
Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

author:Michito Kusatake
Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel


Based on Frusel's viewpoint, this paper explores the relationship between freedom and technical imagery, and analyzes and explores it in depth in the context of the installation society. First, Frusel's theoretical framework is introduced, including the concept of technological images and the mechanism of the influence of technological devices on society. Then, the impact of technological devices on individual freedom and social structure is analyzed from multiple dimensions, and the possible negative effects and risks of technological devices are emphasized.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

I. Introduction

In the context of the rapid development of contemporary technology, technical imaging has become an indispensable part of our lives. From the camera capabilities of smartphones to the immersive experiences of virtual reality, technological images are everywhere and profoundly impact the way we think, socialize, and cultural life. However, as technological imaging has become more ubiquitous and powerful, attention has been paid to the impact of technology on freedom, especially in the areas of information control, privacy protection, and freedom of thought.

The purpose of this article is to explore the philosophical implications behind technical images and their challenges and possible paths to human freedom through an in-depth interpretation of Vilém Flusser's image theory. Frusel was a well-known media philosopher of the 20th century, and his unique insights into images, technology, and human relationships attracted widespread attention. Through the exploration of its theories, we can better understand the impact of technological images on human life, and how to protect and realize human freedom in the process of technological development.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

II. An Exploration of the Evolution of Images

A. Evolution from traditional imagery to conceptual imagery

The evolution of the image is a microcosm of the development of human culture and technology, from the earliest murals and sculptures, to the later painting art and photography, and then to today's digital images and virtual reality, each stage reflects the continuous exploration and innovation of human beings in the way of image expression. However, with the advancement of science and technology and the changes of society, the evolution of images has also shown a trend from materialization to conceptualization.

In the era of traditional images, people mainly express and transmit image information through material carriers such as canvas and film. This kind of materialized image has certain limitations, and is limited by the limitations of materials and tools, and cannot fully express human imagination and concepts. However, with the advancement of technology, especially the development of digital technology, the image has gradually shifted from materialization to conceptualization.

Conceptual images are no longer limited to material carriers, but rely more on abstract concepts such as symbols, language, and numerical codes to express and convey information. For example, the emergence of digital images, virtual reality and other technical forms has made images no longer limited by physical space and time, and can be expressed and presented more flexibly. This kind of conceptual image is not only more expressive and communicative, but also better able to meet the needs of human beings for diversity and individuality.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

B. Photographic installations as a starting point for technical imagery

The invention of the photographic installation marked the birth of the technical image, which was an important milestone in the evolution of the image. Compared with traditional painting art, photographic installations have a higher degree of authenticity and objectivity, and can accurately record real-world scenes. With the advent of this kind of technical image, the image is no longer just an artistic expression, but also an objective record and information carrier.

However, the advent of photographic installations has also brought about a trend towards the technologization and industrialization of images. The popularization and popularization of cameras have made image production easier and more efficient, but it has also led to the proliferation of image production and consumption, which in turn has led to a series of discussions about the authenticity and authority of images. The large-scale production and dissemination of this kind of technical image also laid the foundation for the later era of technical imagery.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

C. Frusel's view on the evolution of the technical image

Frusel's views on the evolution of the technological image are largely focused on his theory of the installation society. He believes that the emergence of the technological image marks the transition of human beings from the state of nature to the state of installation, that is, human beings no longer encounter nature directly, but through the mediation of technological devices. In this kind of installation society, technological images have become the main perceptual and cognitive tools of human beings, profoundly affecting people's thinking and behavior patterns.

However, Froussel is not optimistic about the development of technical imagery. He believes that the popularization and proliferation of technological images will lead to the loss of human beings' direct perception and experience of reality, which in turn will lead to the alienation and loss of freedom of human beings. In his view, although technological images provide a kind of freedom and convenience on the surface, they actually deprive human beings of autonomy and creativity. Therefore, he called on people to be cautious about technological images and to pursue and cherish freedom.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

III. A critique of photographic installations and the society of installations

A. Analysis of the relationship between photographic installation and installation society

As a representative of technical images, photographic installations play an important role in the installation society. The theory of installation society believes that human beings mediate their relationship with nature through technological devices, which in turn changes the way humans perceive and perceive. The advent of photographic installations marks the transition of human beings from direct contact with nature to the mediation of technology, which has had a profound impact on human society and individual life.

