
TVB's former house male and female gods show their sexy figures, giving birth to a second child at the age of 41, but they are like girls

author:Singer Entertainment

Sun Huixue used to be a well-known green leaf of TVB, and announced her departure from the nest last year. As a super popular female artist, she not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has a proud career achievement. Today, the 41-year-old beauty is a mother of two children, but her figure is still very good, and there is no postpartum shadow at all.

TVB's former house male and female gods show their sexy figures, giving birth to a second child at the age of 41, but they are like girls

Sun Huixue's good figure is not accidental, she has been working hard to shape her body in order to maintain her slim and graceful curves. Even during the period of pregnancy and childbirth, she did not relax her requirements for herself. Now, after the birth of her two children, she is even more determined to return to her best. Through dieting and weight loss, her waist circumference has been reduced by 4 inches compared to before, and she has regained her excellent figure before childbirth.

TVB's former house male and female gods show their sexy figures, giving birth to a second child at the age of 41, but they are like girls

With such a perfect figure, it is natural to show off your skills. Sun Huixue has been the spokesperson of a well-known underwear brand for 7 consecutive years, and shoots a set of attractive advertising photos every year. This company can be described as a heavy investment, not only invited famous designers to tailor clothes for Sun Huixue, but also carefully designed various styles of styling, striving to show her unparalleled charm.

TVB's former house male and female gods show their sexy figures, giving birth to a second child at the age of 41, but they are like girls

Among them, the most eye-catching is the set of Hallyu-style photos. The designer skillfully integrated popular elements into the traditional hanbok, and Sun Huixue wore it, and her temperament instantly became unprecedented and sultry. She not only posed with all kinds of temptations, but her eyes were full of evil charm. As soon as this set of photos was exposed, it caused an uproar on the Internet, and countless netizens were impressed by her enchanting posture.

TVB's former house male and female gods show their sexy figures, giving birth to a second child at the age of 41, but they are like girls

For this shooting, Sun Huixue herself also gained great satisfaction. She revealed that she was a big fan of the designer when she was a child, and often visited his fashion stores to admire his work, and became a fan of his clothes when she grew up. So this time she was naturally extremely excited to be able to wear the costume designed by the idol in person. What's more, through this shoot, she proved that she still has a proud charm, even if she is a mother, it does not affect her sexy side in the slightest.

TVB's former house male and female gods show their sexy figures, giving birth to a second child at the age of 41, but they are like girls

Overall, this set of photos not only shows Sun Huixue's excellent figure, but also shows her continuous efforts in her career as a professional woman. As a mother, she balances family and career well; As a female artist, she is not bound by the identity of having children after marriage, and she is still energetic and sexy. She is undoubtedly a good role model for the majority of women.