
I open a restaurant, my cousin eats and drinks for nothing, and I can't afford to climb the head of his authority! I understood after a serious illness


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I open a restaurant, my cousin eats and drinks for nothing, and I can't afford to climb the head of his authority! I understood after a serious illness

My name is Zhang Hao, and I am the eldest son in the family. My family background is modest, but I have a dream in my heart and resolutely decided to open a small restaurant in a small town. It wasn't an easy decision, but I was full of confidence. I feel that as long as I work hard, happiness awaits me.

I opened a small shop called "Hao Ge Barbecue", although the scale is not large, but the business is quite stable. With my hard work, the business is getting better and better, and the word of mouth has gradually spread. Life is simple, but I feel fulfilled and satisfied.

However, problems arise.

My cousin Li Ming is the son of my second uncle, and my parents took him in because of the poor conditions at home when he was a child. I'm about the same age as him, and we've grown up together. Li Ming is a bit lazy, although he is an adult, he has no pursuits, and he is idle all day long. I knew since I was a child that he didn't like to read, he didn't have any special skills, and his family didn't discipline him much, and until now, he has no interest.

However, that's not what makes me the most angry. What infuriates me the most is that he actually became the director of our small town. I opened a restaurant, and it was small but I worked hard to run it, but I only got a small income, and it felt very unfair that he could sit in a position beyond my reach.

One day, I was busy in the restaurant, but Li Ming came with a group of friends, had a meal, and left without paying after eating. I was so angry that I thought to myself, what is this not eating and drinking for nothing?

I didn't blame him to my face, because after all, he was my cousin and a bureau chief, and I was afraid of his face. But the dissatisfaction in my heart is getting heavier and heavier. He can live a leisurely life, while I work hard to make a living, which makes me feel a great injustice.

I tried not to think about these unpleasant things and went on with my business. But Li Ming's repeated disregard and rudeness made it more and more unbearable for me. I began to feel as if I had become a springboard for him, and he could rely on my relationships at will without giving me any respect or anything in return.

This contradiction weighed on my heart and made me reflect on my own life. I used to think that if I worked hard, I could live a happy life. But reality tells me that hard work doesn't necessarily pay for fairness and respect.

I made up my mind that I wanted to change that. I can no longer passively accept this unfair treatment, and I want to fight for a better life for myself. But I don't have a clear plan for what to do yet. All I knew was that I couldn't go on like this, I had to make a change.

I open a restaurant, my cousin eats and drinks for nothing, and I can't afford to climb the head of his authority! I understood after a serious illness

Just when I was feeling depressed, an illness struck me. That night, I felt tightness in my chest and shortness of breath, and I couldn't breathe properly. I realized that something was wrong and quickly asked my wife to take me to the hospital.

In the hospital, the doctor told me that I had an acute myocardial infarction and needed immediate treatment. At that moment, I was stupid, how could I get such a serious illness? I'm so young, I can't just die in a hospital bed!

The doctor gave me emergency first aid and I was admitted to the operating room. The surgery went well, but I was in deep fear. I began to think back to my life and to the things that had made me unhappy. I realized that I was so obsessed with money and status that I neglected the importance of health and family.

After the surgery, I was lying in a hospital bed, feeling weak and weak. I closed my eyes and began to reflect on my life. I realized that I was chasing outer success and material things at the expense of inner peace and happiness. I kept working hard in my business, but I neglected to communicate and care for my family. I've always wanted to prove my worth, but I've neglected the most important things in life.

From my hospital bed, I made up my mind to change my lifestyle. I was no longer obsessed with money and status, but more focused on health and family. I want to get along with my family, spend more time with them, and care for them more. I want to live a simple and happy life, seeking inner peace and contentment.

When I recovered and was discharged from the hospital, I started my own path of change. I closed the restaurant and chose to enjoy life with my family. I walk with my wife every day, play with my children, and enjoy the warmth and happiness of my family. Instead of chasing external success and material things, I focus on inner peace and contentment. I have discovered that true happiness does not lie in money and status, but in peace of mind and the company of family.

Through this painful experience, I learned the true meaning of life. I no longer pursue external success and material things, but focus on inner peace and the happiness of my family. I learned to cherish life, to cherish every day, to cherish the time I spend with my family. I lived a simple and happy life, enjoying the warmth and happiness of my family.

After I changed my lifestyle, my family relationships also changed a lot. My relationship with my wife has become more harmonious, and we have started to communicate and understand each other more. I realized that my wife is the most important person in my life, and I want to cherish her so that she can live a happy life.

My relationship with my children has also become more intimate. I play with them every day and listen to them tell interesting stories about the day. I have found that companionship is the best gift, and I want to spend more time with my children so that they can feel my love and care.

I open a restaurant, my cousin eats and drinks for nothing, and I can't afford to climb the head of his authority! I understood after a serious illness

However, the contradiction between me and Li Ming still exists. Although I have stopped pursuing external success and material things, I still can't accept his rudeness and disrespect. Every time I saw him, I felt very unhappy, and I even wanted to avoid him and not have any contact with him.

