
Avanafil, which has a faster onset of action in 12 minutes, why does someone eat it without reacting? Or to understand these 3 points

author:Doctor Sanqin

Content Sources:

1. Li M, Zhang W, Li J, et al. "Research progress on the application of avanafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction." Chinese Journal of Sexual Sciences 2020, 29(2): 109-112.

2. Wang Leehom, Zheng Changqing. "Efficacy and Safety Analysis of Avanafil in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction." Modern Chinese Doctor 2019, 57(28): 134-137.

3. Zhang Jian, Chen Lei. "Analysis of Factors Influencing the Therapeutic Effect of PDE5 Inhibitors." Chinese Journal of Andrology 2021, 27(4): 331-334.

Xu Kai, a 28-year-old native of Qinghai, has a successful career, works as a middle-level manager in a well-known local company, and has a stable and fulfilling life. However, behind such an evaluation, Xu Kai has an unknown secret.

After two years of marriage, Xu Kai and his wife Li Biyu's life should have been full of laughter and sweetness. However, whenever night falls, when the two are alone, Xu Kai always feels an invisible pressure and anxiety. This emotion began when he found himself unable to cope with the intimacy between husband and wife.

Avanafil, which has a faster onset of action in 12 minutes, why does someone eat it without reacting? Or to understand these 3 points

Every attempt was like a blow to his male dignity, and he was ashamed to mention these problems to anyone, including his wife Li Biyu.

Xu Kai, a man in the eyes of outsiders, has reached its peak of self-doubt and frustration in his heart at this moment. He knows that if this problem is not solved for a long time, it will not only affect the relationship between husband and wife, but may even destroy this home that should be warm and harmonious. Therefore, after wandering and struggling again and again, Xu Kai made up his mind to seek professional help for the happiness of himself and his family.

One day in early spring, Xu Kai cautiously walked into a well-known men's hospital in the city. In the doctor's consultation room, Xu Kai's face was flushed in the face of gentle questioning, but he finally mustered up the courage to tell the truth about his condition. After hearing this, the doctor nodded very understandingly, and carried out a series of examinations on Xu Kai.

Avanafil, which has a faster onset of action in 12 minutes, why does someone eat it without reacting? Or to understand these 3 points

After the examination, the doctor explained to Xu Kai that his problem was not unique, and that it was clinically known as "erectile dysfunction" and was a problem that many men may encounter. After explaining the cause and treatment, the doctor recommended a drug - sildenafil, explaining that it is a commonly used and effective treatment.

However, Xu Kai learned about another drug, Avanafil, in his prior "homework", which is said to work faster. With a strong expectation of efficacy, he made a request to his doctor to use avanafil. The doctor was silent for a moment, and then explained in detail why he was denied his request.

The doctor explained to Xu Kai that although avanafil does have the advantage of rapid onset, considering Xu Kai's specific situation and physique, sildenafil is more suitable for his current treatment needs. At the same time, it is emphasized again that drug treatment is not achieved overnight, and the most important thing is to choose the most suitable drug for the patient. The doctor's professionalism and patience eventually dispelled Xu Kai's doubts, and he agreed to start the treatment according to the doctor's advice.

Avanafil, which has a faster onset of action in 12 minutes, why does someone eat it without reacting? Or to understand these 3 points

With the deepening of treatment, Xu Kai gradually felt the changes in his body. The embarrassment and frustration begin to subside, replaced by self-confidence and hope. Every time he progressed, he was full of expectations for the future and regained his pride as a husband.

Obviously, the process of treatment has not been smooth sailing. Kai Xu encountered a variety of psychological and physical challenges during his treatment. However, with the careful guidance of the doctor and the support of his wife Li Biyu, Xu Kai solved the big trouble.

Just when he was excited to share it with his good buddy who had the same problem, he didn't expect the other party to say that the avanafil he used was only eight or nine points better in a few days.

As soon as he heard this, Xu Kai couldn't sit still, thinking that he insisted on asking the doctor but was unwilling, daring to love was to make more money, and suddenly found the doctor and wanted an explanation, at this time the doctor could only shake his head helplessly and said: "Avanafil is a hypocritical drug, some people work quickly, and some people don't respond for a long time, the key lies in these three points." ”

Avanafil, which has a faster onset of action in 12 minutes, why does someone eat it without reacting? Or to understand these 3 points

Avanafil, as a drug widely used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men, is favored by many patients due to its rapid effect.

However, in practice, we have found that the effect of avanafil on different individuals shows significant individual differences - some patients quickly feel the effectiveness of the drug after taking it, while others are slow to experience its positive therapeutic effects. What kind of scientific principles are hidden behind this phenomenon?

First of all, we have to mention the individual differences in the human body. Individual differences in the human body are one of the important factors that determine the effectiveness of drugs, including differences in enzyme activity in the human body, differences in bioavailability, and speed of metabolism.

When it comes to avanafil specifically, its metabolism is mainly dependent on the CYP3A4 enzyme in the liver. The metabolic activity of CYP3A4 enzyme varies in different individuals due to genetic differences, which affects the metabolic rate and efficacy of avanafil in vivo. If a person's CYP3A4 enzyme activity is high, then avanafil may be metabolized more quickly in the body, reducing the duration of action of the active ingredient and making the drug less effective. Conversely, individuals with low enzyme activity may have a better drug response.

Avanafil, which has a faster onset of action in 12 minutes, why does someone eat it without reacting? Or to understand these 3 points

Secondly, the patient's health status and lifestyle habits also have a significant impact on the efficacy of the drug. For example, patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, or cardiovascular disease may already have some degree of abnormality in their blood circulation, which may affect the absorption and distribution of avanafil in the body, which in turn affects the efficacy of the drug.

At the same time, lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption, smoking, and dietary habits can also indirectly affect the effectiveness of drugs by affecting the activity of metabolic enzymes and the overall health of the body.

Finally, the way the drug is used and the other drugs used in conjunction with it are also factors that cannot be ignored. The correct use of avanafil is essential to maximize its effectiveness. It is usually emphasized in the drug insert that high-fat foods should be avoided for a certain period of time before and after taking the drug, because high-fat foods can slow down the absorption of the drug and delay the effect of the drug.

Avanafil, which has a faster onset of action in 12 minutes, why does someone eat it without reacting? Or to understand these 3 points

In addition, drug interactions may occur when avanafil is used with certain drugs, such as when shared with drugs metabolized by CYP3A4, which may affect the concentration of avanafil in the body, thus affecting the efficacy.

From the above discussion, we can understand that the difference in efficacy shown by avanafil in different individuals is the result of a combination of factors. To better understand the effects of avanafil and achieve optimal treatment outcomes for different individuals, doctors and patients need to fully consider these factors and adjust and optimize them in practical applications.

Despite these challenges, through in-depth medical research and individualized treatment design, it is still possible to provide an effective solution for most patients to achieve the best results when using avanafil. To this end, medical researchers and clinicians need to continue to explore and research to continuously optimize the application strategy of avanafil to meet the specific needs of different patients.