
Let's talk about the SEO keyword ranking rules of WeChat Mini Program and how to do it?

author:Brother Bird's Notes

Author: Topol SEO

Why did you think of writing about WeChat Mini Program SEO again? Because many friends have recently asked me how to rank WeChat Mini Programs, so write about it, and if it is helpful or inspiring, you can share it with friends who need it.

Let's talk about the SEO keyword ranking rules of WeChat Mini Program and how to do it?

Outline of this article:

1. What does WeChat Mini Program SEO mean?

2. What are the search ranking rules for WeChat Mini Programs?

3. How to rank the keywords of WeChat Mini Program?

4. How to promote the new WeChat mini program?

What does WeChat Mini Program SEO mean?

SEO refers to search engine optimization, and WeChat Mini Program SEO refers to WeChat Mini Program search engine optimization.

In the vernacular, it means: optimizing users to search for Mini Programs with keywords in the WeChat drop-down or search for Mini Programs with keywords in WeChat Search to rank high.

Pull down from WeChat to search for screenshots,

Let's talk about the SEO keyword ranking rules of WeChat Mini Program and how to do it?

Search screenshots from WeChat,

Let's talk about the SEO keyword ranking rules of WeChat Mini Program and how to do it?

What are the search ranking rules for WeChat Mini Programs?

Let's know the Mini Program collation first, for reference:

1. Online time (accounting for 5%) The online time of WeChat Mini Program, the earlier the online time, the higher the ranking Mini Program keywords are very important, and the sooner they are released, the smaller the competition, but now it is a white-hot stage, and the basic name of a good keyword is preemptively registered.

2. Mini Program loading speed (accounting for 5%) As mentioned earlier, Mini Programs are also written in code, whose code is concise and loads quickly.

3. Keyword frequency (10%): The more times the exact match keyword appears in the description, the higher the ranking, a bit like the accumulation of SEO keywords in the early days.

4. Title (35%): The keyword in the title appears 1 time, and the shorter the number of words in the overall title, the higher the ranking. This is also what we say in SEO about relevance

5. Usage (accounting for 45%) The more users of WeChat Mini Program use, the higher the ranking

The above 5 factors were written by me in 2018, and I see that many articles on the market about the ranking rules of Mini Programs basically quote my article, and the word Mini Program SEO may also be the first to be written.

However, in the past six years, there have been some changes in the search ranking of Mini Programs, and at the same time, it has also been updated from the optimization suggestions and practical experience of other enterprises or individuals. The importance from high to low is as follows, still for reference only.

1. The overall usage of Mini Programs (that is, the total number of users of Mini Programs) is expected to account for about 50%;

2. The user behavior of the Mini Program (such as new user search clicks, stay time, evaluation, Mini Program activity, etc.) is expected to account for about 30%;

3. The relevance hit rate of the Mini Program (that is, the keyword matching degree of the Mini Program's name/description/service, etc.) is expected to account for about 15%;

4. The launch time, loading speed, and certification of the Mini Program are expected to account for about 5%.

Of course, for example, there will be factors such as industry, policy, cheating, etc., which are not in the ranking rules of Mini Programs.

How to rank WeChat Mini Program keywords?

Above we talked about the proportion of influencing factors of WeChat Mini Program ranking rules, how to do it, we can compare and do, and the practice of Poplar SEO is also a reference.

Keyword ranking optimization methods for regular WeChat Mini Programs:

1. Do a good job in improving the foundation of WeChat mini programs

Here one refers to the code before the Mini Program is launched, avatars, etc., and more refers to some code-side optimizations, as follows, from WeChat's official document suggestions:

The page (URL) that jumps to the Mini Program can be opened directly

The redirect URL in the Mini Program page is an important source for our crawler to discover the page, and the result page (URL) recalled by the search engine must be able to be opened directly and does not depend on the context state. Special: It is recommended that the parameters required for the page be included in the URL.

