
Uremia doesn't come suddenly! There are 4 signs in the body, indicating that uremia is approaching

author:Yishui release

The kidneys are important organs for water metabolism and toxin efflux in the human body, and occupy an important position in the circulatory system.

However, with the rise of people's age, the decline of physical fitness, coupled with the daily damage to the kidneys, the kidney function status of contemporary middle-aged and elderly friends is often not optimistic, and after long-term degenerative changes in kidney health, if people do not take timely measures to treat, they must beware of the disease deepening into kidney failure, or even more serious uremia.

For patients who already suffer from kidney failure, it is necessary to pay special attention in daily life, and after kidney failure, if these 4 symptoms appear, if you do not pay attention to timely intervention, you may develop uremia.

1. Cardiovascular complications

Uremia doesn't come suddenly! There are 4 signs in the body, indicating that uremia is approaching

After the kidneys enter the stage of failure, the body's metabolism will be greatly affected, at this time, the waste products produced by internal activities and the toxins ingested by external sources will continue to accumulate in the body, and flow back to the heart and myocardium through the blood vessels, and then induce cardiovascular diseases.

Common cardiovascular complications in clinical practice include myocardial obstruction, myocardial ischemia and coronary heart disease, etc., at the same time, due to the decline of kidney function, the blood supply to the whole body will also be affected, especially for patients with hypertension, we must take corresponding measures in time.

During the treatment of the disease, patients should also be vigilant about the metabolism of blood pressure drugs, so as to avoid a series of adverse reactions caused by drug deposition.

2. Gastrointestinal complications

Uremia doesn't come suddenly! There are 4 signs in the body, indicating that uremia is approaching

As mentioned above, after the metabolism of the kidneys is blocked, it is difficult for a series of toxins in the body to be excreted in time, including creatinine, indole, uric acid and other inorganic salts and macromolecular organic substances, and these substances may irritate the fragile mucosa and organ wall structures after entering the stomach and intestines with the bloodstream, and cause chronic inflammation or ulcers.

In addition, if kidney function is blocked, the type and number of colonies inhabiting the intestine may also change, which in turn affects the normal digestion of food and induces problems such as smooth bowel movements, which will affect the quality of life.

3. Symptoms of lung discomfort

Uremia doesn't come suddenly! There are 4 signs in the body, indicating that uremia is approaching

When the balance of water and sodium in the body is out of balance, it may also lead to pulmonary edema, alveolar rupture and other conditions, which can seriously damage people's respiratory health.

According to clinical studies, a considerable number of patients with kidney disease will show symptoms such as poor breathing and tingling in the lungs at the stage of the disease, and at the same time, they may also experience discomfort such as decreased cardiopulmonary function and chest pain.

Therefore, while regulating kidney function, don't forget to eat some ingredients that nourish qi and lungs, and try to achieve joint treatment.

4. Skeletal conditions

Uremia doesn't come suddenly! There are 4 signs in the body, indicating that uremia is approaching

The reduction of the metabolic ability of the kidneys may also affect the absorption efficiency of calcium and other substances, resulting in osteoporosis or joint inflammation and other discomforts in the human body due to calcium deficiency.

Therefore, in the process of recuperation, patients should scientifically supplement calcium according to the guidance of doctors, and at the same time, increase the intake of vitamin D, so as to alleviate the problem of bone diseases and electrolyte imbalance.