
Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

author:Equestrian Online
Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

In the vast ocean of knowledge, what are the trivia facts about horses that make you marvel? Collect it and use it next time!

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

1 The horse's action of opening its lips and looking up to the sky is not "snickering", but rather a physiological act to get more information in the air, called flehmen, which is common in stallions in heat.

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

2 Together, a horse's teeth are larger than a horse's brain, which may be a "simple mind with well-developed limbs."

3 The brain weight of an adult horse is about 690 grams, which is half the weight of a human brain.

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

4 Horses produce about 38 litres of saliva a day, which is proportional to the number of chews and about four times that of humans.

5 A horse's ears require 10 muscles to rotate, which explains why the horse's ears can rotate nearly 180 degrees.

6 An adult horse, defecating 8-12 times a day, can produce a total of 45~50 pounds of feces.

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

7 In general. A stallion and a mare can be judged by the number of teeth, with a stallion having 40 teeth and a mare having 36. Stallions usually have four constant canine teeth: 104, 204, 304, 404 (Triadan system numbering), and mares usually have no canine teeth, or are vestigial.

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

The 8 horses have an almost panoramic field of view with a field of view of about 350°, of which about 65° is binocular vision and the remaining 285° is monocular vision. But there are two blind spots, one is the area of the cone 90-120 cm in front of the horse's face, and the other is the area directly behind the horse's head, which is why we always say that the horse's ass cannot be shot.

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!
Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

9 Healthy hoof cuticles take at least 9-12 months to grow from birth to the ground, and the main component of horseshoe is protein, similar to human nails and hair.

10 The eyes of horses are the largest of all land mammals.

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

11 Horses can sleep lying down or standing, but in a herd of horses, all horses do not lie down to sleep at the same time, they need to have horses left to "stand guard."

12 Horses use their ears, eyes, and nostrils to express emotions. Staring wide-eyed, holding head high, and nostrils wide indicates that the horse is focused on a certain place and is a little nervous; And slightly to the ears of the back to show obedience.

13 Horses have a sweet tooth, and most horses hate sour and bitter tastes.

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

14 Horses have 7 common blood types (A, C, D, K, P, Q, U), while the 8th blood group, T, is not internationally recognized.

15 The gestation period of a mare is 11 months, and most mares give birth late at night.

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

16 Horses do not burp, and they do not vomit. Horses cannot breathe through their mouths and have a one-way digestive system, unlike cows or other ruminants, which can regurgitate and chew food repeatedly. While they have very effective ways to deal with plant fiber in forage, this long, one-way digestive system increases the risk of intestinal obstruction as well as colic.

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

17 It is possible to determine if a horse is cold by checking the temperature behind the horse's ears, just as a person's fingers are cold when they are cold.

18 Horses have much better nighttime vision than humans. However, it takes longer for a horse's eyes to adapt to light from light to dark or from dark to light compared to humans.

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

19 In most cases, the horse's ears point in the same direction as the eye on the same side is looking.

20 A horse has 205 bones, and a man has 206 bones, one more than a horse. (except for Arabian horses, etc.).

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

The 21 Quarthorse is the best breed at sprinting, and is said to be able to reach around 88 km/h at the fastest sprint, but there are no official records for this. The official record horse was 70.76 km/h, set in 2008 by a thoroughbred named Winning Brew.

Are horse teeth larger than horse brains? Trivia about horses, collect them!

22 A horse has a very good memory, and if it is treated well, it will remember the person who was good to it, and it will never forget it for the rest of its life. In addition to people, horses can also remember the way home, this is the old horse knows the way.

23 The longest-lived horse currently recorded lived 62 years, equivalent to 186 years for a human, a 19th-century horse named Old Billy.

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