
The old lady died of cerebral infarction when she got up early to drink water on an empty stomach, and the doctor bluntly said: You can't do these things on an empty stomach in the morning

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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In the busy city center of Shanghai, Li Wanzhen, a 67-year-old retired accountant, recently noticed that her hair had become thinning.

She was deeply disturbed by this and decided to follow the advice of her family doctor and go to the hospital for a full check-up.

Dr. Li looked at her examination report and said solemnly: "Ms. Li Wanzhen, your physical condition seems to be related to your lifestyle habits, especially your diet and water intake. ”

Li Wanzhen has always followed a fixed morning routine: drink a large glass of cold water immediately after waking up in the morning, and then go about a morning exercise.

The old lady died of cerebral infarction when she got up early to drink water on an empty stomach, and the doctor bluntly said: You can't do these things on an empty stomach in the morning

She has been sticking to this habit for years and thinks it's a good way to stay healthy.

However, she has recently experienced frequent dizziness and fatigue, and the results of this check-up made her realize that she may need to adjust her lifestyle habits.

After further detailed examination, Dr. Li found that her blood pressure was abnormally elevated, and her blood viscosity was higher than normal.

Dr. Li explained that drinking a large amount of cold water on an empty stomach may cause blood vessels to suddenly constrict and increase blood flow, thereby increasing the burden on the heart, which is very dangerous for people at high risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The old lady died of cerebral infarction when she got up early to drink water on an empty stomach, and the doctor bluntly said: You can't do these things on an empty stomach in the morning

Dr. Lee mentioned a related study that showed that the body's circulatory system is in a more fragile state when fasting in the morning, and drinking a lot of cold water at this time will have a greater impact on the blood vessels.

Studies have also shown that long-term adherence to this habit may increase the risk of heart disease and cerebrovascular disease.

In addition to the research data, Dr. Lee also shared another patient's case.

This patient is also an instance of a heart attack caused by drinking large amounts of cold water on an empty stomach for a long time.

The old lady died of cerebral infarction when she got up early to drink water on an empty stomach, and the doctor bluntly said: You can't do these things on an empty stomach in the morning

The patient had a heart attack without warning and was rushed to the hospital, but fortunately he was treated in time.

Upon learning this information, Lee was shocked and decided to change her morning drinking habits.

On the advice of her doctor, she began to do simple stretching exercises in the morning after waking up, followed by a glass of warm water.

In addition, she also pays more attention to a balanced diet and increases the intake of vegetables and fruits to improve her physical condition.

The old lady died of cerebral infarction when she got up early to drink water on an empty stomach, and the doctor bluntly said: You can't do these things on an empty stomach in the morning

A few months later, Li Wanzhen underwent another comprehensive medical check-up, and the results were encouraging: her blood pressure and blood levels had improved significantly.

In addition, her previous dizziness and fatigue issues have also been relieved, and she looks healthier and more energetic overall.

This experience made Li Wanzhen deeply aware that even seemingly inconsequential habits in daily life can have long-term health effects.

She learned how to protect and enhance her health through small lifestyle adjustments, which was a valuable experience for her.

The old lady died of cerebral infarction when she got up early to drink water on an empty stomach, and the doctor bluntly said: You can't do these things on an empty stomach in the morning

This story teaches us an important lesson: some of life's usual habits can have a long-term impact on our health.

Lee's experience reminds us that establishing and maintaining the right lifestyle is extremely critical to promoting long-term health.

So, from this story, we can ponder a question: if drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning is a potential health risk for some people, how can we adjust our morning drinking and eating habits more scientifically to optimize health benefits?

This question requires a comprehensive analysis and discussion from the perspective of dietary habits, individual health conditions and medical research to find the most suitable healthy lifestyle for each individual.

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