
Woman: Don't I love to find trouble just so you can hurt me a little more?

author:Meimei Entertainment

Kou Naixin, well-known host, emotional mentor)

Woman: Don't I love to find trouble just so you can hurt me a little more?

No As No Die? So "don't do" so you won't die?

If a woman obediently does not cause trouble emotionally at all, his love for me can really last forever?

A girl who has been asking for perfection for a long time asked me: "After interacting with him, I am always very considerate of him, understand him, reluctant to let him get tired, I never ask him to do anything for me, and I never lose my temper with him... Why did he still break up with me? Recently he made a new girlfriend, I heard that the woman is very willful, why is he willing to serve her like a slut? ”

Why? Just because you are too intimate and bear all the hard tasks in love, your man is useless as a hero!

Woman: Don't I love to find trouble just so you can hurt me a little more?

Because, the more women who don't bother the other party, you are naturally used to it and never need to bother you again...

Don't forget that men are sexually challenging animals to hunt! The more they must fight the process, the more they will make their blood boil!

Therefore, women often find something troublesome to ask for help from men, but it can make him more enthusiastic!

Let him know that you need his help, let him often have the opportunity to pay for you, he will be even more inseparable from you!

One of my brothers, who had been married to his wife for many years, had a bad relationship, and no one cried on the day the two sides quarreled until the day they signed the divorce. Unexpectedly, later, he found that his ex-wife actually owed a high card debt that could not be repaid, and he helped her pay off the loan with his old feelings, and on the day that his former wife moved to thank him, the boy's tears unexpectedly flowed continuously... He put it this way: "After more than ten years from marriage to divorce, I finally had the confidence to be a good husband for the first time! ”

Woman: Don't I love to find trouble just so you can hurt me a little more?

Oh, yes! When a man is asked for help by a woman, the sleeping "superman blood" will wake up and boil! The more you ask him to help, the more he has a sense of mission! And when a man's sense of accomplishment and self-esteem are greatly satisfied... This woman who called for help would look more delicate and loving in his eyes!

Modern women are sometimes too self-reliant, too good at making money and too able to take care of themselves! And the more capable it is? Men either don't dare to chase, or they don't need to bother to take care of us!

So, sisters, even if we can work with thick legs, don't always carry the gas cylinder and change the tires yourself! Just hide your skills when you're lazy! When we see a good man, we have to think of some big help at any time to ask him to help, and then thank him and praise his performance! You will find that the more effort you save, the more troubled the man becomes!

The more men give, the stronger they feel! Let them invest more effort in us, and he will not have the leisure to spend everywhere!

Woman: Don't I love to find trouble just so you can hurt me a little more?

Being a woman, so tired of what?

Be a woman who doesn't look for trouble? Thanks!

But what if there are men who don't want to be troubled? Dear, a man who does not want to be troubled by you, it only means that he does not love you enough!