First of all, photographic installations have changed the relationship between humans and nature. The traditional relationship between humans and nature is direct and natural, and people know and understand nature through direct perception and experience. However, with the advent of photographic installations, people no longer encounter nature directly, but through technological installations to observe and document natural scenes. This indirect way of observation makes people's understanding of nature more one-sided and limited, and it is easy to fall into misunderstanding and misperception of superficial phenomena.

Secondly, the photographic installation exacerbates the strengthening of the relationship between subject and object. In the device society, technological devices have become the main perceptual and cognitive tools of human beings, thereby strengthening the existence of the subject-object relationship. As a technological tool, photographic installations have not only changed the way people perceive nature, but also influenced their perception of themselves and others. Through the images captured by photographic installations, people often only see the surface of the scene, ignoring the deeper meaning and the story behind it. This superficial way of knowing makes communication and understanding between people more difficult, and can easily lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

B. Technical imagery reinforces the worldview of the subject-object relationship

The popularization and proliferation of technical images have further strengthened the relationship between subject and object in human society. In the installation society, people tend to observe and understand the world through technological devices, ignoring the importance of direct perception and experience. This strengthened subject-object relationship has led to a fundamental change in the way people perceive the world.

First of all, technical images make people more inclined to believe in the superficial and ignore the inner essence. In the worldview of technical images, people often only see the surface of the scene, but ignore the deep meaning and the story behind it. For example, photos and videos that are widely circulated on social media are often superficial and do not reflect the real situation and the inner meaning. This superficial worldview makes people more susceptible to disinformation and misleading content, which in turn affects the true understanding and perception of the world.

Second, technological images exacerbate the estrangement and disagreement between people. In the worldview of technical images, people tend to communicate and understand only through numeric codes and symbols, and ignore the importance of direct face-to-face communication and communication. This virtual way of communication makes the relationship between people more indifferent and distant, which can easily lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. At the same time, the proliferation of technological images has made it more difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake, which in turn has affected trust and understanding of others.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

C. The historical process by which the world is grasped as an image

From ancient times to the present, the way human beings perceive the world has undergone fundamental changes, and the historical process of grasping the world as an image is an important embodiment of this change. In ancient times, people knew and understood the world through oral transmission and written records, and the world was grasped in the form of language and writing. With the development of painting art and photography, the world has gradually been grasped in the form of images, and people observe and record the world through visual means.

However, in the age of technological images, the world is further grasped in the form of digital codes and virtual images. With the development of digital technology, images are no longer limited by material carriers, and can be expressed and presented more flexibly. This digital worldview makes people rely more on technological devices to see and understand the world, while ignoring the importance of direct perception and experience. This kind of world is grasped as a historical process of images, reflecting the continuous change and evolution of human perception of the world.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

IV. The relationship between people and technological images

A. Man as a link in the society of devices

In the installation society, human beings play an important role in connecting the technical image with the natural world. Human beings are not only users and creators of technological devices, but also subjects shaped and influenced by technological images. Humans have changed their cognitive and behavioral patterns by using technological devices to observe, record, and understand the world. As a link in the installation society, people are not only subject to the influence of technical images, but also have a certain initiative and choice, and can adjust and control their relationship with technical images through their autonomous consciousness and reflection ability.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

B. The place of human thoughts, feelings, desires, and actions in the device society

In the installation society, people's thoughts, feelings, desires, and actions are influenced by both technological images. On the one hand, as an external stimulus, technological images can directly affect people's senses and emotions, triggering people's desires and behavioral responses. For example, well-designed images in advertisements and media can trigger people's desire to buy and consume. On the other hand, human thoughts and consciousness are also shaped and changed through the filters and mediums of technological images.

The selection, editing, and dissemination of technical images are often influenced by specific interests and ideologies, which in turn affect people's ideas and cognitive patterns. However, people are not completely passive to accept the shaping of technological images, they also have a certain degree of initiative and reflective ability, and can examine and analyze the authenticity and meaning of technological images through critical thinking and media literacy, so as to reduce the impact of technological images on individual thoughts and behaviors.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

C. The impact and effect of the device on people

As an external device, the influence and role of technical image on human beings are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Changes in perception and cognition: Technological images have changed the way humans perceive and perceive the world, making people more dependent on visual and digital information to understand and grasp the world, while ignoring the importance of other senses and direct experience.

