second Vocational and Technical School and became a student majoring in automobile application and maintenance.

When Gu Huijing's former classmates and relatives knew that she went to vocational school to learn auto repair, they were all not optimistic.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

But Gu Huijing doesn't care about these, because she is about to start getting in touch with the things she really likes.

In the public's impression, vocational school students are equal to poor learning, and vocational schools are equal to low scores.

However, few people know that the vocational school that Gu Huijing attended, the score line is no less than that of an ordinary high school, but they train students in different directions.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

Two years after entering the second job in Shenzhen, Gu Huijing's life suddenly changed dramatically.

In 2021, Gu Huijing won the first prize in the Guangdong Provincial Automobile Electromechanical Maintenance Competition, and she was the first girl in the province to participate in such an event and win the championship.

It is difficult for people not to notice such deeds, and soon various interview invitations followed, and Gu Huijing became a celebrity all of a sudden.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

In a month, Gu Huijing appeared on CCTV three times in succession, and at least 500 million people knew her.

In the report of "Newsweek", she was interviewed by "News 1+1" and the program of "Very 6+1".

Declined the annual salary of one million and insisted on learning auto repair in vocational schools

In recent years, short videos have developed rapidly, and deeds like Gu Huijing are naturally easy to become popular on the Internet.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

Especially after Gu Huijing appeared on CCTV three times in a row, there are countless Internet celebrity companies that want to cooperate with her.

A company directly offered Gu Huijing: "As long as you are willing to come and bring goods to us live, you will have an annual salary of one million." ”

There is no reason for anyone to refuse such wealth.

However, what was surprising was that Gu Huijing refused without hesitation.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

What's even more shocking is that the reason for her refusal turned out to be that she wanted to continue studying auto repair.

Regarding Gu Huijing's decision, friends and relatives said that she was stupid, and she had to give up all the money she had.

Faced with the outside world's incomprehension, Gu Huijing only said one sentence: "I never wanted to be an Internet celebrity, I just wanted to be a 'Chinese celebrity'." ”
Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

can have such thoughts and patterns at a young age, which shows that Gu Huijing is by no means an ordinary person.

What made Gu Huijing famous was that competition, but she never thought of relying on this competition to gain fame and fortune, all because she loved auto repair.

A year before the start of the competition, Gu Huijing got up early and worked late to learn various professional knowledge and conduct practical exercises.

Before the results of the game came out, no one was optimistic about Gu Huijing.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

Everyone thinks that she is a girl why she competes with men for the championship in the field of auto repair.

But the final result shows that gender is not the key to winning or losing, the key is whether you love and work hard.

Not only did Gu Huijing win the championship, but she also broke the previous record, and she completed the task a full half a minute faster than the previous record holder.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

There is no shortcut to success, only hard work is the best way.

Gu Huijing had to face many more problems than other players when she participated in the competition.

The first is the difference between the body structure of men and women, most women are naturally not as strong as men.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

When Gu Huijing first started to learn auto repair, she often encountered the situation that the parts were removed but could not be installed, because her strength was too small.

When signing up for the training team, Gu Huijing was turned away because there was no precedent for girls to participate.

It's not that teachers are sexist, it's that many projects are really difficult to complete with the strength of girls.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

In the end, it was Gu Huijing who begged again and again, and the teacher accepted her into the team.

In order to make up for the congenital gap, Gu Huijing gets up earlier and sleeps later than others, and in addition to eating and sleeping every day, she studies auto repair knowledge.

Fortunately, the hard work paid off, and Gu Huijing successfully won the first place in the internal selection competition.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

Vocational school students do not mean that there is no future

It may be because Gu Huijing is so brilliant in auto repair that people ignore her other advantages.

As early as a year before the auto repair competition, Gu Huijing won the second prize of the Guangdong Provincial Campus Photography Competition.

And Gu Huijing not only has strength, but also beauty, she can fascinate a large number of people just by dressing up.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

After finishing her vocational school, Gu Huijing was successfully admitted to a university, and this year is her second year of entering the university, and it is also the beginning of her journey towards a better future.

Since March 20 this year, a number of media have jointly held a theme sharing activity of "Great Country Story, Shenzhen Youth Tour" in Shenzhen.

In such an event, Gu Huijing, who has an excellent resume, naturally became a guest.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

Gu Huijing accepted an invitation from a secondary school to share her experience of pursuing her dreams and success with her younger siblings.

When her sentence "I don't want to be an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity" appeared on the big screen, those voices of decline had long disappeared without a trace.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

From an unfavored vocational school auto mechanic, to a CCTV celebrity, to a middle school lecturer, Gu Huijing's choice may not be the best in the secular sense, but it is the most correct for her.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now

Everyone's pursuit is different, some people love money, fame and fortune, and some people only want to realize their dreams and walk with the things they love in their lives.

As long as you have a clear conscience and will not regret it, then your choice is the most correct.

Auto Repair Girl: Not an Internet celebrity, I want to be a Chinese celebrity, I was on CCTV 3 in January, what is happening now
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Information sources:

[1] "Auto Repair Girl Gu Huijing: Challenging Gender Stereotypes and Illuminating the New Future of Vocational Education"

[2] "Auto Repair Girl, Hardcore Kindergarten Teacher Shares Inspirational Career, Teacher: You Should Chase Such a Star!" 》

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