
What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

author:Dr. Teo talks about health
What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

Napping, a seemingly simple way to rest, has a profound impact on our health. Especially in the fast-paced life of today, napping has become a part of many people's daily lives.

Scientific studies have shown that proper napping not only improves productivity in the afternoon, but also has a positive impact on heart health.

A proper nap has a protective effect on the heart

A five-year study conducted by a research team at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland found that people who took naps 1-2 times a week had a 48% lower incidence of cardiovascular disease than those who did not.

This is a staggering statistic, almost equivalent to a dose of "natural cardioprotectant".

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, with about 17.9 million people dying each year, accounting for 31% of all deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

Therefore, any lifestyle changes that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease are of great significance.

Effect of napping on cognitive function

As research progresses, we begin to understand that proper napping not only helps restore energy, but may also have a significant positive effect on slowing brain aging and maintaining cognitive function.

A 14-year follow-up study from the University of California found that people who had a napping habit showed a significant advantage in cognitive ability.

Studies have shown that people with habitual napping have a slowed rate of aging of brain volume by 2.6 to 6.5 years compared to those who do not nap. This finding is exciting because it suggests that napping may help keep the brain healthy and energized, slowing the process of cognitive decline.

The benefits of napping for the brain may be related to the extra rest time it provides. During a short nap, the brain has a chance to repair itself and consolidate memories.

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

Studies have shown that napping can enhance memory, improve learning efficiency, and even improve emotional state.

The magic of napping is that it provides a valuable rest time for the brain. During this time, the brain is able to repair itself, remove metabolic waste, and consolidate memories.

Studies have shown that napping can significantly enhance memory and learning efficiency. For example, students taking a nap after learning something new can better consolidate what they have learned and improve their test scores.

Naping and mental health

In today's society, stress is everywhere. Whether it's work, study, or family responsibilities, people feel tired and nervous.

Long-term stress not only affects mental health, but can also trigger problems such as anxiety and depression. Therefore, it is particularly important to find effective ways to reduce stress.

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

Napping is a simple and effective way to reduce stress, which is gradually being accepted and valued.

Napping allows people to take a break from their hectic daily routines and give the brain and body the necessary time to recover.

Studies have shown that proper napping can lower cortisol levels, which can improve mood and improve coping with daily stress. Cortisol is a hormone associated with the stress response, and elevated levels of it are often accompanied by increased feelings of stress.

Therefore, by lowering cortisol levels, napping can effectively reduce feelings of stress.

A large-scale study conducted by the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences showed that both exercise and napping have a significant effect on reducing the risk of depression.

The study, based on a survey of nearly 200,000 people, analyzed the mental health status of different populations and found that moderate napping plays an important role in mental health protection, especially in reducing the risk of depression.

Not only that, but studies from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California, Irvine, also support this conclusion.

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

The study, which looked at more than 3,000 students aged 10 to 12, found that napping was associated with higher levels of well-being, perseverance, and self-control, as well as reduced internalizing behavioral problems and improved verbal IQ and academic performance.

This suggests that regular napping has a positive impact on adolescent mental health and academic performance.

For adults, especially those working with stressful jobs, napping provides a brief escape and relaxation.

In stressful work environments, napping can be used as an effective stress management tool to help people better cope with work and life challenges in the afternoon. Studies have shown that people feel significantly happier and more relaxed after a nap.

Effect of napping on blood pressure

When it comes to blood pressure management, napping has been scientifically proven to have a significant positive effect.

A study by the American College of Cardiology showed that people who napped regularly had an average reduction in systolic blood pressure of 5.3 mmHg compared to those who did not.

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

This data is not only statistically significant, but also clinically significant. Because even a slight reduction in blood pressure is strongly associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Blood pressure, especially hypertension, has been a major public health concern worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.

In an epidemiological survey in China, researchers found that nap time was inversely correlated with systolic blood pressure, meaning that the longer the nap, the lower the systolic blood pressure.

This study further highlights the potential benefits of napping for people with high blood pressure, especially in the older population.

However, not all studies have reached consistent conclusions about the relationship between napping and blood pressure. Some studies suggest that frequent napping may increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

For example, a study from Central South University found that people who took naps regularly were 12% more likely to have high blood pressure and 24% more likely to have a stroke than those who never took a nap.