Social and cultural transformation: Technological images have changed the way people socialize and cultural perceptions of each other, making social media and virtual social platforms an important place for people to communicate and interact, and also affecting the formation of cultural values and aesthetic tastes.

The Construction of Individual Identity and Identity: Technological images shape the identity and identity of individuals, and through the presentation of visual symbols and images, people construct their own social images and identities, thus influencing their behavior and lifestyle.

Operation of Power and Control: As an instrument of power and control, technological imagery can be used to monitor and manipulate individual behavior, thereby influencing the social order and the distribution of political power.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

V. Coexistence between people and devices

A. Complexity of technical devices and the possibility of new meanings

The complexity of technological devices presents multiple dimensions in the installation society. First of all, the function and structure of the technical device itself is highly complex, involving the interaction of multiple technologies, algorithms, and data. Secondly, the application field and influence of technical devices are also very wide, covering all aspects of life, work, entertainment and so on. The interaction between technological devices and people is a complex social behavior, involving the interweaving of individual consciousness, social relations and cultural values.

However, it is precisely this complexity that gives new meaning and possibilities to the technological installation. Technological devices are not only simple tools and equipment, but also the embodiment of human wisdom and creativity, and the understanding and transformation of human beings for nature and society. Through continuous innovation and application, technological devices can provide people with a more convenient, safe and sustainable way of life, and promote social development and progress.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

B. Mutual use and mutual game between people and devices

The relationship between people and devices is both mutual use and mutual game. In the device society, people improve their quality of life and work efficiency by using technological devices to satisfy their needs and desires. For example, people use smartphones to get information, communicate and have fun, and smart home systems are used to control home devices and save energy and protect the environment. At the same time, technical devices also rely on human use and maintenance in order to perform their functions and efficacy.

However, the relationship between humans and devices is not all smooth sailing, but there are mutual games and power struggles. As a tool of power and control, technological devices are often influenced by specific interests and ideologies, which can negatively affect people's thoughts and behaviors, and even infringe on the privacy and freedom of individuals. Therefore, people need to be vigilant and critically thinking, constantly examining and adjusting their relationship with technological devices to ensure the realization of individual rights and social justice.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

C. Ways and possible paths to maintain free coexistence

In the coexistence of man and device, it is essential to maintain freedom. Freedom not only refers to the individual's free will and right to choose, but also includes the individual's autonomy and subjectivity in the face of technological devices. In order to achieve a free way of coexistence, we can explore the following possible paths:

Technology Education and Media Literacy Enhancement: Enhance people's understanding and mastery of technological devices, cultivate critical thinking and media literacy, and enable people to choose and use technological devices more autonomously, without being manipulated and controlled by them.

Strengthen privacy protection and data security: Strengthen the protection of personal privacy and data security, establish a sound legal and institutional mechanism, restrict the collection and use of personal information by technical devices, and ensure that individual rights are effectively protected.

Advocacy of Technological Ethics and Social Responsibility: Emphasizing the importance of technological ethics and social responsibility, advocating the balance between scientific and technological innovation and social development, avoiding the negative impact and moral dilemmas caused by technological devices, and promoting the combination of technological development and human well-being.

Strengthen democratic participation and public supervision: Enhance citizens' participation and supervision of the development and application of science and technology, establish an open and transparent decision-making mechanism and technology governance system, and ensure that the development of technology devices is in line with the overall interests and values of society.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

VI. Conclusion

Through his in-depth research on the society of technological images and installations, Flusail offers many profound perspectives. He believes that technical imaging is a kind of virtual reality constructed by technological devices, which has a profound impact on people's cognition and behavior through the mediation of technological devices. In the device society, technological devices are not only tools and equipment, but also tools of power and control, shaping people's ideologies and social relations. Frussel warns us of the possible negative effects of technological devices, stressing the importance of maintaining freedom and individual subjectivity.

Freedom and Technological Images: A Social Exploration of Installation from the Perspective of Frusel

Author: Lu Xilin


Flusser, V. (1999). The Shape of Things: A Philosophy of Design. Reaktion Books.

Flusser, V. (2011). Into the Universe of Technical Images. University of Minnesota Press.

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