Page redirects are preferentially navigator components

The Mini Program provides two types of page routing:

a. navigator 组件

b. 路由 API,包括 navigateTo / redirectTo / switchTab / navigateBack / reLaunch 建议使用 navigator 组件,若不得不使用API,可在爬虫访问时屏蔽针对点击设置的时间锁或变量锁。

Clear and concise page parameters

Clear, concise, and meaningful querystrings are great for crawling and subsequent analysis, but using JSON data as arguments is a poor implementation.

Nothing from web-view is included

We can't do that for the time being, and we probably won't be able to do that in the long run.

Set a clear title and page thumbnail

Page titles and thumbnails play an important role in understanding the page and increasing impressionability conversions. Set the title and thumbnail of the page via wx.setNavigationBarTitle or onShareAppMessage, and complete the poster / poster-for-crawler attributes for the video and audio components.

2. Optimize the layout of WeChat Mini Program accounts, descriptions, and service names and keywords

At present, the only places where WeChat Mini Program can optimize keywords are the account name (not the abbreviation), 30 characters (15 Chinese characters) and description, 120 characters (60 Chinese characters), and the title of the function page in the Mini Program can be laid out, as shown in the figure:

Let's talk about the SEO keyword ranking rules of WeChat Mini Program and how to do it?

You may ask, is it better to have a longer name for a Mini Program account (with more layout keywords), or is it better to have a shorter name (exact match)? In fact, neither of these is right, because the relevance of the name of the Mini Program is said in our rules above, and it does not account for the largest proportion.

So Poplar SEO suggests that if you are a new Mini Program you should consider that it is better to match exactly, but you can't do words with a lot of traffic. If you are an old Mini Program, you can consider not only the account, but also your description.

3. Mini Program for certification

This refers to the fact that the Mini Program needs to be certified, and now the WeChat Mini Program also requires filing. Under the same conditions, the main rights of enterprises are more important than those of individual subjects, but if one is above the absolute amount of use, the ranking of individual subjects may also be at the top.

4. Optimization of user behavior data of Mini Programs

Here is the optimization of Mini Program user behavior data, which is simply understood to use the normal Mini Program user industry to do some keyword ranking optimization. Poplar SEO to put it more plainly is that it is possible to do all this from search clicks, search clicks to use, search clicks to use reviews (good reviews), etc.

One would wonder if the big word is not going to be a lot of volume. It's true to think this at first, but you need to know how much real words are searched for every day in WeChat search? You can also find out how much data is in the same peer nature?

How to judge the real search volume of keyword users in WeChat search, Poplar SEO's suggestion is that Tencent Advertising Background Casting Search One Search Advertising + WeChat Index Search One Search Proportion can be judged by combining it. For example, the WeChat index of the word [SEO] is more than 940,000, and the search accounts for 5.09%, about 50,000.

Let's talk about the SEO keyword ranking rules of WeChat Mini Program and how to do it?

5. The overall number of users of Mini Programs has increased

The increase in the overall number of users of the Mini Program will also help us rank the keywords of the Mini Program. How can we increase the overall number of users of our Mini Program? There are three main methods:

1) Invest in Mini Program advertisements (official accounts or Moments advertisements) to bring users;

2) mai applet users (this kind of many data platforms are doing), but the biggest risk of this lies in the user's own machine fen and the like, which seriously affects the normal ecology of WeChat, and Poplar SEO is not recommended.

3) Promote the organic traffic of the Mini Program across the network.

The above is about general conventional Mini Programs, for example, there are some such as brand Mini Programs and service Mini Programs, which can be optimized by service.

How to promote the new WeChat mini program?

How to promote new or existing WeChat Mini Programs, I wrote 16 ways to promote WeChat Mini Programs more than four years ago.

Of course, you may ask, it's been four or five years, can the promotion methods in it be used now? What I want to tell you is that even after another four or five years, some methods will still work, and they will be much the same.

If you now have a better way to promote WeChat Mini Programs, you can leave a message, which can help more friends in need.

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