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

These studies suggest that the frequency and duration of naps may be an important factor in blood pressure.

Although there are differences in the results of the studies, most studies agree that napping has some effect on blood pressure. These effects may be related to the body's state of relaxation after napping, a decrease in heart rate, and a decrease in vascular resistance.

In addition, napping may also indirectly affect blood pressure by improving mood and reducing stress.

Our heart starts working non-stop from the moment we open our eyes in the morning, and by noon, it also needs a little time to rest and recover.

During napping, the heart's workload is reduced and the heart rate decreases, which helps the heart to recover and repair.

In addition, napping can also improve the metabolic health of the heart, regulate the hormone balance in the body, soothe the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system, and reduce the tension of the human body.

The timing and frequency of naps

In modern society, napping has become a common way for many people to relieve their daily fatigue. However, prolonged and frequent naps may be associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease.

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

A long-term study found that people who took at least one nap a day and took more than one hour of napping increased their risk of dementia by 40 percent compared to those who took less than one hour a day.

This discovery has challenged many people's traditional notions about napping and has also attracted a lot of attention from the public and the scientific community.

Alzheimer's disease is a progressively worsening neurodegenerative disease that affects millions of families worldwide. It not only deprives the patient of memory and cognitive abilities, but also places a heavy burden on the patient's family and society.

The length of napping time may affect a person's circadian rhythm and sleep quality. Studies have shown that a moderate nap can increase productivity in the afternoon, improve emotional state, and even help with memory consolidation.

However, too long napping time may lead to nighttime sleep disturbances, affecting the depth and quality of sleep, which may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, an increase in the frequency of napping may also be a health warning sign. Some studies have found that frequent napping may be a response to an underlying health problem, such as chronic fatigue, depression, or early cognitive decline.

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

If a person finds themselves needing frequent naps, then this could be a sign that a health check is needed.

It is important to note that the effects of napping vary from person to person. Some people may benefit from napping, while others may experience negative effects.

Individual differences, such as age, gender, lifestyle, and genetic factors, can all affect the specific health effects of napping.

In order to maximize the benefits of napping and avoid its potential risks, people are advised to pay attention to the following:

Enjoy the benefits of a nap

How to nap scientifically to ensure the benefits it brings and avoid potential health risks? Here are some key tips to help you make the most of naps to boost your health and well-being.

The ideal nap time should be between 15 and 30 minutes. This is enough time for the body to get enough rest, but not to fall into a deep sleep, so as not to wake up feeling dizzy.

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

A short nap can quickly restore energy and improve productivity in the afternoon without affecting the quality of sleep at night. Many studies have shown that this period is the optimal length of time to regain the body and mind.

It's also important to keep naps in moderation. Taking long naps every day can disrupt your circadian rhythm and interfere with deep sleep at night.

A moderate nap frequency helps maintain a good body clock, ensuring that your body feels sleepy and awake at the right time. Therefore, do not indulge in long naps every day, moderation is preferred.

Creating a quiet, comfortable nap environment is key to improving the quality of naps. Choosing a place with soft light and less noise can make it easier for you to fall asleep and enjoy a quality rest.

If you're taking a nap in the office, prepare a small pillow or neck pillow, lower the curtains or wear an eye mask to avoid bright light. A good nap environment can greatly enhance the effect of napping and make you wake up refreshed.

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

Finally, it's important to pay attention to your own health signals. If you find yourself needing frequent naps, or still feeling tired after a nap, this could be a distress signal from your body.

Frequent fatigue and drowsiness may indicate an underlying health problem, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep apnea syndrome or another medical condition. In this case, a doctor should be consulted in a timely manner for a comprehensive health check-up to troubleshoot potential problems.

Napping is good, but it also needs to be different from person to person. Understand your body and choose the most suitable nap method for you, so that you can truly enjoy the benefits of napping.

References are as follows:

【1】Genetic determinants of daytime napping and effects on cardiometabolic health

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big

[2] Epidemiological investigation of the association between napping and blood pressure

What is the difference between people who take naps for a long time and people who never nap? The difference is really not that big