
The biggest sorrow of people in middle age is not that they have no money, but that they are still doing these three things after the age of 40

author:Flying Fish Heart

Text/Flying Fish

The biggest sorrow of people in middle age is not that they have no money, but that they are still doing these three things after the age of 40

After people reach middle age, they still have a bad life, and the reason is often on themselves.

Why do people become happier the more they live? In fact, it's all because there are more and more desires in my heart, I am too impetuous in my heart, I always want too much, I can't see it, I can't let it go, can I live happily?

When people reach middle age, we should see our current situation clearly, adjust our mentality, don't always live in Vanity Fair, don't be led away by other people's evaluations, don't fall into the whirlpool of desires, and know that true happiness lies in the wealth of our hearts.

Only those who can live in the present and cherish the present can live happily.

The biggest sorrow of people in middle age is not that they have no money, but that they are still doing these three things after the age of 40.

The biggest sorrow of people in middle age is not that they have no money, but that they are still doing these three things after the age of 40

1. If you can't think about everything, you will be very tired.

Born from the heart.

If a person always thinks so much, it is easy to be unable to think about a little thing, and he loves to think crankily, then he is destined to live a very tired life.

When people reach middle age, we all have to make our minds mature a little bit, a little stronger in our hearts, we have to think about everything, we don't rush when we encounter things, we are not afraid, we have to be safe, and we must face everything calmly.

Even if we encounter some bad things at the moment, we don't have to think too much, don't worry too much, the more unstable we are, the easier it is to make people panic, and naturally we can't do well.

Many people will be fired when they go wrong at work and make the lowest mistakes, because they are too easily flustered in their hearts, easy to think too much, they can't make up their minds, and they don't dare to ask, and finally they think about perfunctory things, which will make them even more frustrated.

Only by thinking about everything and keeping a normal mind can you live more smoothly.

The biggest sorrow of people in middle age is not that they have no money, but that they are still doing these three things after the age of 40

2. Can't distinguish right from wrong and don't trust your family.

When people reach middle age, if the family is unhappy, it is the saddest thing in life.

Many people are like this in life, when they encounter things, they will only blame their family members, they can't distinguish right from wrong, and they always let their family members have no face in front of others, do not consider the feelings of their families, and only care about their own face, and finally let their relationship with their family members become worse and worse.

In the family, because of a little thing to quarrel with the family, only feel that they are not wrong, are the fault of others, when they encounter things, they do not know the reason and situation, they will only scold their family members first, do not trust their family at all, no matter what the family says, they just don't listen, don't believe, so that the family relationship is not good.

When people reach middle age, if they want to run a family well and want to make themselves happy, they must believe in their families, control their emotions, learn to analyze calmly, and don't get along with their families in front of everyone.

The biggest sorrow of people in middle age is not that they have no money, but that they are still doing these three things after the age of 40

Meng Mingwei in "Fireworks" has always distrusted her daughter, no matter what her daughter does, she is not satisfied, she is denying her daughter, and she interferes with her daughter's choice everywhere, and manages her daughter too much.

When her daughter encountered something at work, she didn't understand the situation, so she began to say that it was her daughter's fault, so she beat her daughter in front of everyone, causing her daughter to turn her face with her, stop contacting her, and not go home.

After middle age, worry less, trust more, understand and respect your family, and the family can be happy.

The biggest sorrow of people in middle age is not that they have no money, but that they are still doing these three things after the age of 40

3. Not satisfied, always wanting too much.

Writer Xue Xiaozen said: When people reach a certain age, they are recycled, and at the end, they receive three or two confidants and a cup of light tea, and live their lives as they want.

When people reach middle age, the best way to live is actually to be content and happy.

We have to look down on the gains and losses, see the success or failure, cherish what we have, don't have to envy others, don't have to envy others, although our things have not succeeded, even if life is very ordinary, even if the life is very hard, but we still have to live well, maintain inner contentment, do not fight for those things that do not belong to us, do not have to peep at other people's clothing.

Once people always want too much, they will fill their hearts with baggage and overwhelm themselves.

When people reach middle age, learn to unload the tiredness in their hearts, learn to give up, live in the present, quietly enjoy the flowers blooming and falling, and the clouds are rolling up, so that they can be content and happy.

The biggest sorrow of people in middle age is not that they have no money, but that they are still doing these three things after the age of 40