
After monogamy, where does the aunt go? Uncover the changes after 1949!


In ancient China, the system of wives and concubines was an important indicator of a man's success. It is not only a manifestation of the family structure, but also a symbol of social status. However, with the changes of the times, this system gradually faded from the stage of history and was replaced by the modern concept of monogamy.

In ancient times, the system of wives and concubines provided powerful men with a variety of choices for wives and concubines, while the main wife was often the result of a political marriage, and she had to take on the responsibilities of the family but also manage the other wives and concubines. The status and treatment of these wives and concubines varied, and their children could vary greatly depending on the order of birth and the status of their mothers.

In the classic novel "Dream of Red Mansions", the difference in treatment and status between Jia Baoyu and Jia Lian is a vivid example. Jia Baoyu was born to his wife and had a noble status, while Jia Lian was born to a concubine and had a relatively low status. This phenomenon exists not only in China, but also in other countries and regions. In the feudal society of North Korea, the children of the concubines were even required to serve their siblings as their masters.

However, not all men in history have been willing to follow this system. In the Tang Dynasty, Li Qiyun once turned his concubine into a wife, which was very rare at that time. Although the tradition of concubinage has existed since ancient times, in modern times, many people of insight have begun to call for the abolition of the system and tradition of polyandry and concubine.

After monogamy, where does the aunt go? Uncover the changes after 1949!

It is worth noting that the famous reformers Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao both strongly advocated monogamy, but their own families were full of wives and concubines. This reflects the ambivalent attitude of society towards traditional customs at the time, and also reflects the gap between law and reality.

The abolition of the wife and concubine system was an important legal change after the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 1949, monogamy was implemented on the mainland, ending the historical phenomenon of polygamy and concubinage. The change of this system is not only a change in the provisions of the law, but also a profound change in social concepts and values.

However, this change did not happen overnight. For some time after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is still possible to see some men having multiple wives and concubines. In order to protect the rights and interests of these women, the government stipulates that they can choose to live with their original families, or they can leave their original families to pursue a new love and life.

This mild reform measure has made the reform of the marriage system more humane and reduced the resistance to reform. It not only protects the rights and interests of women, but also promotes social harmony and stability.

After monogamy, where does the aunt go? Uncover the changes after 1949!

The change from the wife and concubine system to the monogamy system is an important symbol of the transformation of Chinese society from tradition to modernity. It reflects not only the advancement of women, but also the evolution of social values. This change provides everyone with an equal opportunity to marry, and ensures family stability and social harmony.

However, this change did not happen overnight. Although monogamy is explicitly provided for in the law, the effects of the confinement system can still be seen in certain periods and circumstances. This shows that the progress of society takes time and effort, not just a change in the law.

The change of the wife and concubine system is an important symbol of the transformation of Chinese society from tradition to modernity. It reflects not only the advancement of women, but also the evolution of social values. The implementation of monogamy provides everyone with equal opportunities for marriage and guarantees family stability and social harmony.

However, the disappearance of the concubinage system did not happen overnight. Although monogamy is explicitly provided for in the law, the effects of the confinement system can still be seen in certain periods and circumstances. This shows that the progress of society takes time and effort, not just a change in the law.

After monogamy, where does the aunt go? Uncover the changes after 1949!

The change of the wife and concubine system is an important symbol of the transformation of Chinese society from tradition to modernity. It reflects not only the advancement of women, but also the evolution of social values. The implementation of monogamy provides everyone with equal opportunities for marriage and guarantees family stability and social harmony.

However, the disappearance of the concubinage system did not happen overnight. Although monogamy is explicitly provided for in the law, the effects of the confinement system can still be seen in certain periods and circumstances. This shows that the progress of society takes time and effort, not just a change in the law.

The change of the wife and concubine system is an important symbol of the transformation of Chinese society from tradition to modernity. It reflects not only the advancement of women, but also the evolution of social values. The implementation of monogamy provides everyone with equal opportunities for marriage and guarantees family stability and social harmony.

However, the disappearance of the concubinage system did not happen overnight. Although monogamy is explicitly provided for in the law, the effects of the confinement system can still be seen in certain periods and circumstances. This shows that the progress of society takes time and effort, not just a change in the law.

After monogamy, where does the aunt go? Uncover the changes after 1949!

The change of the wife and concubine system is an important symbol of the transformation of Chinese society from tradition to modernity. It reflects not only the advancement of women, but also the evolution of social values. The implementation of monogamy provides everyone with equal opportunities for marriage and guarantees family stability and social harmony.

However, the disappearance of the concubinage system did not happen overnight. Although monogamy is explicitly provided for in the law, the effects of the confinement system can still be seen in certain periods and circumstances. This shows that the progress of society takes time and effort, not just a change in the law.

The change of the wife and concubine system is a change from the tradition of Chinese society

After monogamy, where does the aunt go? Uncover the changes after 1949!