
Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

author:Sister Rong Flower House

After entering the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, but some flowers are blooming more and more, the more beautiful they are, it can be said that they are like the splendor of summer flowers, most of these flowers like the sun, take advantage of the current hurry to dry, the more they bloom, the more beautiful!

01. Triangle plum

Triangle plum can be said to be a very sun-resistant flower, but also a kind of flower that likes long sunshine, only the stronger the sun, and more sun, in order to make the triangle plum more and more vivid, more and more, more beautiful.

Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

To make the Triangle plum bloom, in addition to basking in the sun, it is necessary to use potassium dihydrogen phosphate, coupled with proper water control, after the soil dries out, when the leaves hang low, water again and permeable, and soon the Triangle Plum can bloom full.

02. Wind and rain orchid

The rain orchid often blooms in pots after the wind and rain, hence the name. The orchid is a particularly sun-resistant flower, and only after repeated sunning, the soil is dried and then watered again, which can also make the orchid bloom full.

Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

In addition to drying, you can also use Hua Duoduo No. 2, water 0.2% every ten days, and use it about three times to burst flowers. Then there is the fact that the soil is often drier, because it is a bulbous plant and is very drought tolerant.

03. Bijinsho

Canna is a root plant, and its sun-resistant ability is also very strong, so when planting canna, it will be planted in a sunny place, so it can be said that the more the leaves are sunned, the fatter they are, and they can easily bloom.

Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

If you want the canna to bloom more and the plant shape is beautiful, pay attention not to water it too much to prevent the leaves from growing too tall. Also, don't use more nitrogen fertilizer to prevent it from growing to a person's height.

04. Cactus

In the eyes of many people, cacti only grow leaves and do not bloom, this is because the maintenance time is too short, as long as it is raised for more than five years, the cactus can also bloom. It is a particularly sun-tolerant plant because it is native to Africa.

Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

Raising cactus is very simple, you don't need to water and fertilize more, it can be said that it is an absolute lazy plant, watering and fertilizing more is easy to rot roots, as long as it is placed in a sunny place, lazy raising.

05. Fusohana

Hibiscus is also called hibiscus, big red flower, champion red, etc., when it blooms, it is red, it especially likes the sun, even if it is hot in summer, it only needs to be kept in the sunny place on the south balcony, so that the hibiscus can grow more and more fat, and the longer and more flowers.

Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

Hibiscus flowers like slightly acidic water, so when watering, ferrous sulfate needs to be added to the alkaline water to make the water slightly acidic, which not only prevents the appearance of yellow leaves, but also makes the leaves grow fat and beautiful, and the flowers are more and more.

06. Tiger thorn plum

Tiger thorn plum is a flower that likes the sun very much, and it is also a flower that is particularly resistant to flowering, as long as the temperature reaches more than 15 degrees, it can bloom all year round. In addition, when it blooms, it is very bright red, like a beautiful girl.

Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

Tiger thorn plum is not only sun-tolerant, but also very drought-tolerant, because it is a fleshy plant, once watered too much, it is easy to rot roots. As long as it is kept in a sunny and well-ventilated place, it can keep growing and flowering until it blooms into a flower bulb.

07. Sunflower

The sun flower is also called the noon flower, just listen to the name to know that it is particularly sunfast, once the sun is less, but it is easy to grow, the flowering decreases and the color becomes lighter, but the more the sun blooms, the more beautiful the color.

Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

Sunflower is definitely a lazy flower, you must remember not to water too much when maintaining, otherwise it will rot the roots to show you, but dry some and dry some, the longer the better, the easier it will be to bloom. After flowering, prune in time, and a lot of side branches will grow, and then bloom with the effect of bursting flowers.

08. Crape myrtle flowers

Crape myrtle is also called whooping red, and the flowering period is very long, which can reach about 100 days. And when it blooms, it is red and festive, and there are two words crape myrtle, so it means glory and wealth, auspicious and auspicious.

Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

If you want crape myrtle flowers to bloom more, you first need yang in a sunny place, for example, many people will keep it in front of the door, or in a sunny place on the balcony. Because it is a woody plant, it is relatively extensive in management. However, when it is used as a bonsai, it is best to prune it frequently to create a beautiful shape.

09. Oil painting spider plant

Oil painting spider plant, also known as oil painting wedding spider plant, its leaves are brightly colored, even if it does not bloom, it is also a flower with great ornamental value. In addition, when it blooms, the small pink flowers are cute and cute.

Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

If you want to have a flower spider plant with bright colors and many flowers, it is best to keep it in a sunny place, such as Sister Rong raised my small courtyard, and those with balconies can be raised in the south balcony, south windowsill and other places. Do not use nitrogen-rich fertilizers in fertilization to prevent the leaves from turning green.

10. Dahlia (Little Lilliflower)

Dahlia is one of the top ten famous flowers, when it blooms, the flowers are as graceful and luxurious as peony flowers, the petals are overlapped, and there are many kinds of colors, and each flowering is particularly beautiful. The difference is that the dahlia is taller and suitable for planting in front of the yard, while the small lillias are shorter and suitable for potted plants to be kept on the balcony.

Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

Dahlias and small liflias are particularly sun-tolerant, which is in a sunny place, plus less nitrogen fertilizer, so that they will not grow too tall and long. It's just that when the sun is too strong after the rain, you can shade it properly, because the sun is very strong at this time, and it is easy to get sunburned.

Raise these 10 kinds of flowers, now hurry up and dry them, the more they are sunned, the more they bloom, they are very beautiful!

In addition to the above sun-resistant flowers, there are also blue snowflakes, jasmine, gardenias, dragon boat flowers, moon flowers, periwinkles, petunias, etc., which are particularly sunfast. Which of these flowers do you prefer? #头条创作挑战赛#