
Culture, science and technology, and health "go to the countryside" and the new style of civilization has entered 10,000 homes

author:Yuyang District Rong Media Center

On May 12th, with the theme of "Civilization and New Wind Enters Ten Thousand Homes, Changing Customs, and Nourishing the People's Hearts", Yulin City's "Culture, Science and Technology, Health" Three Rural Areas and Yuyang District Literary and Art Tour New Era Civilization Practice Demonstration Activity was launched in Zhaojiayuan Village, Guta Town. The event was jointly organized by the Propaganda Department of the Yulin Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Civilization Office of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal New Era Civilization Practice Center, the Propaganda Department of the Yuyang District Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Civilization Office of the District Party Committee, and the District New Era Civilization Practice Guidance Center.

Culture, science and technology, and health "go to the countryside" and the new style of civilization has entered 10,000 homes

At the event site, the health free clinic area was crowded, and the medical staff carefully measured the blood pressure of the villagers, patiently answered the health problems encountered by everyone in their daily life, explained the health care knowledge to them in detail, and told the villagers to have a reasonable diet, balanced nutrition, and regular physical examinations. Under the guidance of the staff, the children controlled it by themselves, and with the programming of the racing car forward, turning and retreating, there were bursts of laughter and exclamations, and they fully experienced the joy brought by science and technology. In the art performance area, the storyteller played the three strings, pulled up the erhu, a popular new practice of changing customs and new requirements, and sang it eloquently, and the folk songs and song and dance performances of northern Shaanxi on the side also attracted the villagers to watch, and the actors used wonderful performances to show the new style of rural civilization in the new era.

Culture, science and technology, and health "go to the countryside" and the new style of civilization has entered 10,000 homes

It is understood that 142 activities will be carried out in our district, including 128 mass propaganda and propaganda activities of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, national reading, changing customs and law popularization in various communities, and 14 literary and artistic tour activities will be carried out in various sub-district offices and two municipal-level civilized villages such as Zhaojiayuan Village and Sandaoheze Village.

Culture, science and technology, and health "go to the countryside" and the new style of civilization has entered 10,000 homes

"We hope that through this activity, we will solidly promote the 'strong foundation project', and create a number of bright, distinctive, influential and effective demonstration projects through the activities of culture, science and technology, and health 'three to the countryside', and promote good literary and artistic projects to enter the masses, further promote the change of customs, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the grassroots people, and truly serve the masses 'last mile'." Miao Nana, a member of the New Era Civilization Practice Section of the Yulin Spiritual Civilization Creation Center, said.

Reporter: Wang Hongjin reports

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