
Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

author:Yu Ni Bo


With the development of multipolarization in the world, all countries are trying their best to achieve economic growth through their own efforts, just like some hegemonic countries led by the United States, they do not want to achieve economic growth through their own efforts.

On the contrary, historically, they have always obtained the growth of other countries' economies by invading and robbing them of their assets.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

I believe that those who pay attention to military affairs should know that the United States and the Philippines are recently jointly holding a maritime military exercise for nearly 19 days, and from the Philippine side, this should be the largest exercise in their history.

In total, nearly 16,700 people participated, and it is precisely because this exercise has exacerbated the new situation in the South China Sea on the mainland, and the United States and the Philippines are deliberately provoking the mainland's sovereignty issue.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

In particular, the Philippines has recently repeatedly rammed into mainland territories, and relevant personnel have landed on uninhabited islands and reefs to carry out illegal activities and delivered construction materials to warships illegally beached at Ren'ai Jiao.

China has not yet settled its accounts with the Philippines in the waters adjacent to Huangyan Island and the Nansha Islands, which have washed into the mainland many times, and then the fishermen in the Philippines have recently begun to behave again, and all these actions make people feel ridiculous.

Reference source:, April 14, 2024 - Philippine fishermen illegally landed at Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea: dumping garbage into the lagoon and spitting into the water
Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

Filipino fishermen are demons

Fishermen make a living from the sea and have been fishing for marine aquatic products to earn profits, and they should have done their duty to do their own thing, but fishermen in the Philippines are always run by the official rhythm without considering the consequences.

Judging from the recent video sent by the global network, some Filipino fishermen with their own civilian boats suddenly broke into the mainland's Scarborough Shoal and successfully landed, and there are still a lot of fishing boats.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

From the video released by foreign media, we can see that this kind of fisherman has entered the Yellow Sea of the mainland, and when he saw that he was being photographed and immediately began to urinate directly in front of the camera, I have to say that it is really a bit brazen.

Moreover, after the fishermen entered the Yellow Sea on the mainland, they carried out a lot of fishing activities and produced a lot of garbage, but they did not take it away, but dumped it in the mainland waters.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

From the video, it is obvious to see the scene of fishermen dumping garbage into the sea, just forget about the garbage, and spit into the sea directly while pouring, these uncivilized behaviors really make people very speechless.

All kinds of performances show that the Filipino fishermen are deliberately doing these things, although it does not rule out that the quality of the Filipino fishermen themselves is very low, but these deliberate actions can be understood by fools.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

For fishermen, it is nothing more than being able to catch a large wave of seafood and sell it at a good price in the market, and they don't care about anything else, plus they landed in China's Yellow Sea this time.

They also know from the bottom of their hearts that this is not their country's territory, and they can't take it away if they want to, so they naturally feel that there is no need to cherish it too much, and they want to do some sabotage, and the purpose of doing so is to provoke China's authority.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

All kinds of signs indicate that the Philippine side has bad intentions, and after the malicious provocation of the fishermen was reported, the Philippine side said in the direction of external propaganda that it was an alliance organization of the Philippine side.

Saying that the civilian mission carried out by 100 fishing boats of their own organization was not the act of the official Philippine army.

From the propaganda, it is not difficult to see that the Philippine side has been shirking its responsibilities and has been using so-called non-governmental behaviors to cover the corners of its ugly mouth.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

In the end, it is these fishermen who have gone to the South China Sea to fish behind the backs of public opinion, and the reason why the Philippine alliance has been able to boldly announce that the target of this dispatch of more than 100 civilian vessels into China's territorial waters is the South China Sea.

It is not difficult to see from the remarks and practices that it is very likely that this so-called non-governmental organization must have the support of the Philippine high-level leaders, and it may even be directly appointed by the Philippine high-level officials.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

I have to say that the Philippines has really taken great pains to influence the situation on Scarborough Shoal, and perhaps they themselves know that if the Philippine military and China go head-to-head, the final outcome will be miserable.

After all, China's land, sea and air forces are still very powerful. They are also completely no match for China, so they achieve their own goals by increasing the number of civilian ships.

China takes action

Although the Philippine side claims that it is a civilian act, and the Philippine Coast Guard says it will strengthen the protection of these civilian vessels, the Chinese are not fools.

At a time when the news has not yet been confirmed, and the mainland officials have not yet issued an official article announcing it, the ships of the relevant departments of the mainland have already rushed to the sea area concerned, and the defense near Huangyan Island has been markedly strengthened.

Although it is uncertain whether the Philippine side has made any moves to invade, it is necessary to sail the ship carefully.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

China has also strengthened the mainland's vigilance in a sea area, and the mainland's coast guard ships have carried out regular cooperation near Scarborough Shoal.