However, fate forced me to face him again. One day, I received a phone call from Li Ming's assistant. He said that Li Ming wanted to meet with me and talk about something. I wanted to refuse, but I didn't think it was good, after all, he was my cousin, and I should still respect him.

Li Ming and I met at a café. He looked a little heavy, and I don't know what he was looking for me for. We ordered two cups of coffee, sat down and started chatting.

"Brother Hao, I know that there are some misunderstandings and contradictions between us." Li Ming opened his mouth and said, "I came to you to have a good talk with you and solve these problems." ”

I listened to his words and was a little touched in my heart. I thought he was just an irresponsible person, but I didn't expect him to have some thoughts. I nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"I know I've done some things in the past that upset you, and I'm sorry too." Li Ming continued, "But I hope you can understand that I didn't mean to. ”

I listened to his words and understood a little in my heart. Maybe Li Ming didn't mean to hurt me, but he just behaved in a way that made me feel uncomfortable. I decided to give him a chance to hear what he had to tell me.

"Actually, I came to you to ask you for a favor." Li Ming said, "There is going to be a charity dinner in the city recently, and I hope you can help me organize it, and I want to raise some money for some people in need through this event." ”

I listened to him and was a little surprised. I thought he was looking for me for some personal matter, but I didn't expect it to be for charity. I felt like I had misunderstood him, maybe he wasn't so selfish and cold.

I open a restaurant, my cousin eats and drinks for nothing, and I can't afford to climb the head of his authority! I understood after a serious illness

After listening to Li Ming's request, I felt a little conflicted. Although I was unhappy with his previous behavior, I also didn't want to refuse his request because of this trivial matter. After all, this is an event for charity, and I want to do my part.

I pondered for a moment, then finally nodded, "Okay, I promise you." But I hope you can guarantee the sincerity of this event and not let those donations be used in the wrong way. ”

Li Ming listened to my words and quickly nodded in agreement, "Don't worry, I will make sure that everything is fair and transparent." I'm ready for this event, I just need your help. ”

I listened to his words and breathed a sigh of relief in my heart. Maybe I had a biased view of him, and maybe he wasn't as selfish and cold as I thought. I decided to give him a chance to see if he could make some changes.

We agreed on some details and then we parted. I went home and told my wife about the charity event. After listening to it, she also expressed her support for my participation, which she felt was a very meaningful thing.

I started working on organizing charity dinners. I reached out to some of the influencers and hoped they would help us get the word out and get more people to attend. I also worked with some companies to sponsor some supplies to add some color to the event.

Thanks to the joint efforts of Li Ming and me, the preparations for the charity dinner are progressing smoothly. We invited some well-known guests and public figures to attend and hope they will add some sparkle to the event. We have also arranged some wonderful programs and performances in the hope of attracting more people to attend.

Finally, on the day of the event, the venue was beautifully decorated with colorful flags and flowers. Li Ming and I stood at the entrance to greet the guests, and I felt very relieved to see people rushing in. The success of this event will not only raise some funds for those in need, but also enhance social harmony and unity.

The event began, and people took to the stage to perform the program, and the scene was very lively. I watched the performance on stage and was very happy. This activity can not only provide some help to those in need, but also make everyone feel the warmth and care of the society.

I open a restaurant, my cousin eats and drinks for nothing, and I can't afford to climb the head of his authority! I understood after a serious illness

The charity dinner was a great success and everyone had a great time. I look at the people around me smiling and feel very satisfied.

At the end of the dinner, I stood on the stage and expressed my feelings to everyone, "Dear guests, such a successful charity dinner today is inseparable from everyone's support and participation. We have raised a lot of money that will be used to help those in need. I believe that through our efforts, more people will be able to feel the warmth and care of the society. Thank you again for your support and participation, and hope that we can always work together to make greater contributions to the development and progress of society. ”

The audience burst into warm applause, and everyone expressed their approval and support. I looked at the people in the audience and felt very moved. This event not only provides help to those in need, but also promotes social harmony and unity, which is a very meaningful thing.

After the dinner, Li Ming and I cleaned up the venue. I looked at him with a sense of gratitude, "Thank you for the invitation to participate in such a meaningful event." ”

Li Ming smiled and shook his head, "You're welcome, this is as it should be." I would also like to thank you, without your help, this event would not have gone so smoothly. ”

I smiled, feeling that the misunderstanding between me and him seemed to have been cleared up a lot, "Actually, I was a little prejudiced against you before, thinking that you were just an irresponsible person. But through this event, I found that you still have some thoughts. ”

Li Ming listened to my words and smiled, "Maybe I didn't do well enough before and didn't leave a good impression on you." But I'm going to try to change and make you think of me again. ”

I nodded and expressed my support, "I hope that our relationship can get better and better, and together we can make greater contributions to the development and progress of society." ”

We hugged each other, and our hearts were filled with anticipation and hope for the future. Perhaps this event not only helped those in need, but also brought us closer together, which was a very successful attempt. I believe that if we work together, we will be able to create a better future.

I open a restaurant, my cousin eats and drinks for nothing, and I can't afford to climb the head of his authority! I understood after a serious illness

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