
Again! Drink water and drink into the ICU? The doctor advised: The elderly drink water and pay more attention to these 2 small things

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Numbness in the legs? This is no small matter and must be checked. Dr. Wang pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with a serious expression.

The protagonist of the story, Uncle Li, is a retired middle school math teacher who has been feeling numb in his legs and feet lately.

At first, he didn't care, thinking that it might be because of his age, and his blood circulation was not good. But the situation is getting worse and worse, and sometimes you even feel dizzy when you stand up. Finally, under the persuasion of his family, he decided to go to the hospital for examination.

Again! Drink water and drink into the ICU? The doctor advised: The elderly drink water and pay more attention to these 2 small things

After a series of examinations, Dr. Wang found that Uncle Li's blood sodium ion level was abnormal, and it was seriously low. This condition, medically known as hyponatremia, can trigger more serious health problems if left untreated. Dr. Wang inquired in detail about Uncle Li's lifestyle habits and learned that Uncle Li had a "healthy habit": drinking plenty of water every day, especially in the morning and evening. This habit made Dr. Wang frown.

"Uncle Li, how much water do you usually drink?" Dr. Wang asked.

"I've heard that drinking more water is good for your health, so I drink at least three litres a day, sometimes more." Uncle Li replied proudly.

Dr. Wang sighed: "Drinking water in moderation is indeed good for the body, but it is too much. You may be drinking too much water. ”

Uncle Li looked at Dr. Wang suspiciously: "Can you still drink water?" ”

"Of course you can!" Dr. Wang went on to explain, "Especially for elderly people like you, drinking too much water can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body, especially a drop in sodium ion levels, which can lead to hyponatremia. In severe cases, it can even cause water poisoning, which can be life-threatening. ”

Again! Drink water and drink into the ICU? The doctor advised: The elderly drink water and pay more attention to these 2 small things

Seeing Uncle Li's blank face, Dr. Wang patiently continued to explain: "Water poisoning, also known as water overload, refers to the excessive intake of water that exceeds the excretion capacity of the kidneys, resulting in water retention in the body and dilution of electrolytes in the blood, especially sodium ions. This can lead to cellular edema, which can affect brain function and, in severe cases, coma or even death. ”

Uncle Li was surprised when he heard this: "I always thought that drinking more water was a good thing, but I didn't expect that there would be such a big risk." ”

Dr. Wang nodded: "Indeed, many people have such misunderstandings. Older people, in particular, are more likely to develop this problem due to the gradual weakening of kidney function. So, I recommend that you pay special attention to these two things when drinking water. ”

Dr. Wang went on to talk about two key points: "First of all, the elderly should drink an appropriate amount of water every day, generally controlled at about 1.5 liters, which should be adjusted according to their physical condition. Secondly, pay attention to the time and method of drinking water, do not drink a large amount of water at one time, but a small amount and many times, evenly distributed throughout the day. ”

In order to give Uncle Li a better understanding, Dr. Wang talked about a few specific cases. An Aunt Zhao in her 70s fainted at home because of hyponatremia caused by drinking a lot of water and was rushed to the hospital for rescue. There is also an uncle Zhang in his 60s, who was also admitted to the ICU because of excessive water intake, and finally got out of danger by intravenous sodium supplementation.

Again! Drink water and drink into the ICU? The doctor advised: The elderly drink water and pay more attention to these 2 small things

After listening to these stories, Uncle Li couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that drinking water is not a simple matter." ”

Dr. Wang smiled and nodded, "That's right, the key to health is balance. Drinking water in moderation is good for the body, but too much is counterproductive. ”

Next, Dr. Wang explained in detail the scientific basis for drinking water in moderation. He cited data from a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which showed that drinking moderate amounts of water each day significantly reduced the risk of cardiovascular and kidney disease. However, studies have also shown that excessive water intake increases the incidence of hyponatremia, especially in older adults.

According to the study, the amount of water they drink in older adults should be adjusted based on their weight, activity level, and health status. In general, about 30 ml of water is needed per kilogram of body weight. For example, an elderly person weighing 60 kg should drink about 1,800 ml of water per day. In addition, drinking water should be divided into batches, not a large amount of water at one time, so as not to cause a burden on the kidneys.

Dr. Wang also emphasized that although the elderly need to increase their water intake in the summer or after exercise, they should also pay attention to controlling the total amount and supplementing the appropriate amount of salt to prevent electrolyte imbalance.

After hearing this, Uncle Li couldn't help but nod his head and say yes. He sighed: "It seems that health is really a science, and you really have to study hard." ”

Dr. Wang responded with a smile: "Yes, health requires scientific methods and reasonable living habits. I hope you can adjust your drinking habits and stay healthy when you go back. ”

Again! Drink water and drink into the ICU? The doctor advised: The elderly drink water and pay more attention to these 2 small things

In the end, Uncle Li adjusted his drinking habits under the guidance of the doctor, slowly recovered his health, and the symptoms of numbness in his legs and feet gradually disappeared. He took his doctor's advice to heart and spread the health knowledge to his old friends.

