
After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

author:Dr. Chan Health said
After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

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Wang Gang is an engineer and is 53 years old.

Some time ago, he was found to have high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia during a physical examination.

The doctor told him to pay attention to his diet and exercise more, but Wang Gang was not impressed.

After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

Until one day, his friend Li Ming suddenly had a heart attack and passed away.

Li Ming appeared to be very healthy and a marathon enthusiast before his death, but just after participating in a marathon, he had a heart attack and never woke up.

Wang Gang was shocked, and he began to reflect on why a person like Li Ming, who was diligent in exercising, died young in the end?

After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

He looked up a lot of information on the Internet, and gradually found that after the age of 50, it may not be just sports that determine the length of life, but three more important things.

The first thing is sleep. Many people reach middle age and often suffer from insomnia or reduced sleep quality due to work pressure, life troubles, and other reasons. However, sleep deprivation can lead to weakened immunity and an increased risk of chronic diseases.

Studies have shown that people who sleep less than six hours a day have a 12% higher risk of all-cause mortality than those who sleep seven to eight hours.

After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

The second thing is diet. For the sake of health, many people will pursue extreme diets, such as long-term vegetarian diets, low-carb water, etc.

However, overly paranoid eating habits can lead to malnutrition.

Middle-aged people should pay more attention to a balanced diet, appropriate intake of high-quality protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and eat small and frequent meals to avoid overeating.

After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

The third thing is mentality. When people reach middle age, they often have more worries and anxieties.

Children's education, parents' pension, career pressure...... All kinds of troubles follow you.

However, excessive mental stress can lead to endocrine disorders, cardiovascular diseases and other problems. Maintaining an optimistic and cheerful attitude and learning to release stress can prolong life.

After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

Wang Gang carefully compared his living status and found that his sleep time was indeed insufficient, and he often stayed up late and worked overtime;

usually do not pay attention to the combination of meals, often overeat; The psychological pressure is also very high, and he loses his temper at every turn. He was determined to change.

Since then, Wang Gang has gone to bed early and wakes up early, ensuring at least 7 hours of high-quality sleep every day;

After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

The food is mainly light, eat more vegetables and fruits; When he encounters troubles, he will meditate calmly or talk to a friend.

Gradually, he felt that his physical condition had improved significantly, and his high blood pressure and high blood lipids had been well controlled.

At a class reunion, Wang Gang shared his "epiphany" with everyone. His proposal was hotly discussed.

Some people feel that it makes sense and say that they want to learn from him; There are also people who are skeptical and think that it is not that simple.

After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

Zhao Xia, a classmate who has been a doctor for many years, said that Wang Gang's idea is not unreasonable.

She explained that the "three things" of sleep, diet, and mentality are essentially to delay aging and prevent diseases by improving the body's homeostasis.

"Sleep, for example, not only restores physical strength, but also activates the body's repair function and removes toxins from the brain. Long-term sleep deprivation is equivalent to pushing the body into the abyss of overwork. Zhao Xia pointed out.

After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

"As for diet, many chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, are closely related to unhealthy eating habits.

A balanced diet can provide sufficient nutrients for the body and enhance the immune system. "

"Mentality should not be ignored. Pessimistic and anxious emotions can suppress immune function and accelerate aging. Optimistic and cheerful people keep their endocrine substances in a benign balance, which is conducive to health and longevity. Zhao Xia concluded.

After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

Everyone listened thoughtfully. After the age of 50, many people have physical problems of one kind or another.

It turns out that by adjusting your lifestyle and finding balance, it can be so beneficial to your health and longevity.

This may seem simple, but it is thought-provoking.

After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

Wang Gang's story has inspired many people. Health is never just a number on the physical examination report, but also an overall state of life.

Perhaps, everyone should wake up as soon as possible, pay more attention to daily drips, and truly achieve that prevention is better than cure.

After all, life is short, and health allows us to go further and live better.

After the age of fifty, I suddenly had an epiphany that how long people live is not about sports, but about these three things, which are very accurate

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)

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