
The 66-year-old aunt passed away in the middle of the night, and the doctor admonished: When you are old, you can't drink 3 kinds of "water" before going to bed

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Losing your hair is no small thing, Ms. Li." The doctor said solemnly while looking through Li Qiao's medical records.

Li Qiao, a 66-year-old retired librarian, has begun to notice in recent months that there is a lot more hair on her pillow than usual.

The 66-year-old aunt passed away in the middle of the night, and the doctor admonished: When you are old, you can't drink 3 kinds of "water" before going to bed

At the urging of her family, she finally decided to come to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

Li Qiao's usual living habits are quite regular, and her diet is light, except for occasionally liking to drink some special "water" at night, she has almost no bad habits.

These "waters", in the doctor's opinion, may be the potential cause of Li Qiao's hair loss problem.

The 66-year-old aunt passed away in the middle of the night, and the doctor admonished: When you are old, you can't drink 3 kinds of "water" before going to bed

"Let me tell you about these three types of water." The doctor picked up a notebook and began to explain in detail the composition of each "water" and its potential risks.

The first is "oolong tea", which, despite its refreshing and digestive benefits, can have adverse effects on both sleep and blood pressure due to its high caffeine content.

Especially for the elderly, drinking at night may increase the burden on the heart and lead to a decrease in sleep quality.

The 66-year-old aunt passed away in the middle of the night, and the doctor admonished: When you are old, you can't drink 3 kinds of "water" before going to bed

This is followed by "herbal teas", especially those containing honeysuckle or chamomile.

While popular and often considered a good remedy for restful sleep, for older adults with specific pollen allergies,

Drinking it at night may trigger an allergic reaction, which in turn can lead to health problems in other parts of the body, including skin and hair.

The 66-year-old aunt passed away in the middle of the night, and the doctor admonished: When you are old, you can't drink 3 kinds of "water" before going to bed

Finally, there is the "fruit and vegetable juice". Although fruit and vegetable juices are rich in vitamins and minerals, which are great for health,

However, drinking high-sugar fruit and vegetable juices at night may cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels, affecting hormone balance, which in turn affects the hair growth cycle.

After hearing this, Li Qiao looked a little surprised, she had never thought that these small daily habits might have such a big impact on her health.

The 66-year-old aunt passed away in the middle of the night, and the doctor admonished: When you are old, you can't drink 3 kinds of "water" before going to bed

To further illustrate, the doctor also mentioned a previous case.

A patient named Mr. Chen also suffered from irregular heartbeat problems due to drinking too many caffeinated drinks at night, resulting in a significant drop in sleep quality.

By changing his diet, his symptoms improved significantly.

The 66-year-old aunt passed away in the middle of the night, and the doctor admonished: When you are old, you can't drink 3 kinds of "water" before going to bed

Next, the doctor showed a set of data: In a study of bedtime eating habits of older adults, it was found that those who drank high-caffeinated beverages at night had twice as many sleep problems as those who did not drink such drinks.

At the same time, hormone levels in this group fluctuate more frequently, which directly affects hair growth and shedding.

The doctor advised Li Qiao to adjust her eating habits, try to avoid these three "waters" before bedtime, and observe whether there is any improvement.

The 66-year-old aunt passed away in the middle of the night, and the doctor admonished: When you are old, you can't drink 3 kinds of "water" before going to bed

At the same time, she is also advised to increase her scalp care, such as using a mild shampoo and doing regular scalp massages.

When Li returned to the hospital a few weeks later, she happily told the doctor that since she stopped drinking those three "waters" at night, her hair fell out significantly and her sleep quality had improved significantly.

The doctor was pleased with Li Qiao's change and encouraged her to keep it up.

The 66-year-old aunt passed away in the middle of the night, and the doctor admonished: When you are old, you can't drink 3 kinds of "water" before going to bed

The article concludes with a question: "Is it possible that if you avoid drinking these three 'waters' at night, it will be equally beneficial for older people who don't have significant hair loss problems?" ”

Avoiding high-caffeine or high-sugar beverages at night may not only help improve sleep quality for older adults, but may also help maintain normal hormone levels and good health.

Although direct evidence may not be enough to prove that such changes in habits can completely prevent hair loss problems, their potential health benefits cannot be ignored.

The 66-year-old aunt passed away in the middle of the night, and the doctor admonished: When you are old, you can't drink 3 kinds of "water" before going to bed

By reducing their reliance on these drinks in the evening, seniors can better control and optimize their overall health.

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The 66-year-old aunt passed away in the middle of the night, and the doctor admonished: When you are old, you can't drink 3 kinds of "water" before going to bed