
The 13th Yanshan County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China held the 12th Standing Committee meeting in 2024

author:Salt Mountain Express
The 13th Yanshan County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China held the 12th Standing Committee meeting in 2024
The 13th Yanshan County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China held the 12th Standing Committee meeting in 2024
The 13th Yanshan County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China held the 12th Standing Committee meeting in 2024

On May 11, entrusted by Ren Qiuyan, secretary of the county party committee, Pan Jiating, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, presided over the 12th meeting of the 12th Standing Committee of the 13th Yanshan County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2024. The meeting deeply studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent important speeches, instructions, instructions and signed articles; convey the spirit of the province's recent important meetings, and study the county's implementation of the opinions; study the "Special Rectification Plan for Cleaning Up and Standardizing Rural Collective Economic Contracts" and "Report on the Fifth Round of Inspection and Rectification of the 13th County Party Committee" and other documents; The "1,000 Most Satisfactory People's Livelihood Facts" in April 2024 were selected.

The meeting pointed out that all departments at all levels in the county should conscientiously study and comprehend the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent important speeches, instructions, instructions and signed articles, closely combine with the actual situation in Yanshan, and do a good job in implementation. It is necessary to profoundly grasp the great significance of doing a good job in production safety, earnestly enhance the awareness of risks and worries, strengthen the bottom-line thinking, deeply learn the lessons of accidents, draw inferences from one case and check the loopholes to make up for shortcomings, resolutely prevent and curb the occurrence of major accidents and disasters, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the overall stability of society. It is necessary to firmly establish the concept that talent is the first resource, insist on putting talent work in a prominent position, establish and improve the talent work responsibility system, continue to optimize the talent service environment, and promote the county's talent work to achieve new results. It is necessary to find the combination point, entry point and focus point of the trade union work and the central task of the county party committee, vigorously carry forward the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit, strengthen the care for cadres and workers in an all-round way, enhance the cohesion and enthusiasm of cadres and workers, organize workers to make contributions, innovate and create, and constantly enhance the leadership, organization and service of trade unions.

The meeting emphasized that carrying out party discipline study and education in the whole party is a major decision made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and it is an important measure to strengthen the party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth. Party members and leading cadres at all levels in the county should thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, conscientiously study the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", be a good "key minority", play a key role, fulfill key responsibilities, and be an example of diligent learning and discipline, consciously abiding by discipline, and strictly enforcing discipline. It is necessary to further strengthen the sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, improve immunity, strengthen political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption, and always be loyal, clean and responsible.

The meeting emphasized that all departments at all levels in the county should take linkage supervision as an important political task, as a powerful measure to focus on the center and serve the overall situation, keep an eye on the goals and tasks, grasp the principle requirements, and promote the special supervision action and the linkage supervision in the three fields to be carried out in a strong, orderly and effective manner. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, pay attention to overall planning and coordination, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, improve work style, adhere to goal-oriented, problem-oriented, and result-oriented, do a good job in promoting implementation, and earnestly solve a number of key and difficult problems to ensure that supervision work achieves the expected results.

The meeting also looked at other matters.

Members of the Standing Committee of the county party committee attended the meeting. The chairman of the county CPPCC, the deputy head of the county government, the president of the county court, and the responsible comrades of the relevant departments directly under the township and county attended the meeting as observers.

The 13th Yanshan County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China held the 12th Standing Committee meeting in 2024

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