
At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

author:Walk through the shadows
"The college entrance examination cannot be without Tang Shangjun, just as the West cannot lose Jerusalem."

At the age of 36, he is about to prepare for the 16th college entrance examination in his life, and Tang Shangjun, who is known as the "living fossil" of the college entrance examination, will return to the "battlefield" of the college entrance examination soon.

For Tang Shangjun, his biggest dream was to be admitted to Tsinghua University, but with the release of the college entrance examination list 15 times, his dream can still be realized.

So for Tang Shangjun, the "college entrance examination nail household", is his ultimate goal in life to be admitted to Tsinghua University?

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

Tang Shangjun

Comfort zone

Once a person has a comfort zone, it is difficult to get out of it, which is also true for Tang Shangjun, who is about to take the 16th college entrance examination.

36 years old, for ordinary people in society, has faced the "big limit" of migrant workers, many companies will always set the age as a threshold when recruiting socially, and the age of 36 years old is obviously not in the threshold.

There are champions in the college entrance examination every year, but there are few that people remember, but Tang Shangjun's name can be heard on the eve of every college entrance examination, and even repeatedly appeared on the hot search list, which is talked about.

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

Tang Shangjun took a group photo with his family in front of the Bird's Nest

From Tang Shangjun's 15 college entrance examination "resumes", it can indeed be seen that he has made progress in his studies, and it can even be said that he has worked hard in his studies.

In 2009, when Tang Shangjun took the first college entrance examination, he only scored 372 points, and it was difficult to even reach the three main lines.

Obviously, Tang Shangjun's choice is the former, he chose to continue his studies, and set the goal of being admitted to Tsinghua University.

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

Tsinghua University

When Tang Shangjun took the college entrance examination for the second time after repeating, he only scored 405 points, and this 405 points is obviously a very big distance from Tsinghua University.

In order to realize the dream of Tsinghua University, Tang Shangjun began to repeat his studies and take the college entrance examination again and again, and at the crossroads of his life, he moved towards Tsinghua University step by step.

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

In 2013, Tang Shangjun finally scored 530 points when he took the fifth college entrance examination in his life, surpassing the local score line in Guangxi for the first time, but Tang Shangjun, who had already "entered the devil" at this time, did not choose any of the colleges, but continued to repeat.

Living requires a cost, but for Tang Shangjun's family, the child's repeated education again and again will obviously bring greater living costs to the family.

Tang Shangjun's insistence on repeating the study made the already poor rural families even worse.

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

Tang Shangjun and his mother

However, with the development of the country's economy and the popularity of the Internet age, Tang Shangjun's insistence on repeating has become his comfort zone.

In order to improve the admission rate of their own schools, some high schools will set up special scholarships to motivate those who are able to repeat their studies, so as to attract more high-quality students.

For Tang Shangjun, with the continuous improvement of his college entrance examination scores, even if Tang Shangjun is already an adult in his twenties, as long as he is still insisting on the college entrance examination, some schools will invite him to repeat his studies in this school, so as to improve the admission rate.

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

In 2022, a photo once again aroused heated discussions, Guangxi Baise Pingguo City Hengshui Mingyang Senior High School awarded scholarships to outstanding repeat students who scored high scores, and Tang Shangjun, who was admitted to the School of Nursing of Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a score of 597, appeared on the far right of the photo, and the scholarship of 80,000 yuan was very conspicuous.

Interestingly, because Tang Shangjun did not like the nursing major, he did not choose to report to the School of Nursing of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, but continued to choose to repeat his studies.

For an ordinary family, 80,000 yuan may be the income of a family member's hard work for a year, but for Tang Shangjun, 80,000 yuan is the capital that he can continue to study.

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

In addition, Tang Shangjun also posted some videos related to basketball and learning on the short video platform, and gained more than 400,000 fans.

As long as Tang Shangjun starts broadcasting, there will be 10,000 to 3 onlookers, and Tang Shangjun will always receive a generous reward after the live broadcast, and even some parents of senior high school families who are about to face the college entrance examination will ask Tang Shangjun about the college entrance examination by rewarding gifts.

According to statistics, Tang Shangjun's income from each live broadcast is ranging from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan.

