
An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

author:To Shi Yunyan

[This content is an adaptation of a long fictional short story, please watch it rationally, do not sit in the opposite seat]

In my life, I have saved many people from the fire, but I almost can't save my feelings......

Since I was a child, I dreamed of doing this profession, to be able to help others and save people. However, the firefighters' routines are not so friendly, and they usually work 12-hour or 24-hour shifts.

Generally speaking, firefighters will be divided into different shifts, day shift and night shift, etc., night shift is difficult, basically take turns to be on duty, no matter what shift, will get a proper rest, in order to have better energy to face the crisis.

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

Get up at 5 o'clock in the morning for training, do physical fitness and professional rescue drills in the morning, and continue to study theories and prepare for duty in the afternoon. I work nearly 6 days a week, and I often find a place to sleep for a few days in a row. Sometimes at 2 or 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, I was summoned by the fire and ran around all night.

This job has undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on my life, especially the relationship between me and my girlfriend. We fell in love last year, and she was able to understand at first. But as time went on, she began to complain.

"We haven't eaten together in 2 months! You always say you're on duty, you're busy, and you don't know how we're going to keep going. Every time she mentioned it, her eyes were full of complaints.

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

I'm also helpless, that's how I do firefighting, but I don't want to see her sad. The boat of our love is just like this, little by little, away from the shore.

Gradually, she complained more and more. Once, we made an appointment to go hiking together on the weekend, but I received a contact from the team halfway and had to return to duty early.

She was so angry that she turned around and left, ignoring me all day the next day. It wasn't until the evening that I took the initiative to go to her house to apologize, and she reluctantly spoke: "You just treat me like air, right?" Yes, your work is the most important, so important that I can't even stand in the slightest place in your heart! ”

I know she has a reason to be angry, but what can I do? Firefighters are always at the service of the safety of the public and others, and I have tried my best to balance work and life, but it is not so easy to balance a bowl of water, and she only sees that we have less and less time together.

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

On several occasions, she even began to question whether our relationship would last. "We're obviously boyfriend and girlfriend, but you've always been away from me since we confirmed our relationship, what kind of love is this?"

I tried to explain, but she was already in a negative mood and couldn't help herself. We have more and more contradictions, and the number of quarrels is becoming more and more frequent. A few times I came back to work and my mind was full of our disputes.

My colleagues saw it and advised me to pay attention to my life and concentrate at work. But how can I focus? Her doubts and incomprehension haunted me so much that I could barely breathe.

Just when our relationship was in great crisis, a fire finally made her see the meaning and responsibility of my profession again. At 3 a.m. that day, my teammates and I were evacuated from a burning mall.

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

At 3 o'clock in the morning that day, my comrades-in-arms and I were urgently summoned to a large shopping mall that was on fire to extinguish the fire.

It was a ferocious fire, and the entire mall building was tightly wrapped in flames, and the smoke was literally a sea of fire. But there is no word fear in the dictionary of firefighters, even if they are afraid, they have to grit their teeth, and they quickly rushed in after being fully armed, and carried out search and rescue work in an orderly manner.

At first, only a few explosions were heard, and then the building began to shake so loudly that it could collapse entirely. We had to pick up the pace and grope our way through the swirling smoke to find the trapped people.

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

At the same time that we were engrossed in the search and rescue work, I would never have guessed that the person was watching the fire from a safe position, it turned out that she had inadvertently passed by and saw the burning mall, perhaps remembering that her boyfriend was fighting in such an environment, and couldn't help but stop and watch.

Seeing us fighting the ferocious fire with all our might, she realized the danger and importance of my work. She has seen first-hand how we are brave and stand up to ensure the safety of the public's lives and property with our weak bodies.

This is how firefighters are like, always charging on the most dangerous frontlines, using their courage and strength to protect civilians. That's exactly what I've always wanted to do, even if it comes at the cost of long hours of separation, exertion, and putting my own safety at risk.

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

After that fire, her attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees. I remember that night, we had just finished a long rescue mission and were physically and mentally exhausted. My teammates left one by one, and I was left to bandage my wounds briefly at the makeshift aid site.

