
The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

author:Mr. Liu talks about health

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Early in the morning, in a community in Nanjing, 54-year-old Li Jianguo got up as usual and lit a cigarette.
The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

Li Jianguo is a factory worker who works long hours every day and exerts a lot of physical strength. Recently, he noticed that his knee pain was constant when he walked, and at first he thought it was due to exertion, but the pain persisted for several weeks.

Li Jianguo felt that something was wrong and decided to go to the hospital for an examination. At Nanjing First Hospital, doctors arranged a series of tests for Mr. Li, including X-rays, CT scans and blood tests.

The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

After the results came in, the doctor told him that he also needed a biopsy. Seeing the doctor's serious expression, Li Jianguo was a little nervous, but he didn't expect the next result to be so shocking.

A few days later, the doctor Zhang Hua called Li Jianguo to the office, took out the report, and said heavily: "Mr. Li, your knee pain is due to a malignant tumor found in the kneecap, which is a rare bone cancer. Hearing the news, Li Jianguo instantly collapsed and cried: "How can it be cancer!" ”

The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

Dr. Zhang patiently explains, "The early symptoms of bone cancer are indeed easy to overlook, especially for long-term manual workers like you, who can easily blame the pain on exertion or arthritis.

The doctor sighed and said, "Actually, the cancer cells may have been lurking in your body for a long time, and only recently have they begun to show obvious symptoms. ”

The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

Li Jianguo couldn't accept this fact, and his mind was in chaos. Little did he know that the pain in his knee could be a sign of cancer.

He always thought he was healthy, and apart from occasional exertion and smoking habits, he felt that there was nothing particularly important to pay attention to.

The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

Dr Teo continued, "There are many causes of cancer, such as smoking, unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise. Smoking not only harms the lungs, but also affects the blood vessels and immune system throughout the body, increasing the chance of cancer. "We recommend that you quit smoking immediately, get treatment, and stay optimistic."

Dr. Zhang also explained in detail the treatment options for bone cancer, including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and introduced some new treatments in recent years, such as targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

Dr. Zhang firmly said to Li Jianguo, "Mr. Li, the key to treatment is early detection and timely intervention. Once you have been diagnosed, we will develop the most appropriate treatment plan for you and support you throughout the process. ”

After hearing this, Li Jianguo's mood stabilized a little, and he also felt a little comforted in his heart. He decided to actively cooperate with the treatment and readjust his lifestyle. He understands that to overcome the disease, it is not only medical technology that is needed, but also his own strong faith.

The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

In order to help Li Jianguo better understand and cope with his condition, Dr. Zhang also gave him a detailed explanation of the relationship between cancer and lifestyle habits.

People who smoke for a long time are prone to the accumulation of harmful substances in the inner wall of blood vessels, resulting in arteriosclerosis and poor blood circulation, thus providing convenient conditions for the spread of cancer cells.

The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

Li Jianguo's diet is mainly high in oil and salt, and this unhealthy eating habit will increase the inflammatory response in the body, weaken the immune system, and create conditions for the occurrence and development of cancer.

He advised Li Jianguo to eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals, eat less red meat and processed foods, and maintain a balanced diet.

The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

In addition, maintaining the right amount of physical activity is also a key part of maintaining good health. Although Li Jianguo's work is already very tiring, the doctor suggested that he do some light exercises, such as walking and jogging, without affecting his work, which can not only enhance his physical fitness, but also improve his mood and reduce stress.

The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

A few months later, Li Jianguo's condition was under control, and his physical condition was gradually improving. He has a deep understanding of how important a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset are in the fight against cancer.

His experience not only gave him new hope, but also set a strong example for his friends and family.

The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer

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The 54-year-old man always had knee pain when he walked, and after going to the hospital for examination, he broke down and cried: how could it be cancer