
Anji salamander stood out, and Chao News won the international award

author:Tide News


Chao News client reporter Fan Chengyou

Anji salamander stood out, and Chao News won the international award

△ The 45th SND official website

Recently, in the 45th International News Design Competition (SND), the fusion media work "The Change of the Habitat of the Mysterious and Cute Elves in Jiangnan" selected by Chao News of Zhejiang Newspaper Group won the "Excellence Award" in the category of "Story Page Design".

Initiated by the Society for News Design, or SND, the International News Design Competition is the most authoritative and influential annual competition in the field of news design in the world. In the world of international journalism, it is on a par with the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism and the International Photography Award for Hossai. It can be said that this award is full of "gold content".

Anji salamander stood out, and Chao News won the international award

△ Screenshot of the page of the award-winning works on the official website of the 45th SND

This year's competition invited 27 professional judges from the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and other world-renowned media to review nearly 2,600 entries in 11 categories during the three-day design competition jury. After the jury conducted a comprehensive evaluation and selection of all aspects of content originality, topic selection planning and visual presentation, the final selection of the award-winning works took into account both news and appreciation, which is enough to be described as the "weather vane" of the news design industry. Zhejiang Newspaper Group has participated in this event for many years and has won many successes. It is worth mentioning that Chao News participated in the competition for the first time this year and won good results.

Anji salamander stood out, and Chao News won the international award

△Click on the picture above to jump to watch the full work

The award-winning work is the fusion media product "The Change of the Habitat of the Mysterious and Cute Elves in Jiangnan" created for last year's National Ecology Day. Why is it so popular with the competition? What is the story behind the creation? Let's hear about it.

A work that allows the world to know Chinese elves

The Anji salamander, endemic to the mainland, is known as the "giant panda" of the amphibian world and is little known. August 15, 2023 is the first National Ecology Day, and Chao News took this opportunity to carefully plan and innovate production, from the perspective of the "aborigines" of the birthplace of the "Two Mountains Concept" - Anji salamander, depicting a harmonious and colorful ecological picture of all things.

△ Product screen recording clip

The work is a fusion media product that integrates text, sound, video, hand-drawn and animation and other media expressions. From a journalistic point of view, it delicately outlines the great change of the habitat of Anji salamander from decay to vitality, so that readers can more intuitively feel the continuous improvement and protection of Zhejiang's ecological environment under the guidance of the "88 Strategy". From an ornamental point of view, it adopts the method of hand-drawn illustrations and dynamic interactive effects, and simulates the dialogue through scenarios, so that the Anji salamander and rare creatures such as crested ibis, sika deer, and Chinese merganser duck "gather together" to talk about those happy times in ecological changes, showing the beauty and harmony of nature.

The touching details behind the creation

Behind the award, there are hidden creative ingenuity and moving stories of the creative team.

In order to more accurately depict the living habits and characteristics of the Anji salamander, the team braved the wind and rain to the Anji Salamander National Nature Reserve at an altitude of more than 1,300 meters during the typhoon, went deep into the imitation ecological artificial breeding farm, and used mobile phones and cameras to capture and record the vivid life images of the elves.

Anji salamander stood out, and Chao News won the international award

△ Screenshot of the work page

In order to ensure that the data is comprehensive, true and accurate, the team went to the Institute of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences of Hangzhou Normal University many times to interview relevant experts and scholars to obtain information on the historical changes of the ecological environment of the reserve, which enriched the expressiveness and connotation of the work.

In order to give life to the picture, many ingenious ideas were incorporated into the interaction design. Through the method of "sliding to the end", just gently slide your fingers, and the story will unfold like a picture scroll, so that the image of Anji's salamander jumps on the "screen" and comes to life.

In order to make the work more infectious, the team used the milk sound of the cute baby to "voice" the Anji salamander, which not only enhanced the affinity of the Anji salamander, but also made it easier for the public to have the urge to love and protect when they heard its voice.

In addition, through anthropomorphic processing techniques, the clever use of scenario simulation dialogue, so that Anji salamander and other rare elves to hold a unique "forest tea party", the dialogue is vivid, interesting and fascinating.

Good works are the "icing on the cake" for a good ecology

Good works not only reflect the times, but also blend in with the times.

After the work was released, it quickly attracted attention on media platforms. Its vivid storyline and innovative presentation make readers feel the importance of ecological protection more intuitively. At the same time, the work also shows the great achievements of Zhejiang in ecological protection, and enhances the public's awareness and recognition of ecological protection work.

Anji salamander stood out, and Chao News won the international award

△ Screenshot of the work page

The staff of Anji Little Salamander National Nature Reserve once said that the work not only skillfully shows the unique charm of Anji Little Salamander, but also is a successful science popularization. It has successfully stimulated the public's strong interest in the Anji salamander, making everyone realize that protecting the ecological environment is not only a responsibility and obligation, but also a kind of awe and respect for nature and life.

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