
Letters of recommendation from the student about the student's recommendation

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Letters of recommendation from the student about the student's recommendation

Collection of Recommendation Letters from Students Recommending Students Part 1

  Dear Leaders,


  Thank you for reading my cover letter, thank you!

  I am a fresh graduate of Guangdong Medical College 09 major, with great longing for the medical career, through three years of systematic study and practice, I have laid a solid professional theoretical foundation, cultivated a strong self-learning ability, excellent teamwork spirit and pragmatic work style. Simple, steady, pioneering and innovative are my character characteristics.

  In the three years of university life, I have continuously absorbed medical knowledge, actively participated in social practice, enriched and improved myself in a good learning atmosphere, not only have the necessary qualities of a clinician, but also passed the national college English test level 4 and computer level 2 examination at one time, won the first and second class scholarships of the school several times, and was rated as a good student and an outstanding league member of the college. During the internship, I was able to combine the theoretical knowledge I learned with clinical practice, think positively, and actively practice, deepened my knowledge and understanding of diseases, cultivated a good clinical way of thinking, and made me proficient in the basic diagnosis and treatment techniques of various clinical departments, and made correct diagnosis and treatment of common and frequent diseases in various departments. Strong interest in learning, strong sense of responsibility, strong acceptance and practical ability, so that I have won the unanimous praise of senior doctors, but also let me move towards the future job with confidence.

  On this basis, I also pay attention to comprehensive quality education and the cultivation of my own strengths. Since the beginning of my freshman year, I have worked hard in my spare time to learn to calculate windows98//xp operating system proficiently, word, excel, office and other office software applications, make full use of network resources, to create good conditions for learning cutting-edge medical knowledge, I am also proficient in frontpage, dreamweaver, fireworks, flash, photoshop and other web page production related software, And independently made his own personal homepage. In addition, I am also quite familiar with the construction of LAN, and I believe that I will make my own contribution to the construction of your organization's digital information business platform.

Collection of Recommendation Letters from Students Recommending Students Part 2

  Dear Leaders,


  First of all, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my self-recommendation letter and open a door of hope for an enthusiastic college student.

  My name is and I am a student who is about to graduate from XX School in 20xx with a degree in Advanced Nursing. On the occasion of choosing a career, I sincerely recommend myself with a sincere heart and a persistent pursuit of my career.

  After a year of practice, I have made a fruitful harvest in nursing technology, making me more mature and stable, and my professional foundation is more solid.

  Through my hard work in school, I have mastered a lot of professional and technical knowledge, and the level of nursing operations has been greatly improved, such as: aseptic technique, urinary catheterization, enema, lower gastric tube, oral care, adult intravenous infusion, oxygen inhalation, intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular injection and other techniques can be more proficient in operation. Strong ability to work independently. The internship experience in the hospital allowed me to learn the professional skills of veteran nurses. The work of the wards in various departments has taught me to be patient in the face of danger, to nurse patiently, to treat people with a smile, to treat the condition with the greatest rationality, and to face patients with the most sincere love.

  In life, I have trained myself to become a hard-working person, enthusiastic and active, down-to-earth, diligent and honest, being able to work independently is my duty to work, independent thinking, good health, and energy are the platforms that I can give full play to. Moreover, through two years of university study and one year of internship in the hospital, I have cultivated a good working attitude and team spirit.

  The past does not represent the future, diligence is the real connotation. For practical work, I believe that I can quickly adapt to the working environment, and continue to learn in practical work, constantly improve myself, and do my job well. If I am fortunate enough to join your unit, I firmly believe that with my unremitting efforts, I will definitely make due contributions to the development of your unit. Therefore, I am confident in my future.

  I love nursing and look forward to contributing to this glorious cause under your leadership, and I will continue to learn and improve in my work.

  Finally, please accept my sincerest thanks!



Collection of Recommendation Letters from Students Recommending Students Part 3

  Dear Teachers,

  Hello! My name is 18 years old and I am a senior from CCCC Middle School. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my cover letter.

  Your school has a long history, profound cultural heritage, rich teaching resources, good academic atmosphere, for the society to cultivate many outstanding talents, is the Ministry of Education directly under the "211" project and "985" project key construction universities, there are many majors in the top in the country. Many of my brothers and sisters have chosen your school as their first choice. I also hope to get the admission letter of your school next summer, I hope to become a student of your school, I hope to further my studies in your school, I am eager to become a useful talent for the society and the motherland, and I hope to become a witness to the glorious history of your school. I hope that this independent entrance examination will change the trajectory of my life, let me devote myself to the arms of your school, and I hope to be admitted to your school. I think I have that qualification.

  I come from the science experimental class of Zhongwei No. 1 Middle School and High School, and in this class full of masters, my academic performance always has a slight advantage. Such results have firmly rooted me in the forefront of the school's academic performance. In fact, I still have a lot of potential, and my score still has room to appreciate. My in-depth analysis of the problem, my mastery of knowledge was not fully reflected in my papers. There were many times when my answer was correct, but the process of solving the problem was not understood by the teacher. Sometimes, the process is clear, but the result is that the correct answer is missed by a small mistake. I chose your school because I think your school pays attention to both process and results. I think I personally would be a good fit to get an education at your school. I am a science major, I pay attention to reasoning and evidence, I not only pay attention to IQ, but also pay great attention to the development of emotional intelligence while developing the intellectual resources of the brain.