While repeating the dream of Tsinghua University, and at the same time monetizing the traffic through the identity of a repeater of the college entrance examination for 15 times, this is Tang Shangjun's comfort zone.

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

Tang Shangjun during the live broadcast


Tang Shangjun, who is about to face the 16th college entrance examination, is still immersed in his own comfort zone.

Once faced an exclusive interview with reporters, Tang Shangjun also admitted frankly that he thought about giving up the pursuit of his dreams, and even fell into a predicament in life for a time.

People of the same age as Tang Shangjun may have become parents at this time, or they may have a stable job, but he is still active on the front line of the college entrance examination.

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

Tang Shangjun explained his obsession like this: "Sometimes lying in the dormitory, looking at the bed board, I will have a feeling of fear, why have I been in the school dormitory for so many years, like having a long dream." ”

Everyone has the right to pursue the life they yearn for, and Tang Shangjun is the same.

However, even if Tang Shangjun was really admitted to his dream Tsinghua University at the age of 36, would he really choose to go to school?

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

In the 2023 college entrance examination, Tang Shangjun scored a high score of 594 points, exceeding the first line of Guangxi Science and Technology by 119 points, and filled in the volunteer of the normal school.

After the results of the college entrance examination were released, Tang Shangjun once publicly said: "After 17 years of high school, this time I am going to university." ”

It's a pity that it backfired, and the stubborn Tang Shangjun did not choose to adjust when filling in the major, so all 4 majors fell off the list.

Obviously, the opportunity to go to a college was in front of him, but Tang Shangjun chose to "refuse".

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

Tang Shangjun scored 15 college entrance examinations

Teacher Zhang Xuefeng often mentioned in the live broadcast the importance of choosing to accept the adjustment when filling in the college entrance examination volunteer, obviously just clicking a button on the college entrance examination volunteer page, is it difficult for Tang Shangjun?

As Tang Shangjun, who has 15 college entrance examination experiences, he has had many opportunities to go to 985 and 211 universities, but he chose to give up.

Perhaps, repeating the college entrance examination is Tang Shangjun's life choice.

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

Tang Shangjun

A great trait of human nature lies in persistence, and anyone who can insist on doing one thing is worthy of admiration, and Tang Shangjun is a person with the trait of perseverance.

borrowed a line from "Tang Bohu Dots Autumn Fragrance" to evaluate Tang Shangjun's life: "Others laugh at me for being too crazy, and I laugh at others who can't see through it." ”

16 years of persistence, so that Tang Shangjun has gained a lot of ridicule and abuse, but at the same time he has also gained a lot of support and appreciation, at least one point is worth affirming, Tang Shangjun dares to choose his own life, dare to step towards the goal of life!

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?


Tang Shangjun's 16th college entrance examination has not yet arrived, and with the new reform of the college entrance examination, everything is full of unknowns.

Now 36-year-old Tang Shangjun is facing a crossroads in his life again, joining him and really being admitted to the dream Tsinghua University, and facing 4 years of college life, and where is the future of Tang Shangjun, who is 40 years old after finishing college?

Just imagine, whether inside the body or outside the system, will a 40-year-old fresh graduate be favored by enterprises?

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

Of course, as an "Internet celebrity" with 400,000 fans, Tang Shangjun will not face the pressure of "being unemployed upon graduation", and teaching his college entrance examination experience in the live broadcast will still be recognized by many students' parents, after all, the experience of participating in the college entrance examination more than 10 times is legendary enough.

No one's life is predetermined, and everyone's life is struggled through sweat and tears.

For Tang Shangjun, he doesn't want to see a second Tang Shangjun in the future, because the outside world is very exciting, and everyone has their own channels to realize their dreams.

At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

The upcoming 16th college entrance examination, I don't know if it will be the end of Tang Shangjun.

is still the same, everyone has the right to pursue their own life, as for how Tang Shangjun will go in the future and what path he will take, it is his own business.

The most important thing is to be healthy and happy.


At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?
At the age of 36, Tang Shangjun, who will prepare for the 16th college entrance examination and lives in his comfort zone, is his goal still Tsinghua University?

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