
Man's wife who was found to have syphilis in marriage sued to revoke the marriage Netizen: To determine the love relationship, first check the marriage

author:Tian Xiaoyi talks about emotions

Foreword: People who eat whole grains will inevitably get sick and have a fever or something. But there was a man in Chongqing who had a disease and was sued by the woman to the court to dissolve the marriage, and the court really ruled in favor of the woman!

Event review: Recently, the Jiulongpo Court of Chongqing Municipality concluded a case that rushed to the hot search: the case was that the man had syphilis before marriage and did not truthfully inform the woman, so the woman sued the court to apply for the annulment of the marriage.


Judging from the introduction of the whole case, the man and the girl have been in love for many years and finally entered the marriage hall.

The next step is to prepare for pregnancy and give birth to a baby, and a happy little family was born under the witness of relatives and friends.

But I never expected that the results of the marriage examination were shocking. The man was syphilis positive. As a result, the doctor advised the parties to "postpone their marriage".

Feeling concealed and deceived, the woman sued the court directly, requesting the annulment of the marriage on the grounds that the man had concealed a serious illness before marriage.

Man's wife who was found to have syphilis in marriage sued to revoke the marriage Netizen: To determine the love relationship, first check the marriage

After careful trial, the court held that syphilis is a Class B infectious disease stipulated in the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, and it is an infectious disease that is medically considered to affect marriage and childbirth.

Man's wife who was found to have syphilis in marriage sued to revoke the marriage Netizen: To determine the love relationship, first check the marriage

Under this provision, the court upheld the plaintiff's claim for annulment of the marriage relationship in accordance with the law, and ruled to revoke the marriage relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant.

As a reminder, annulment of marriage and divorce do not mean the same thing.

Divorce refers to the dissolution of the legal and valid marriage relationship between the husband and wife through legal procedures, that is, the marriage relationship between Russia and Russia before the divorce is valid and recognized by law.

Therefore, in layman's terms, remarriage after divorce belongs to second marriage and third marriage.

The annulment of marriage is a marriage under certain circumstances, such as a marriage entered into involuntarily or under duress, or a marriage in which the husband deliberately conceals a significant medical history, as in this case.

In this case, the marriage is deemed invalid by the law from the beginning, and after the annulment of the marriage, then the plaintiff is equivalent to never being married.

Netizen comments: It also focuses on the necessity and sequence of marriage inspection.

Everyone thinks that the order should be clear: the marriage test should be carried out first, and the results of the examination should be disclosed to both men and women! After passing the marriage examination, proceed to the next step.

Man's wife who was found to have syphilis in marriage sued to revoke the marriage Netizen: To determine the love relationship, first check the marriage
Man's wife who was found to have syphilis in marriage sued to revoke the marriage Netizen: To determine the love relationship, first check the marriage
Man's wife who was found to have syphilis in marriage sued to revoke the marriage Netizen: To determine the love relationship, first check the marriage
Man's wife who was found to have syphilis in marriage sued to revoke the marriage Netizen: To determine the love relationship, first check the marriage

Written at the end: From this case, it is not known when the man got this disease, it may be before he fell in love with the woman, and then it has returned to normal through treatment, but he was afraid that the marriage would be yellow, so he took a concealment.

Another possibility is that it was obtained during a relationship. If you get this disease during the relationship and hide it, it won't be authentic!

Self-cleanliness is to be responsible for oneself and the people you love.

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