
In 1999, I told a 50-year-old uncle that his daughter-in-law was not successful, and he married his daughter to me instead

author:Entertainment analysis
In 1999, I told a 50-year-old uncle that his daughter-in-law was not successful, and he married his daughter to me instead


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


Marriage is a major turning point in many people's lives.

It not only closely links the lives of two people, but also brings people's lives into a new stage.

Whether the road to marriage is happy or not depends to a large extent on whether both parties can understand, tolerate and work hard with each other.

My marriage with my wife is a prime example of this.

If I hadn't treated her with sincerity and moved her and her father with my actions;

If the old man does not let go of his prejudices and wholeheartedly supports our marriage;

If we didn't understand each other and manage this fate together after marriage, how could we get to where we are today and stay together for so many years?

My name is Li Youming, and I was 28 years old in 1999, and I was still a young man.

I have been a money-earner since I was a child, and although my family has a small amount of savings, I always feel that I need to save more money, so that I will not be looked down upon by my family when I marry a daughter-in-law in the future.

So, after graduating from university, I joined a marriage agency as a clerk.

The job content is to find a suitable partner for single men and women, which is also easy.

I have a positive personality and a good service attitude, so I am well-known in the company.

In the winter of that year, an old uncle in his 50s came to the door, saying that his wife had been dead for many years, and he had no children around him, and he especially hoped to find another companion in his lifetime.

I saw that the old man looked haggard, and I couldn't help but feel some sympathy in my heart, so I did my best to do it for him.

In 1999, I told a 50-year-old uncle that his daughter-in-law was not successful, and he married his daughter to me instead

I introduced him to several old ladies of the same age, all of whom were from good families, but who knew that this uncle was picky and dissatisfied, and all of them were not satisfied, which made me a little bored.

He always said that he didn't feel it, didn't fall in love or anything, and I could only continue to introduce it patiently, for fear that he would really feel that I was a young man who was not doing things well.

Just when I was about to give up, the uncle's expression suddenly changed, and he asked me, "Young man, do you have a partner?"

I shook my head and said honestly, "No, I'm still single, I want to earn more money so that I can marry a wife in the future."

The uncle looked me up and down, nodded, and said earnestly, "You young man is not bad, and he has a bright future in the future."

I was a little embarrassed by his praise, but I was a little suspicious in my heart, and muttered to myself: What does this old guy want to do?

Just when I was puzzled, the uncle suddenly pulled me mysteriously, lowered his voice and said, "Why don't I introduce you to someone!"

I was immediately amused by him, and thought: At your age, you still want to introduce me to someone?

Unexpectedly, the uncle didn't joke at all, but said really seriously: "I have a daughter, do I want to introduce you to you?"

I nodded stiffly, muttering in my heart: I did it for a long time just to introduce me to someone, and I don't know if it's an old girl or a young girl.

I didn't expect much from this, after all, the age difference is so big, not to mention that I haven't even met in person, so it's too abrupt to know each other out of thin air.

Still, I'm going to hear what he has to say.

A few days later, the uncle really took the initiative to come to the door again, and this time he didn't come alone, there was an extra young woman beside him, looking at that look, it should be the daughter in his mouth.

In 1999, I told a 50-year-old uncle that his daughter-in-law was not successful, and he married his daughter to me instead

"Young man, this is my daughter, look at it, Fu does not meet the criteria for you to find a partner." The uncle said proudly, and it was difficult to hide the smugness in his tone.

I took a good look at the woman, and I saw that she was tall, dressed in a neat professional attire, with her hair neatly combed down her shoulders and even her makeup delicate.

I couldn't help but swallow my saliva and secretly admired that this uncle's daughter is really a beautiful embryo!

However, her expression was a little cold, and she seemed to be wary of me as a stranger.

"Hello, my name is Li Youming, and I am an employee of this marriage agency." I reached out and tried to break the embarrassment.

She nodded slightly, answered lightly, but did not shake my hand back, and sat down in her seat.

"Don't mind, young man, my daughter is an introvert, but you are the same age, so you shouldn't have much of a problem getting along." Uncle said to me with a smile on his face.

Similar age? I choked on his words! The difference between the two of us is five or six years old, okay?

However, in order to give the old man a step down, I still nodded in agreement, pretending to be very interested.

"Okay, then you can talk more when you have time. My daughter, this child, although she has a hard mouth, has an excellent character, is diligent and thrifty, and is careful in her work, and it is still very good to be a virtuous helper. ”

The uncle was babbling and counting, and his words were full of pride, which made people a little speechless, and I could only echo with a dry smile.

However, looking at his daughter carefully, I have to admit that even if she is not a stunning beauty, she is indeed beautiful and has an outstanding temperament, no wonder the uncle is so proud of her.

It's just that the girl looks too reserved and cold, and she doesn't take me as a stranger in her eyes at all.

However, it's no wonder that she just met, and she doesn't even know who the other party is, so she naturally remains vigilant.

In this way, under the enthusiastic "sales" of the uncle, my first meeting with his daughter came to an end.