  When I was a freshman in high school, I was the math class representative, and at that time, I sent and sent homework every day to help teachers complete teaching tasks. In addition to studying, I often help those students who are weak in biology and explain difficult topics to them, so I am welcomed by my classmates and has been selected as a good student many times. I actively participated in class activities and choreographed the historical dramas "Tiger Fu" and "Thunderstorm", which were warmly praised by my classmates. In the debate competition organized by the school, I helped my class win all six battles and hung up the pennant of "first place". In my opinion, high school students should develop morally, intellectually, physically, and aesthetically in an all-round way, and high school should cultivate not only "talents" with a large number of knowledge reserves, but also "talents" who can make full use of their knowledge reserves. My goal in high school is not just to get into a prestigious university like yours and have no worries about food and clothing in the future. My goal in high school is to become an all-round high-quality person with thoughts, morals, knowledge, and skills. I want to devote myself to the modernization of the motherland like fire. I don't want to be a person who has a lot of money and a lot of money, but doesn't do anything and does a lot of life.

  My love for literature has broadened my horizons and broadened my thinking. I have published more than 10 essays in provincial and municipal newspapers and periodicals, and I have many articles on the Lianyuan Original Station. I think that a big tree, no matter how big, always has its roots deep in the earth. The roots of literature are deeply rooted in the long-standing traditional culture of the mainland. I like "Journey to the West", especially "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and "Dream of Red Mansions". I love "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" because it is simple and capable, and I love "Dream of Red Mansions" because it is gentle and lovely. When I read about Zhuge Liang's fall to the Five Battles, there is always infinite lamentation. Every time I read the scene before Lin Daiyu's death, the sentence "Baoyu, you -------" with all my best efforts can't help but pick up a sentence for her, "Baoyu, you are so ruthless." "Then my heart ached. I think that "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" taught me to look at problems with a skeptical eye, while "Dream of Red Mansions" taught me to solve problems with an ideal vision. I use traditional masterpieces to build a unified bridge between ideals and reality.

  I'm also very proud of the results in the Olympiad. Anyway, the results weren't the best, but they were enough to make me proud. When I was a freshman in high school, I participated in a chemistry competition and won the third prize in the city. At that time, I was just trying my hand at the knife. In the second year of high school, I opened a biology class, and my interest in biology made me participate in the competition class without hesitation, and devote myself wholeheartedly to the vast ocean of "biology". It took me less than 10 days to devour a 600-page Biology Olympiad course, and I did dozens of exercises at the same time. The hard work paid off, and I entered the provincial competition as the second in the municipal competition. In order to prepare for the provincial competition, I studied university biology courses on my own, did Olympiad questions for nearly five years, was busy until late at night every day, and rushed to the school library early in the morning. At that time, the school was having a summer sports day, and the athletes were sweating on the field, and I was sweating in the stuffy room. I was very well prepared, full of ambition, bound to win, I even boasted of Haikou: "Fight for the province one, protect the province two", now it seems that I was like a bow at that time, both mentally and physically full, and the fatigue of the days was like a flood across the cordon. During the more than five hours of the long bus ride, motion sickness, vomiting, dizziness, nausea. As a result, I didn't bring my dream into reality, and I missed the provincial second prize by two points. I only won the provincial third prize. At that time, I was very sad and sad for my efforts, and my mother advised me: "This process of hard work is a lot of life wealth." "Now it seems that even the provincial third prize has a great role in independent enrollment? Doesn't it also help me get one step closer to the university of my choice? I think the Olympiad was an unforgettable experience for me, because it made me realize that the process is just as important as the result.

Collection of Recommendation Letters from Students Recommending Students Part 4

  A little girl, now thirteen years old, is not a beautiful girl, her appearance is not good, born in Liuzhou City, Guangxi. His ancestral home is Zhejiang (Jin Yong's hometown), but he has never set foot here. At the age of four, he entered Beijing with his father and entered the kindergarten of the Academy of Earth Sciences. I am not familiar with life, I am bullied by children, I often shrink in the corner with tears, and gradually change the habit of loving to move and make trouble, and I am timid and cautious until now.

  At the age of six and a half, he entered elementary school, and he was very happy in the lower grades. The head teacher's surname is Liang, who is extremely kind, and his partners are as close as a family. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and when the third grade was transferred, he was merged into the second class, and he also moved to the first place of residence. The students in this class are indifferent, jealous, and not sincere; After moving, the residence was far away from the primary school, and there was no communication with classmates, which further increased the estrangement. In this class, I spent my days like a year, and I almost wanted to transfer to another school, so I had to study all day to comfort my boredom.