That's when she appeared in front of me, her eyes full of reverence and apology. "I'm sorry, I'm so selfish, I don't know what you face every day, I don't know what you're carrying, I understand it now, I have witnessed it with my own eyes, and I have figured it out." She reached out and hugged me tightly.

Being hugged by her, my body trembled, what was going on, how could my eyes not see clearly, I touched it with my hand, only to know that I had shed tears, and I felt the warm current of happiness in my heart for a long time. She now understands the meaning and responsibility of my work and forgives me for my negligence in my relationship during this time.

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

She stayed with me that night, and after I bandaged my wound briefly, we sat side by side on a bench in a nearby park and were silent for a while. Then she began to talk about what she had seen and heard that night.

"The fire is soaring, and there is so much black smoke, it is scary to look at, just standing next to it can feel the power of the fire, and there is no mercy at all." She recalled, "It was a hell on earth, you did your best to save people and put out fires, I was full of pride, and my boyfriend was among the heroes who fought the fire." ”

"I never thought about what kind of scenes you usually have to face in your work, how much time and energy you have to pay......" she lowered her head silently, "I was too selfish before, I only saw that I didn't care about me, but I didn't expect how important your responsibility is." ”

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

I held her hand, not knowing how to express my current feelings, "It's okay, I understand you, it's really my negligence that I can't find time to spend with you." But in the future, I will try to spend as much time as possible with you. ”

She nodded vigorously, her eyes full of determination: "Since you can sacrifice yourself to protect others, what else can I say." Don't worry, I will be your backing in the future, and I will show my greatest understanding and support. ”

After that, she was really more understanding of my work situation than before. We try to make time for a good date and get along when I'm not on duty, and she will also take the initiative to pay attention to my work schedule and solve problems for me.

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

After the fire, I seem to be a little more enthusiastic about my work. Whenever I smell the signs of fire, I immediately give my full attention and have an unparalleled drive. Because I know that she is silently supporting me in the rear, and I am protecting the lives of the whole city and even more people.

My relationship with her entered a whole new phase. It can be said that because of that fire, we were reborn on the road of love, and we finally understood and trusted each other, and found a new tacit understanding.

At work, I am more focused than ever, and I have endless energy and courage every time I go to work. Because I know that with her full support behind me, I am defending my family and the country and protecting all living beings.

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

She also began to take the initiative to pay attention to my work schedule, and every time I needed to attend, she would prepare things in advance that might be used and tell me to be more careful. Sometimes I was on the night shift in the team, and she would bring hot supper, which was the envy of others.

In this way, our lives have entered a new track, and we care for each other. Even though I was still busy, she didn't complain anymore and shared it for me in her own way.

Even my colleagues felt that we were a loving model couple, loving each other and fully supporting. In fact, the fire not only saved the trapped people, but also saved our once precarious feelings.

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

Outside of work, I will find time to spend with her and make up for the lack of time. And every time I went to work, she was always the first to pray for me and cheer for me. It was an amazing feeling, it made me feel like I was being pushed forward.

I remember that in the winter of last year, there was a comrade-in-arms in my fire brigade who died, he was not very old, he was still very young, and he had just started a family, but the fire did not have long eyes, and he was finally taken away.

Before he died, he was still telling his wife, don't be sad, I have gotten where I go, you have to live well for me......

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

My girlfriend watched this scene with her own eyes, and this picture not only had a small impact on her, but also on me, after all, no one is sure that there will be any accidents in the fire, but this is not a problem, because she is not the same person she used to be.

She now understands that my professional mission is meaningful, and she understands that we are saving other lives, "Don't worry too much about it, and continue to do your best to save other people." She always said this to me, and in her opinion, the most important thing was to be able to return to her safely.

That's right, this is what I have been pursuing, and it is also the meaning of this profession, we use courage and life to protect the safety of other people's lives and property, and she has become my strong backing with understanding and support, and we support each other to move forward.

An ordinary firefighter's self-report, I went into the fire to save people, but I almost couldn't save my feelings

Our current relationship, I believe, is a portrayal of many fellow firefighters, you protect everyone, she protects you.

The true meaning of love lies not in the time spent together, but in the understanding, trust and selfless support for each other, which gives us the strength to pursue the greatest meaning and value in life.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.