
4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

author:Xiao Zhang's health science
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There was a tense atmosphere in the hospital. Lao Zhang was anxiously awaiting the results of the examination. Lao Zhang has always felt difficult to breathe recently, and he can't breathe after a little movement, accompanied by frequent coughing. He was a little worried and decided to come to the hospital for a check-up.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

After a series of examinations, Lao Zhang was finally diagnosed with COPD. Hearing the news, Lao Zhang felt like he had encountered a thunderbolt from the blue, and the whole person was stunned. COPD? What kind of illness is this? Lao Zhang asked the doctor with doubts and worries.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

The doctor patiently explained: "COPD, which stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a common, preventable and treatable disease.

If left unattended and controlled, the condition may progressively worsen, which can have a great impact on quality of life. But don't worry, there are 4 ways to improve your lung function and prolong your life at no cost.

Method 1: Moderate Exercise Moderate exercise is essential for COPD patients. Many patients may find it difficult to breathe, so how can they exercise?

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

As long as you choose the right type and intensity of exercise, exercise will not only not aggravate the condition, but will bring many benefits. Walking is a great option.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

Don't go too fast at first, and gradually increase the speed and distance according to your physical condition. This strengthens the heart and lungs and improves the body's endurance.

There is an exercise called breathing exercises, which is also particularly suitable for COPD patients. Through the coordination of specific breathing and limb movements, the respiratory muscles can be effectively exercised and respiratory function can be improved.

You can follow the doctor or online tutorials to learn breathing exercises, and practice them every day. In daily life, it is common to see some patients afraid to exercise because they are afraid of getting sicker, but this is actually a misunderstanding.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

Moderate exercise is like invigorating the body, which can stimulate the potential of the body and help us better cope with diseases. Just like a car, it is easy to have problems if it is not driven for a long time, but it can maintain good performance when driven frequently.

Method 2: Breathing Training Correct breathing plays an important role in improving lung function. Many COPD patients are accustomed to breathing in a shallow and fast way, which does not make full use of the lungs' functions.

Abdominal breathing is a great breathing training method. Lie flat on the bed or sit on a chair, relax your whole body, and place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

Inhale slowly, allowing your abdomen to bulge and feel the rise and fall of your abdomen while trying to hold your chest still. Then exhale slowly, allowing the abdomen to retract gradually. Practice several times a day for a few minutes at a time.

Pursed lip breathing is also an effective method. When exhaling, you can shrink your lips into a whistling shape and let the air out slowly, which can prolong the exhalation time and reduce the collapse of the small airways.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

Breathing training may seem simple, but it's not easy to really master and stick to it. This requires the patient to have a lot of patience and perseverance. Just like learning a new skill, it may feel awkward at first, but as long as you stick with it, you'll find its magic.

Method 3: Dietary Modification Diet also plays an important role in the rehabilitation of COPD patients. Make sure you get enough nutrients to strengthen your body's resistance.

Eat more protein-rich foods, such as chicken, fish, beans, etc. Protein is an important component of the body and is very important for repairing and maintaining the function of tissues and organs.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, which can provide the various nutrients your body needs.

Pay attention to weight control and avoid obesity. Because obesity will increase the burden on the heart and lungs, which is not good for the condition.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

Many patients tend to focus only on medication and ignore the importance of diet. Diet is like the fuel of the body, and only when high-quality fuel is provided can the "machine" of the body function better. A sensible diet is not only helpful for the condition, but also improves the quality of life.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

Method 4: Avoid triggers For COPD patients, it is very important to avoid triggers. Try to avoid exposure to harmful gases and particles, such as smoking, air pollution, chemicals, etc.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

If you've smoked before, be sure to quit as soon as possible. Smoking is one of the main risk factors for COPD, and quitting smoking can significantly delay the progression of the disease.

Pay attention to keep the indoor air fresh and open the windows frequently for ventilation. On days with high levels of air pollution, try to go out minimally and wear a mask if you must go out.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

Attention should be paid to preventing colds and respiratory infections. These infections tend to worsen people with COPD. Pay attention to keep warm, and add or remove clothing in time according to weather changes.

Avoiding triggers is like holding up an umbrella for the body, which can effectively reduce the onset and exacerbation of the disease. This requires patients to develop good habits in their daily lives and to be vigilant at all times.

This seems simple, but it is not easy to really do, and patients need to have enough self-restraint and protection awareness.

After listening to the doctor's words, Lao Zhang had a bottom in his heart. He decided to follow the doctor's advice and actively pursue treatment and rehabilitation. He began to take daily walks and do breathing exercises, seriously do breathing exercises, adjust his diet, and also try to quit smoking and avoid exposure to various triggers.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free

Over time, Lao Zhang's symptoms gradually improved. He doesn't pant as easily as he used to, and his cough has lessened a lot. He feels that his physical condition is getting better and better, and his life is becoming more enjoyable.

In this process, Lao Zhang deeply realized the importance of improving lung function. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, don't be afraid, as long as you actively face the disease and take the right approach, you will be able to improve lung function, prolong life, and make life shine again.

4 ways to improve lung function and prolong the life of COPD patients, which are simple and even cost-free


I hope that every COPD patient can find a suitable method for themselves like Lao Zhang, "refuel" their lives, and let health accompany us.

I hope you can learn something from Lao Zhang's story, pay attention to your lung health, and make your life better.

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