  After graduation, he was admitted to Beijing No. 8 Middle School. The setting is beautiful and pleasant. Most of the students are versatile, and the class has a harmonious relationship. Teachers win the hearts of students. On weekdays, my classmates talk about it (my class calls it ""), and I often mix in it and have a good time. I don't love sports, so I go to the computer and read novels.

  I have had many hobbies since I was a child, but none of them have become specialty. Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, only a little bit of it. In primary school, he won a number of awards: in the Municipal English Science and Technology Competition, he won the first, second and third prizes once, won the third prize in the Singapore Mathematics Competition, and passed the ninth grade in the piano. None of them were obtained after secondary school. At present, he has no ambitions, only takes open-mindedness as the highest pursuit, and loves Mr. Jin Yong's "Smiling Proud Jianghu", as well as the poems of Li Bai and Xin Qiji.

Collection of Recommendation Letters from Students Recommending Students 5

  Principal of X Elementary School:

  I am the parent. The Junior Girl will be admitted to Primary 1 in September this year. Therefore, I am writing to the principal and asking for the opportunity to interview with the little girl. We sincerely hope that our little girls will have the opportunity to receive a high-quality education from your school, become a part of your school, and spend a happy school life.

  I am very impressed by the simplicity of your school's school spirit, rigorous school-running, and ambition to educate talents, and is committed to promoting the four types of moral, intellectual, and physical education. Therefore, we have always respected the school's policy, which not only focuses on students' academic performance, but also takes into account the development of students in the classroom, and also attaches great importance to moral education. His Excellency the Principal and his staff are passionate about the cause of education. The little girl is fortunate to have your talents to receive education in your school, which is really beneficial to the growth of the little girl.

  The qualifications of the little girl are not bad, and if she can be enlightened by the principal and the teachers of your school, she will definitely be able to make remarkable achievements. As a kindergartener, the girls were well prepared and participated in various extracurricular interest classes and pre-school tutoring courses, which enabled them to enhance their knowledge, self-confidence and social character. The little girl is smart and studious, especially talented in language and art, and her academic performance has always been among the best. On the other hand, the little girl is also a lively child, who loves dance and piano, and has participated in many performances, and has also participated in English singing tours and Kumon English and mathematics classes in extracurricular activities, and has been fortunate to win gold and silver respectively beyond the school year. If the little girl is fortunate enough to be admitted to your school, her potential in this area will be carefully cultivated and realized. I sincerely hope that the principal will give the little girl the opportunity and support. Enclosed is the transcript and personal information of the little girl attending kindergarten for your reference. If you are given the opportunity to study by your school, the little girl should be diligent in learning, abide by the sincere teachings of the principal and teachers, and contribute to the society in the future.

Collection of Recommendation Letters from Students Recommending Students 6

  Dear Sir or Madam::

  Wuyi Experimental Middle School is the school with the best grades in Wuyi. As Xu Shan, a mathematics teacher who has been with Shi Shunwei for three years, I would be happy to give an overview of his school life in junior high school for three years of school for your school evaluation.

  In the past three years, he left me with the impression that he was a serious, smart, lively, thoughtful, and very self-motivated child. Every time he left his homework, he was able to actively and carefully complete it, and he could ask teachers and classmates for help when he encountered problems that he didn't know, so his math scores have been improving continuously in the past three years. Overall, he still stands out.

  In other ways, I learned that he was also a boy who loved writing and basketball. Both require perseverance and quick reflexes. I remember that when the school first started, he was absent from the opening ceremony because of the publication of the book. In a sports competition, he ran hard for the honor of the class, and finally achieved gratifying results for the class. Not only that, he also likes music very much, and also actively participates in various competitions, has achieved good results, and in the case of a broken ball in the game, he insisted on practicing the saxophone and obtained a grade certificate.

  In terms of getting along with classmates, as soon as class ends, some classmates like to sit around him and say goodbye to him. This is because he has a cheerful, humorous, generous, and optimistic attitude towards life. Whenever the teacher has a task assigned down, he is always the first to rush to complete it, and he is an indispensable assistant to the teacher. Even when the final exams are approaching and the schoolwork is heavy, he is the first to open the door for his classmates, and the last to leave the classroom to close the doors and windows, but sometimes he forgets to inform his family because he is too focused on playing, and his ability in life needs to be strengthened.

  I believe that Shi Shunwei's performance in both learning and humanities will leave a deep impression on your school. If you need to know more about this outstanding student, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Collection of Recommendation Letters from Students Recommending Students 7

  I am a professor and a class teacher in the School of Nuclear Science and Technology of Harbin Engineering University, and I was recommended to participate in the interdisciplinary summer camp of your school at the request of Yu Guojun, a classmate in my class.

  I have been the class teacher of Yu Guojun's class for nearly three years, and in my contact with Yu Guojun, I can find that the student is diligent, down-to-earth, conscientious, proactive, has solid professional basic knowledge and good English reading and writing skills. Moreover, it can be seen from the class activities he participated in that the student has an active mind, is good at communicating with others, and has good teamwork skills. Moreover, the student has strong academic interests, certain scientific research potential and good training prospects.

  The student's comprehensive performance is outstanding, so it is recommended and it is hoped that it will be approved.