
Daughter-in-law, why don't you buy a house first? "Okay, then don't get married yet"


That evening, Li Meng came home from work as usual, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on her tired face, adding a bit of tenderness to this ordinary day. She walked into the community and habitually looked at her window, only to find that instead of warm light, it was pitch black. A sense of foreboding welled up in her heart, and she quickened her pace.

Walking to the door of the house, Li Meng found that the door lock had been pried open, and the house was in a mess. Her heart sank, could it be that she had encountered a thief? She cautiously walked into the house, and a cold air hit her face, making her shiver. She hurriedly turned on the light and looked around, only to see that the house had been turned into a mess, and everything of value was gone. She quickly took out her mobile phone to call the police, and dialed 110 with trembling fingers.

During the time while waiting for the police to arrive, Li Meng's heart beat like a drum. She struggled to calm herself down and began to think back to what had happened today. Suddenly, she remembered a detail: when she went out in the morning, she had closed the window tightly, why did she now have a crack open? Could it be that the thief came in through the window? She walked to the window and examined it closely, and found that the window did have signs of being pried.

Daughter-in-law, why don't you buy a house first? "Okay, then don't get married yet"

Just then, there was the sound of hurried footsteps outside the door. Li Meng nervously held his breath and hid behind the door. The door was slammed open, and a tall figure burst in. Li Meng screamed in fright, but the man quickly covered her mouth. She struggled to call for help, but felt as if her strength had been drained. The man whispered, "Don't scream, it's me!" ”

When Li Meng heard this voice, he was immediately stunned. Isn't this her ex-boyfriend Zhang Qiang? It's been a while since they've broken up, how did he end up here? Zhang Qiang saw that she was no longer struggling, so he let go of his hand. He said with a gloomy face: "Li Meng, I didn't expect you to betray me!" ”

Li Meng was confused, she didn't understand why Zhang Qiang would say such a thing. She tried to explain: "You misunderstood, I didn't betray you......" Before she could finish speaking, Zhang Qiang interrupted her rudely: "You still want to quibble?" I've found out, you're on good terms with that bastard surnamed Wang! ”

Daughter-in-law, why don't you buy a house first? "Okay, then don't get married yet"

Only then did Li Meng understand that Zhang Qiang had misunderstood her relationship with her colleague Manager Wang. She hurriedly explained, "What nonsense are you talking about? Manager Wang and I are just colleagues, and there is nothing between us! But Zhang Qiang didn't listen to her explanation at all, he stared at her viciously, as if he wanted to see her through.

Just then, there was another knock on the door. Li Meng was overjoyed, thinking that the police were coming. But Zhang Qiang's face changed greatly, he looked around nervously, and then pushed Li Meng to the ground, and threatened in a low voice: "Don't make a sound!" Or I'll kill you! With that, he quickly hid in the bedroom.

Li Meng was hurt by the fall, but she couldn't care about it. She struggled to her feet, trying to open the door. But at this moment, she heard a familiar voice from outside the door: "Li Meng, are you okay?" I'm a cop! ”

Daughter-in-law, why don't you buy a house first? "Okay, then don't get married yet"

Li Meng was overjoyed, and she hurriedly ran over to open the door. I saw two policemen standing at the door, looking at her with serious faces. She hurriedly told them what had just happened. The policemen frowned when they heard this, they signaled Li Meng to keep quiet, and then quietly walked into the house.

After a while, the police escorted Zhang Qiang out of the bedroom. Zhang Qiang saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to resist, but it was too late. The police handcuffed him and took him to a police car. Before getting into the car, Zhang Qiang struggled to turn around and shouted to Li Meng: "Li Meng, I won't let you go if you wait!" Li Meng trembled with fright, but she knew that the most important thing now was to cooperate with the police to investigate and find out the truth of the matter.

In the police station, Li Meng told the whole incident in detail, including her emotional entanglement with Zhang Qiang, and her innocent relationship with Manager Wang. The policemen listened attentively, nodding their heads in understanding from time to time. After some investigation, the police found that Zhang Qiang had a revenge mentality because of the misunderstanding, and he thought that Li Meng had betrayed him, so he wanted to vent his anger by destroying her home. In fact, Li Meng didn't do anything to be sorry for him.

Daughter-in-law, why don't you buy a house first? "Okay, then don't get married yet"

The police severely criticized and educated Zhang Qiang and told him that such behavior was illegal. Zhang Qiang also realized his mistake, he apologized to Li Meng and expressed his willingness to compensate her for her losses. But Li Meng did not accept his apology, she felt that this relationship had come to an end, and she didn't want to have anything to do with Zhang Qiang anymore.

After experiencing this incident, Li Meng deeply realized how important trust and communication between people are. She decided to be more careful in the future to avoid getting into a similar predicament again. At the same time, she also cherishes the people and things around her more, and faces every challenge and difficulty in life with a more tolerant and understanding attitude.

After this incident, Li Meng's life gradually returned to peace. She began to put more energy into her work and strive to improve her abilities. She no longer regards feelings as the whole of life, but as a beautiful experience to cherish and recall. She believes that as long as she is strong and brave enough, she will be able to face all the difficulties and challenges in life.

Daughter-in-law, why don't you buy a house first? "Okay, then don't get married yet"

However, just when Li Meng thought that she had stepped out of the shadows, an unexpected news broke her peaceful life again. It turned out that Zhang Qiang did not sincerely repent after being released by the police, but became more crazy and extreme. He spreads rumors about Li Meng in an attempt to destroy her reputation and image. These rumors pierced Li Meng's heart like a sharp knife, making her feel painful and helpless.

In the face of these rumors, Li Meng did not choose to remain silent, she decided to stand up and defend her rights and interests. She found