Moreover, the subject of China's training is not interception and expulsion at sea, but rescue people who have fallen into the water, and I have to say that China is really very wise as a big country.

China has always been based on the principle of peaceful coexistence and does not want to go to war with any country, because it knows that it is the people living at the bottom who will be hurt in the end.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

So if the Philippines really wants to play some fisherman tactics with China, the Chinese coast guard will definitely fight back strongly.

At that time, it is inevitable that 100 ships will collide to a greater or lesser extent, and once the hull of the ship rolls over, many fishermen will fall into the water, and the Chinese coast guard is training to rescue people who have fallen into the water.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

This not only demonstrates China's magnanimity in major-country diplomacy, but also effectively counters a series of provocative moves by the Philippines, which has sacred and inviolable territorial sovereignty at a time when other countries are carrying out provocative activities against the sovereignty of the mainland's lords

China will not back down in the slightest, and the China Coast Guard will defend its territorial sovereignty to the death.

Philippine intentions

Whether it is the non-governmental organization mentioned by the Philippine side or the clever plan behind this organization, this series of operations is a show and porcelain touching behavior directed and staged by the Philippines, provoking China's territorial waters and maliciously smearing China.

The Philippines and the United States are both trying to undermine each other's plans to undermine the stability of other countries and benefit from them.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

However, the Philippine high-level officials who are thinking about these calculations have completely ignored the Filipino people's desire for peace and underestimated China's determination and will to safeguard the country's sovereignty and sovereignty integrity.

When the United States and the Philippines were engaged in military cooperation and were preparing to conduct exercises at sea, our side had already expressed our attitude on many occasions.

No military exercise should be aimed at or to the detriment of a third party, and this time Filipino fishermen entered mainland waters.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

I believe that countries and regions all over the world can see very clearly who is instigating military confrontation and intensifying the tense situation in the world.

It's not just fishermen who have intruded into mainland waters this time, but the Philippines' actions in the South China Sea have repeatedly broken its promises. Transporting construction materials to warships illegally beached, illegally landing on the Ironway Reef, and entering Scarborough Shoal are all provocations.

In terms of comprehensive strength, the Philippines will not have a strong country behind it.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

China would not dare to carry out such provocative activities, and China's current sea, land and air strength should have been completely superior to the Philippines, and once a war broke out, the Philippines would definitely be beaten badly.

On the other hand, this also makes us constantly speculate whether this is the reason why the United States is fanning the flames behind the scenes, constantly disrupting the international situation, and the United States has the opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

In this way, whether it is a fisherman or a high-level Philippine official, they are very stupid, they have become pawns of the United States and are still helping the United States count money.

Reference source: Look at the news May 14, 2024 - littering, spitting! The uncivilized behavior of Philippine fishermen at Scarborough Shoal was exposed
Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

Quality of Chinese fishermen

The entry of Filipino fishermen into the territorial waters of the mainland not only reminds us of the international situation in the South China Sea, but also makes us all compare with Chinese fishermen.

I don't know, but when I compare, I find that the quality of Chinese fishermen is really very high.

First of all, Chinese fishermen are very patriotic, and when faced with foreign ships entering the territorial waters of the mainland, the fishermen will choose to call the police at the first time, and if the other party does not listen to the persuasion, the mainland fishermen will take their own boats and fight with the other party.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

Just like when Japanese warships entered the Diaoyu Islands on the mainland and expelled the fishermen from the mainland, the fishing boats on the mainland were not afraid to confront the Japanese side.

And if a Chinese fishing boat accidentally enters the territory of another country due to the effect of ocean currents, as long as the other party shouts to expel it, the Chinese fishing boat will soon leave, and it will never take the initiative to enter the waters of other countries to fish, which can be said to be of very high quality.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

Moreover, after Japan's announcement of sewage discharge, China's fishing industry has been greatly affected, and millions of fishermen are facing difficulties in making ends meet.

But instead of holding up flags and marching through the streets like fishermen in other countries to put pressure on government demonstrations, they began to look for solutions from themselves.

If fish farming at sea doesn't work, then it will change, so many fishermen have started farming to reduce their dependence on the marine environment.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

And also strengthen independent innovation, research and development of many new breeding technologies, open up new market space, and fishermen are very united, when encountering difficulties, everyone together to solve problems.

I never complain about being tired, and after watching the Chinese fishermen and then looking at the Philippine fishermen, there is really a world of difference, and there is not even any comparison.

Outburst! Filipino fishermen urinate and dump garbage on China's Scarborough Shoal Island, polluting the environment

Filipino fishermen should really learn from mainland fishermen and devote more attention to their own fishing, rather than deliberately pandering to the malicious provocations of some high-level officials.

There is no benefit to them in doing so, and the ocean belongs to everyone, and it is the responsibility of each of us to take care of the environment and protect the ocean, and Filipino fishermen should also recognize this.

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