
Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

author:Tree Hole Archives
All of the statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are reproduced at the end of this article

Everyone knows what a gorgeous transformation Shoigu has made as Putin's confidant, a "civil engineer" engaged in construction, to a "defense minister who does not understand military affairs".

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

Who knew that Shoigu, who was not even "hot in the ass", was promoted again, Putin nominated a new defense minister, and Shoigu was transferred to the post of secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Unexpectedly, former Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov, who was nominated by Putin as the new Minister of Defense, "solved" two major problems as soon as he was nominated!

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

Not only did the Russian media marvel, but even Shoigu did not expect that the "three fires of the new official taking office" could burn so fiercely that they had to be applauded.

Newly appointed Minister of Defense Belousov

Putin's adjustment is undoubtedly for the sake of better people being able to stand in more suitable positions, so that they can play a greater role, and it is also for the sake of better development of the Russian state.

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

And Belousov's first public statement after being appointed defense minister directly pointed out two problems that the Ministry of Defense will face.

Although the newly nominated Belousov has been engaged in economic development research, this promotion of defense minister is a big "span", and he is a perfect transition like his predecessor Shoigu.

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

But to everyone's surprise, the two requirements he put forward are exactly what the Russian Ministry of Defense needs now, and these two issues may not have been taken into account by Shoigu before.

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

This really proves what it means to be a layman who is more proficient than an insider, a poor person who is richer than a rich man, and a person who does not understand military affairs must understand military affairs better than a soldier.

When the new officials take office, they solve two major problems

So what exactly are these two major problems?

[First] Belousov believes that "military personnel should receive better housing, medical care and welfare." ”

Everyone knows that due to the previous war, a large number of Russian soldiers have paid a heavy price in launching an offensive, and the large number of casualties among the soldiers has overwhelmed the field medical area, and the medical institutions are also under great pressure.

In addition to the difficulty of not having heating facilities in the extremely cold state, the medical system in the field zone is also facing a sharp increase in the number of wounded Russian troops, which is really in a dilemma.

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

This is also a huge problem for the Russian army to not recover, and even some soldiers cannot be treated in time.

Even citizens who have never been on the battlefield know this problem, it is the soldiers who can go to the battlefield and charge for the country under the premise of ensuring good physical condition.

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

And now even the premise of good physical condition cannot be guaranteed, how can the soldiers better defend the motherland.

Therefore, Russia's economic development momentum is very violent, but it does not pay so much attention to the medical system, which is also "broken" by Belousov, and this is something that even Shoigu may not have expected, and Shoigu, who was in office at the time, was more of a "criticism and ignorance" of the emotions of Russian soldiers.

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

In order to prevent the Russian soldiers from shaking the morale of the army and solve the "personnel problem" of the army's field hospital system, Belousov began to pay attention to the medical problems of the soldiers from the root.

On the other hand, he also advocated striving for better "operational military subsidies" and relatively better welfare benefits for the Russian army, which can naturally eliminate the negative emotions of front-line soldiers and better adhere to the interests of the country.

[Second] Russian private enterprises are facing a huge "wave of bankruptcies"

In the first two months of 2024, a combination of issues led to a nearly 60% year-on-year increase in the number of private business entities declaring bankruptcy in Russia.

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

This figure is truly appalling, and there are two main reasons why it is difficult for these legal persons to declare bankruptcy and continue.

On the one hand, the Russian government has devoted more of its focus and resources to the military, which has led to a shortage of resources for other projects, and the operating conditions of private enterprises have begun to "deteriorate".

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

In the face of such conditions, private entrepreneurs have to "choose another way", which eventually accelerates the cause of bankruptcy of private enterprises.

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

On the other hand, the financing problem of monetary tightening has also become a "hot potato" for private entrepreneurs, and international trade has brought too much "uncertainty" to entrepreneurs, and there are many unstable factors, which makes people feel that private enterprises are difficult to do, and it is also the main reason for the increase in the number of private enterprises that have declared bankruptcy.

What is even more terrifying is that so far the number of bankruptcies in Russia has "increased if it does not decrease", and looking at the rising numbers is also a greater difficulty and reason for Russian private entrepreneurs to find other ways to develop.

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

And this time, the new Minister of Defense Belousov believes that this is exactly what we need to pay attention to, not only from the perspective of private entrepreneurs, but also for Russia to sound the "alarm bell".

Although the situation of entrepreneurs in the current complicated economic situation is a "dilemma", according to Belousov's advocacy, it is necessary to fight for some "welfare" for these entrepreneurs so that they can persevere.

The economic problems facing Russia now will certainly not always exist, and Belousov has also put forward his own idea of making the country's economy "independent" and not too dependent on the import and export of bulk commodities.

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

Whether it is the bankruptcy of private enterprises or the national economy, we should look at it with a "long-term vision" and not just focus on the immediate problems to seek solutions.


It seems that Russia's new "liberal arts student" new defense minister, Belousov, who has not experienced a rain of bullets, is not as simple as we all think.

Shoigu may not have expected that Russia's new defense minister would solve two major problems before taking office! That's what professionalism is called

Perhaps, in the next battlefield, he will play incredible good news, let's wait and see......

Information sources:

China Economic Net: Putin nominates new Defense Minister Shoigu to another important post2024-05-14 08:48

CCTV: Putin appoints Shoigu as secretary of the Russian Security Council and nominates Belousov as defense minister.2024-05-13

China News Network: Putin's big move! "Civilian" is the Minister of Defense, what is the significance of these changes? 2024-05-14 10:38