
The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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Zhou Tao, 62, is a retired postal clerk living in an ordinary medium-sized city.

His daily pleasure is to play mahjong with his old friends, chat, and occasionally have a few drinks. However, doctors recently advised him to stop drinking alcohol for medical reasons.

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

Zhou Tao's son, Zhou Ming, also strongly supported this suggestion, believing that it could make the old man's health go to the next level.

However, no one expected that one early morning four weeks after Zhou Tao quit drinking, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then fainted.

The family rushed him to the hospital, but unfortunately, just four hours later, Zhou Tao died of a heart attack.

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

Dr. Li, the hospital's attending doctor, explained that Zhou Tao's condition is actually a very rare phenomenon. In general, moderate alcohol consumption for some older people may have a protective effect on the heart because of its vasodilating effect.

Of course, this is not to say that it is recommended that all elderly people should drink alcohol, but it means that for the elderly who have been drinking alcohol in moderation for a long time, after suddenly and completely abstaining from alcohol, it may cause certain pressure on the cardiovascular system due to the mutation of the body's regulatory mechanism.

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

"Zhou Tao's situation is like this, he has been in the habit of drinking some alcohol every night for decades. After a sudden abstinence, his blood vessels may not have adapted to the change, especially if the dose is not tapered. Dr. Li explained the situation in detail.

In addition, Dr. Li also pointed out that Zhou Tao's eating habits have not been adjusted accordingly with the abstinence from alcohol. "For people who are used to drinking, quitting alcohol is not just about stopping drinking, but also about making comprehensive changes to your diet and lifestyle.

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

For example, eating more dietary fiber, eating less high-fat things, and exercising properly are all key. ”

Zhou Tao's family listened to it and felt mixed feelings in their hearts. They are beginning to realize that health management is a complex system engineering, and that a single change sometimes does not bring the desired effect, and may even be harmful.

After the funeral, Zhou Ming asked Dr. Li, "So, for an elderly person like my father who has been drinking in moderation for a long time, what do you think should be done to quit drinking?" ”

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

Dr. Lee replied, "First of all, we need to make sure that every change is gradual, especially for long-term habits. In the process of quitting alcohol, it is very important to gradually reduce the amount of alcohol you drink while monitoring your body's reaction.

Also, it's a good idea to have a thorough health check-up under the guidance of your doctor, including checking your heart, blood pressure, and blood sugar, to make sure everything is safe. ”

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

Zhou Ming nodded, although it was irretrievable that his father's death had brought Zhou Ming deep thinking and determination to change. In the conversation with Dr. Lee, he came to understand that health change requires a scientific and gradual strategy, not a one-time change.

Dr Lee went on to add, "When making any health behaviour changes, especially for middle-aged and older adults, we need to pay special attention to the body's ability to adapt.

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

For example, while reducing alcohol consumption, you can introduce heart-friendly activities such as walking, jogging, or swimming. These activities not only help the body gradually adjust to the absence of alcohol, but also enhance heart function and promote blood circulation. ”

"Besides, psychological support is key. To quit drinking, your mood may fluctuate and you may even feel anxious. At this time, the understanding and support of family and friends is especially important and can be of great help. Dr. Lee said this with a lot of concern.

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

In this case, Zhou Ming began to organize some family gatherings to encourage the family to participate in outdoor activities together as an alternative to those happy moments at the wine table.

He's also becoming more focused on healthy eating, adding more vegetables and whole grains to every meal at home.

After a few months, Zhou Ming noticed a change in the family atmosphere, and everyone seemed to be more active and healthy.

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

Although he could not undo his father's loss, he knew that these changes were the best memorial to his father.

Zhou Ming asked a question: "Dr. Li, you mentioned the importance of gradual abstinence from alcohol before.

So, for middle-aged and elderly people who have completely quit drinking, if they want to drink in moderation again, what should they do to be safe? ”

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

Dr. Lee replied, "First, if middle-aged and elderly people are considering starting to drink in moderation again after a period of complete abstinence, they should first consult their doctor to see if their health condition is suitable.

If the doctor thinks it is okay, then you should choose alcohol with a low alcohol content, such as wine, and do not drink too much at a time, and observe the body's reaction. ”

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

"At the same time, maintaining other healthy lifestyle changes, such as continuing to be physically active and maintaining a healthy diet, are all important measures to support heart health. Put simply, drinking should be a small part of your life, not a dominant factor. ”

Dr Lee's answer provides a clear direction for Zhou Ming and also highlights the importance of proper medical supervision and a combination of personal lifestyle considerations when making any health decisions.

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking

What do you think about alcohol abstinence in older adults? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 62-year-old uncle had a heart attack and died only 4 hours after being sent to the hospital, and his son cried bitterly: he should not be forced to quit drinking