However, with the recovery of Uncle Li's health, a new question arose in his mind: "Since excessive water consumption can cause hyponatremia, are there any other health risks that are easy to be ignored in daily life?" ”

In response to this problem, Dr. Wang proposed a detailed analysis:

In addition to drinking too much water, the elderly should also pay attention to several health hazards that are easily overlooked in their daily life. These hidden dangers may seem common, but if they are not taken seriously, they may pose a potential threat to the health of the elderly.

The first is the use of medications. Many older people need to take multiple medications for a long time due to chronic diseases. However, drug-drug interactions and side effects are often overlooked. The metabolic function of the body of the elderly is gradually weakened, and the detoxification and excretion functions of the liver and kidneys are reduced, which makes the residence time of the drug in the body longer, which can easily lead to drug accumulation and toxic reactions.

Again! Drink water and drink into the ICU? The doctor advised: The elderly drink water and pay more attention to these 2 small things

For example, the combination of some antihypertensive drugs and diuretics may cause electrolyte imbalances and increase the risk of irregular heartbeats; Concomitant use of antibiotics and anticoagulants may lead to an increased bleeding tendency.

Therefore, when the elderly take a variety of drugs, they must do it under the guidance of a doctor, regularly monitor the effects and side effects of the drugs, and adjust the medication regimen in time.

The second is a balanced diet. Older people have a weakened digestive system, decreased appetite, and dental problems, making them often picky eaters or under-nutrient intake. For example, some elderly people like to eat soft and rotten food because of bad teeth, but neglect the intake of protein and fiber, which can lead to malnutrition and constipation in the long run.

In addition, some elderly people think that they do not have to worry about diabetes, high blood pressure and other problems if they eat less, but in fact, the metabolic function of the elderly is reduced, and the tolerance to sugar and fat is also weakened, so it is more important to have a balanced diet.

The diet of the elderly should be diversified, ensuring the intake of protein, vitamins and minerals, eating less foods high in salt, sugar and fat, and eating more vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Again! Drink water and drink into the ICU? The doctor advised: The elderly drink water and pay more attention to these 2 small things

Finally, maintaining proper exercise is just as important as mental health. Moderate exercise can promote blood circulation and metabolism, enhance cardiopulmonary function and muscle strength, and help prevent osteoporosis and joint degeneration. The elderly should choose an exercise method that suits them, such as walking, tai chi, yoga, etc., and insist on exercising for 30 minutes to 1 hour every day.

At the same time, the mental health of the elderly should not be neglected. After retirement, the social circle shrinks, and the children are busy with work, making it easy to feel lonely and depressed. A good state of mind contributes to the health of the immune system, so it is important for older people to actively participate in community activities, stay connected with family and friends, develop hobbies, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

In addition to the above points, the elderly should also pay attention to the following aspects:

Sleep quality: Older people generally have poor sleep quality, often manifesting as difficulty falling asleep, easy awakening, and early awakening. Long-term sleep deprivation can affect the body's immune function and memory. Older adults should establish a regular sleep schedule and avoid stimulant drinks and electronic devices before bedtime to create a comfortable sleeping environment.

Regular check-ups: Older people tend to ignore the early symptoms of some chronic diseases and wait until the condition is severe. Therefore, regular medical check-ups are very important to be able to detect and prevent diseases early. The physical examination should include blood pressure, blood glucose, blood lipids, bone mineral density and other items.

Again! Drink water and drink into the ICU? The doctor advised: The elderly drink water and pay more attention to these 2 small things

Environmental safety: The elderly have limited mobility and are prone to falls and accidental injuries. Anti-slip measures should be taken in the home, the floor should not be too slippery, handrails should be installed in the bathroom, proper lighting should be maintained at night, and high and low beds and tall cabinets should be avoided.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health: The elderly are a group with a high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, so they should pay attention to controlling blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids, and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. In case of chest pain, dizziness and other symptoms, you should seek medical attention in time without delay.

In short, the health management of the elderly is a systematic project, which needs to be comprehensively managed from many aspects such as diet, exercise, psychology, and drug use.

Under the guidance of a doctor, it is particularly important to arrange your life reasonably. Maintaining good lifestyle habits, including regular work and rest, healthy diet, moderate exercise and regular physical examinations, can effectively prevent various health risks and improve the overall quality of life.

Not only young people, but also the elderly should pay attention to a scientific lifestyle and maintain physical and mental health. It is hoped that every elderly friend can spend a healthy and happy old age under professional medical guidance, enjoy a high-quality life, avoid the trouble of diseases, and realize the real happiness and dependence of the elderly.

Through these in-depth analyses and detailed explanations, both Uncle Li and his friends benefited a lot. Health is not only about the health of the body, but also about the balance and harmony of the whole. It is hoped that every elderly person can live a healthy and happy life under the guidance of science.

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