
The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with kidney cancer and cried bitterly: There was an abnormality in my waist half a year ago, and I didn't pay attention to it

author:Lao Xu's medical science
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"Mr. Huang, you have been losing your appetite recently, which may be related to your lifestyle habits, but I still recommend a comprehensive physical examination."

In the hospital consultation room, Dr. Li looked at Mr. Huang in front of him seriously, his expression revealing deep concern.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with kidney cancer and cried bitterly: There was an abnormality in my waist half a year ago, and I didn't pay attention to it

Mr. Huang, a 61-year-old retired teacher, has always had a regular life, never smokes or drinks, and has always been physically tough.

After his retirement, he often participated in calligraphy and painting activities in the community and was a very popular old man.

However, in the past six months, he found that his waist often had a dull pain, and at first he thought it was a common disease of the elderly - lumbar muscle strain, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with kidney cancer and cried bitterly: There was an abnormality in my waist half a year ago, and I didn't pay attention to it

The results of the examination were unexpected, and Mr. Wong was diagnosed with kidney cancer.

The doctor's words were like a bolt from the blue, and he couldn't believe it was true.

But at the same time of pain and despair, Mr. Huang has a strong desire to learn, he wants to understand his condition, and hopes that through his own experience, more people will pay attention to similar health problems.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with kidney cancer and cried bitterly: There was an abnormality in my waist half a year ago, and I didn't pay attention to it

In explaining Mr. Wong's condition, Dr. Lee specifically mentioned a lifestyle habit that people usually don't pay much attention to, but which is closely related to kidney health – sitting incorrectly for a long time.

Dr Lee explained that although it may seem inconspicuous on the surface, sitting incorrectly for long periods of time can actually affect blood flow to the waist and abdomen, which in turn affects the function of the kidneys.

According to statistics, a higher proportion of people with kidney disease are among people who sit improperly for long periods of time.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with kidney cancer and cried bitterly: There was an abnormality in my waist half a year ago, and I didn't pay attention to it

Dr. Li cites the fact that in a 10-year follow-up study, 15% of professionals who sat incorrectly for long periods of time developed kidney insufficiency.

This data highlights the importance of maintaining a correct sitting posture, and Mr. Huang was deeply surprised.

He looks back on his retirement life, although there is no pressure at work, but he sits for a long time to read and write, often ignoring the correctness of the sitting posture.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with kidney cancer and cried bitterly: There was an abnormality in my waist half a year ago, and I didn't pay attention to it

This seemingly innocuous habit turned out to be a potential health killer.

Dr. Lee also shared the case of another patient who also had kidney problems due to a long period of bad lifestyle habits.

The patient likes to stay up late and eats casually, and these habits have long taken a heavy toll on his kidneys.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with kidney cancer and cried bitterly: There was an abnormality in my waist half a year ago, and I didn't pay attention to it

Mr. Huang felt deeply touched.

He realized that every little problem with the body should not be overlooked.

He decided that, in addition to receiving treatment as prescribed by his doctor, he also wanted to change his lifestyle habits, especially to improve his sitting posture and avoid poor posture for a long time.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with kidney cancer and cried bitterly: There was an abnormality in my waist half a year ago, and I didn't pay attention to it

In the months that followed, Mr. Huang not only followed the doctor's instructions for treatment, but also actively adjusted his lifestyle.

He began to do light physical exercise every day, improve his diet, and monitor his physical condition regularly.

He is also a regular speaker at community health talks, often sharing his experiences and helping more people realize the important link between daily habits and health.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with kidney cancer and cried bitterly: There was an abnormality in my waist half a year ago, and I didn't pay attention to it

Time is like flowing water, and half a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

Although the treatment process was challenging, Mr. Huang's health has improved significantly.

He is no longer the old man who is trapped by illness every day, but has become an active and helpful health ambassador in the community.

In this story, a seemingly simple change in lifestyle habits turned out to have a profound impact on Mr. Huang's life.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with kidney cancer and cried bitterly: There was an abnormality in my waist half a year ago, and I didn't pay attention to it

This is not only a fight against the disease, but also a profound change in attitude towards life.

However, this story makes us think about the question: what other seemingly inconspicuous habits in our daily lives may be quietly affecting our health?

And how can we find those key little details in our busy lives and make changes to ensure our health?

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with kidney cancer and cried bitterly: There was an abnormality in my waist half a year ago, and I didn't pay attention to it

The answer to this question may require each of us to carefully observe and explore in our daily lives to find out.

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