
Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

author:Qin Qin Zijin I
Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

Now travel navigation is essential, I don't know why I just like to use Gaode map, but sometimes it guides the road is really outrageous, I don't know if other software has such a situation?

Let's take a look at the sharing of netizens

Scared as soon as I hear the path [covers face]

It seems that Gaode has managed to fool a lot of cars into the field road, hahaha

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

Gaode: I know how to get there (I can't get through at first glance), forget it, change the way.

[tears run] [tears run] Do you want to cross the cemetery at night?

Gao De may think that the two of you are doing a good job, you can cross the bamboo forest with a few steps of falling leaves, and you will reach the destination by rubbing the cliff twice on the cliff, sprinkling water [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

It's not easy to go up this big dirt slope [Praise]

I'm curious.,How to enter the road on the map of Gaode.,,This seam,Even people can't squeeze through it[laughs and cries]

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

Hahahaha, I'm laughing to death, people don't eat anymore, move the table to make way for you, the car behind: Dididi, why don't you leave? [laughs and cries] [laughs and cries]

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

Gaode: Please go through the tunnel, please go up to the elevated road

Me: What about the big sign, are you blind?

Gaode: Please believe me


Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

Not only can you do light work, but you also have to be one of the best masters [Praise]

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

It must be sad to pass by in those small alleys in Beijing, the uncle is so good! It seems that many people drive into the small alley [laughing and crying]

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

The seafood made in the chicken coop is good, hahaha [laughing and crying]

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

Hahahaha, if you don't know the road, it's easy to follow the car in front of you, and you think that the car in front is familiar with the road [laughing and crying]

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

This is a good deal, go in and play and then go [laughing and crying]

used to work lightly, but now you have to penetrate the wall, hahaha

You pull, you pull [cover your face] [cover your face] [cover your face]

Laughing at me, the primeval forest, I have to split trees to open the way by myself [laughing and crying] Sure enough, someone walks and there is a way, Gaode: This free labor is not in vain, it is earned and earned [laughing and crying]

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

There is also a dedicated McDonald's at the military base, but can you not enter it for people's private use [covering your face]

Cemetery, a "scenic spot" with a lot of traffic??? Are you sure about navigation?

The owner of the yard is really annoying, and he is used to it [covering his face]

Carrying a bicycle to the wall, absolutely, you can still meet the [tears] together

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

This hole is not passable [laughs and cries] does not go off the beaten path

The concert was not on the construction site [laughs and cries]

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

People's own toilets have been recorded, and Gaode Map has worked hard for the convenience of tourists.

A lake is not trivial, dragonflies and water are up [laughing and crying]

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

Is that how it came to be? It offers a possible route that someone can get over to? [covers face]

Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

Okay, thanks for watching today's funny column, we'll see you next time [Rose]

What software do you like to use? Have you ever been in such a situation?


Laughing crazy! The lack of virtue map really lives up to its name, and netizens share the outrageous navigation and laugh in the comment area

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