
The fifth day of vacation, Tangkanzhai

author:Song of the Brave

On Saturday, head to Tangkan Village.

Ziqing's study time is relatively tight, from Monday to Friday, she has to go to class during the day, and she has to write homework until about 11 o'clock at night. After finishing my homework, I went to sleep. On Saturday mornings there is a painting class at the Palace of Culture and in the afternoon there is a class with Thomas as a facilitator. You can take a break on weekends.

It just so happens that there is no need for classes on Saturday afternoon, but I have to go to Guiyang on Sunday afternoon to participate in the performance. Taking advantage of this time, we decided to go to Tangkanzhai after lunch to have a visit. I haven't been back for a long time, and I still have to go back often when I have time.

This time the purpose is a cave in Tangkanzhai, and I am ready to explore the cave and see some of the wonders in the cave. This hole is on the mountain opposite Tangkan Village, which is considered a semi-hidden state, and if no one has been there, they will not know that there is such a deep hole.

I haven't been there in years. The last time I saw my cousin take a friend to play once from the circle of friends. So I also want to take my wife and children to see it.

Before leaving, prepare flashlights and other lighting tools. The family expressed a strong interest in caving and are looking forward to it.

I drove to Tangkan Village and looked up and down the house, there were several wild bee hives, and a nest similar to a wasp, but it had been abandoned. The house is like that, no one lives in it, and other animals move in. This house has been idle for eight years, but fortunately, the whole thing is still about the same as before, and there are no big problems.

Originally, I was in a casual mood, setting off all the way to the goal, and playing while walking. When I came to the place where the chickens were raised, the chicken coop had long since collapsed and was overgrown with weeds. It turned out that the way up had been blocked by bamboo forests because no one was walking, and some of them had a lot of thorns and were impassable.

Finally, follow the main road to the cave. I don't want to take this big road, because the fewer people I meet, the better. Because of work, I have been working outside for a long time, and I have little contact with my hometown, so I don't want to bother. The people here are warm and welcoming, and they don't want to delay their trip, and it's not easy to refuse the kindness of their hometown.

After some searching, I finally found the entrance to the cave. It's rarely visited, so it's also a destination where you can walk through dead branches and leaves. The entrance to the cave is not large, just enough for two people to enter the cave at the same time. Passing through the entrance of the cave, the space inside is very large, as high as a few floors, the width is also tens of meters, a river flows non-stop, and the amount of water is not small.

Entering the cave, the wife and children were attracted by the stalactites under their feet, perhaps falling from above, or perhaps brought out by someone who had gone inside, as stepping stones. It's a bit of a luxury.

When you get to the river, there are many small circular holes, which are supposed to be the masterpieces of the crabs in the caves. Sure enough, crabs were soon spotted in the river. A few meters downstream, there was a stone with a very smooth yellow color on one side, as if formed by dripping water, and a black stone with a strange shape on the other. It lies in the river, like a boat. We put it up, and it was very stylish and imposing.

Exploring the cave, there are many transparent tadpoles in the river, and according to the information above, they are a kind of red-spotted toothed toad pup. This tadpole is very cute, and when you put it in your hand, it bites with its mouth and is a little itchy. An adult red-spotted tooth toad suddenly jumped into the water, and we were pretty sure that the tadpole was its cub.

The stalactites inside are scattered and patched, and the family has a lot of fun. Although it was fun, it didn't go deep into the cave, just walked around the cave entrance and came out, after all, the time was not early.

By the time I went down the hill and went home, it was already dark. Replenish your energy by the river, rest for a few minutes, and head home. Today is a happy and fulfilling day.

The fifth day of vacation, Tangkanzhai
The fifth day of vacation, Tangkanzhai
The fifth day of vacation, Tangkanzhai