In 1999, I told a 50-year-old uncle that his daughter-in-law was not successful, and he married his daughter to me instead

Before leaving, my uncle didn't forget to tell me that let's get along more and get to know each other well.

"Okay, okay, I know, you can rest assured." I smiled and agreed, but I didn't have any bottom in my heart.

In the following days, we had a "good-looking" time together.

The girl came diligently, and would arrive on time almost every day, but when she arrived at the marriage agency, she was like a mute, ignoring me and indifferent to me.

I tried to speak, but I couldn't provoke any interest from her.

Just when I was about to give up, a small episode appeared, which completely reversed my impression of her.

On that day, a couple came to our confirmation of marriage, they came hand in hand, smiling, the joy of the little couple was overflowing, which touched everyone present.

And I, too, at this moment of joy, captured a trace of envy and yearning in her eyes.

It was as if at that moment, the iceberg on her face began to melt slowly, and we were finally able to talk a few words, although it was just some homely gossip, but it was much better than the previous coldness.

Since then, her attitude has changed significantly, she has stopped ignoring me, and we have started to try to get to know each other, and we have gradually become acquainted.

I seem to have found the "key" to open her heart, as a single woman with a happy family, she has a very strong yearning for family and marriage in her heart, and her heart is also kind and soft.

And for me, it was because I learned about the softness of her heart that I was gradually attracted by her kindness and purity.

I began to unconsciously look forward to the time I spent with her every day, for fear of missing even a small expression from her.

Three months passed in a flash, and when I realized that my heart had already been subtly opened for her, I realized that I was truly in love with her.

In 1999, I told a 50-year-old uncle that his daughter-in-law was not successful, and he married his daughter to me instead

The seeds of love slowly took root in my heart, and at first, I was still denying my feelings.

However, when I was drowsy, her figure always came to my mind.

In between work, my eyes couldn't help but look for her; Every time I talked to her, my heart started to flutter like crazy again.

Over time, I could no longer hide this love in my heart.

Finally, one day, in a dimly lit corner, I lay lonely on the table, and secretly made up my mind: I must marry this girl home!

However, the pain of unrequited love is much more than that, and I have to get her father to nod before I can get through this last hurdle.

Although my uncle took the initiative to introduce his daughter to me, I knew that he did not regard me as the best candidate for a son-in-law, after all, the age difference between us was too great!

However, I am a very responsible person, and since I have made up my mind, I will definitely work hard.

After a long period of hesitation, it was finally time for me to confess.

That day, my uncle came to visit my daughter at the marriage agency again, and I pretended to be calm and exchanged a few words with them, but as soon as I opened my mouth, my inner tension was exposed, and my voice trembled a little.

"Uncle, in fact, I have gotten along well with your daughter for a while..."

"Oh? Is it? That's great! The uncle looked happy.

"Yes, thanks to you." I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, "Actually, I have something I want to discuss with you. ”

"What's the matter? But it doesn't hurt for you to say it. The uncle was smiling.

I swallowed and finally mustered up the courage to speak, "I want to... I want to marry your daughter. ”

In 1999, I told a 50-year-old uncle that his daughter-in-law was not successful, and he married his daughter to me instead

A happy smile suddenly bloomed on my uncle's face, and he patted me on the shoulder excitedly and said, "Yes, yes! I think you two are destined, and of course I bless you happily! ”

My uncle's unexpected reaction was calm, and he was speechless for a while.

I saw the uncle pulling me, nodding again and again, and said proudly: "I, as a father, naturally want my daughter to be happy."

"Since the two of you are happy with each other, then my uncle will personally organize the wedding for you."

The heavy stone in my heart was finally removed, and in its place was an unstoppable joy!

In the following days, we were busy with our marriage.

He invited many relatives and friends to witness, carefully selected various gifts, and found the best hotel to host the banquet.

Seeing my uncle sweating profusely, I couldn't put into words how grateful I felt.

After marriage, although my wife will have a little temper, I am happy to tolerate it, and some of my minor problems have been corrected under her supervision.

With mutual tolerance and mutual understanding, our relationship is getting better and better, and our lives are getting happier and happier and more satisfying.

Later, we welcomed our daughter, and we were very happy with my father-in-law's family of four, and we all felt extremely lucky to be a family.

Sometimes, I sit at home and think about the beginning of that fate, and in addition to sincerely thanking my uncle, I will also have an indescribable honor and pride.

In 1999, I told a 50-year-old uncle that his daughter-in-law was not successful, and he married his daughter to me instead

In fact, if there was no special episode on that winter day, our lives would not intersect, but would have moved forward on the road of life and would never intersect.

But God brought us together at that fateful point and started an incredible marriage.

With a sincere heart, the journey of life will be full of surprises and luck, and this hard-won marriage is our precious luck.

With it, my life is no longer lonely, but infinitely sweet and happy.

Even if we occasionally encounter thorns or obstacles, it is a test for us, and every time we endure a test, our feelings will be sublimated.

I will spend my life carefully caring for and managing it, and I believe that as long as we are husband and wife, we will be able to go through our lives hand in hand and create a moving story together.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

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