
Under the "encirclement and suppression" of the Japanese invaders, the anti-Japanese high school of the mountain villa

author:Akiiro Wilderness

When I sit in the classroom with bright windows and listen to the sound of reading, I often think: How did teachers and students study and live during the revolutionary war years?

With this question, I searched in the thick red file for the historical materials of the establishment of the Anti-Japanese High School in Weishanzhuang and many reminiscences written by the students of that year.

Weishanzhuang is an anti-Japanese model village, and it is also a bridgehead for the confrontation between the Yimeng anti-Japanese base and the Japanese puppet army. The Luzhong South Military Sub-district, the Xintai County Party Committee, and the sub-district committees often come to the village to station activities.

Although the village is adjacent to the Xinwen mining area occupied by the Japanese invaders, and there are more than a dozen Japanese puppet strongholds and artillery towers within 10 kilometers of the surrounding area, due to the early establishment of the village party branch, the good mass foundation, and the complete village-level organizations such as the Peasant Rescue Association, the Youth Rescue Association, the Women's Rescue Association, the Militia Self-Defense Force, and the Children's League, the enthusiasm of the masses for the War of Resistance has always been high. The men in the village have the tradition of practicing martial arts since ancient times, the folk customs are fierce, the vigilance is high, and there is a 4-meter-high wall around the village, and 20 earthen cannons are placed.

The Japanese invaders hated and feared the villa.

In order to cultivate military and political talents urgently needed for the Anti-Japanese War, in the winter of 1940, Wang Zisheng (24 years old, from Taigongyu Village, Xintai Longting), an officer of the Education Department of the Shandong Branch of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, and Liu Shengyuan (22 years old), a member of the Communist Party, came to Weishanzhuang to prepare for the construction of an anti-Japanese senior primary school, and Wang Zixing served as the secretary of the party branch and the principal of the school.

The funds for running the school were provided by the anti-Japanese democratic government. A total of 38 students were recruited after graduating from junior high school and passing strict examinations, two of whom were from enemy-occupied areas. There was an anti-Japanese primary school in Weishanzhuang, which became an attached class to the high school after the establishment of the high school.

Under the "encirclement and suppression" of the Japanese invaders, the anti-Japanese high school of the mountain villa

Chinese textbook for anti-Japanese high school primary school class

The school has four teachers. Principal Wang teaches current affairs and politics, and Liu Shengyuan teaches Chinese and is also a class teacher. The other two teachers, Zhang Xide, 18 years old, a member of the Communist Party and a native of Shangcun in Xintaiquan, taught mathematics and music; Niu Qingshan, 22 years old, a member of the Communist Party and a native of Weijiahe Village, Xintai, served as a primary school class teacher, teaching a sub-subject in the upper primary class.

Under the "encirclement and suppression" of the Japanese invaders, the anti-Japanese high school of the mountain villa

Upper primary Chinese textbook

The school is located in an ancient temple in the northeast gate of the Waishan Villa. The temple sits in the north and faces south, the red wall, the wild goose feather colored tile, antique. In the middle of the courtyard is a large hall, the eaves are embroidered with corners, and the carved beams are painted, which looks magnificent. There are five Buddha statues in the main hall, as well as the four great King Kongs, the murals on the wall, the spirit is elegant, full of charm, embodies the unique charm of the ancient architectural art of the mainland. It is divided into two courtyards, front and back, with the main hall as the boundary. There are 3 elementary school classrooms in the north room in the backyard, and 2 are office and dormitory. 3 rooms in the east house in the front yard are upper primary classrooms, and 2 rooms next to each other are offices and dormitories. The school desks and benches are newly purchased by the Waishan Villa, which is relatively complete.

Under the "encirclement and suppression" of the Japanese invaders, the anti-Japanese high school of the mountain villa

Anti-Japanese high school students are in class

There is a coffin under the west wall of the front yard, where the martyr Han Yanwen, a combat hero who died in the attack on Yangjiazhuang's stronghold, is placed. He was an instructor of the independent battalion in Taining County before his death, and because his home was in the enemy-occupied area, he was placed here after his death.

Every time there is a school meeting, teachers and students have to bow three times to the martyrs. President Wang often told the students about the deeds of the martyr Han Yanwen. He said: "Qingshan buries the bones of the faithful everywhere, why return the body of the horse leather." We must inherit the revolutionary legacy of Instructor Han, complete his unfinished business, drive the Japanese devils out of China, and make the heroes smile at Jiuquan. Instructor Han died well, as heavy as Mount Tai, immortal! ”

The school has a Taoist priest who looks at the temple, who is kind and very pious, and the temple is full of incense every day. Daoist Ma wore a brand-new Taoist robe every day, cleaned his face with a white neck, turned incense and paper, and prayed: "The gods will manifest their spirits to eliminate evil, drive the Oriental devils into the East China Sea, and bless the people in the base area." Every time he burned paper, he went to the coffin to burn a copy for the Han martyr, and bowed down devoutly, which was touching.

The school is very strict about teaching order and school spirit and discipline. In addition to book knowledge, the curriculum also includes current affairs, politics and military training courses.

President Wang attaches great importance to ideological and political education, and often tells the students stories about the Red Army's anti-encirclement and suppression, the Long March, and the great victory of Pingxingguan, which makes everyone's blood boil. Sometimes, cadres from military sub-districts and county cultural and educational departments also came to the school to give special reports on the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the defeat of the Japanese invaders, which greatly inspired everyone's education.

The students cherished this hard-won opportunity to study very much, and studied very hard and seriously. The teachers love the students and often talk to everyone, and the students are very respectful and respectful of the teachers, and the relationship between teachers and students is like a family, which truly embodies the new school spirit of unity and tension, seriousness and liveliness, and hard work.

Most of the students are day students, and they eat at school at noon, usually with pancakes or dry food, but also with sweet potatoes and wild vegetable dumplings, and the school supplies water, and sometimes the teacher also gives stir-fried vegetables to eat. If a student encounters difficulties, he or she can apply to President Wang, who will write down the situation and report it to the anti-Japanese democratic government, and subsidize a certain amount of food according to the size of the difficulty. When a student is sick, the class teacher writes a medical note, and it does not cost money to go to the medical office to see a doctor and get medicine.

In the hot summer, Principal Wang often buys watermelons for his classmates to eat. When eating watermelon, he also told everyone what special products Shandong has, the Japanese devils not only robbed our specialties, but also invaded our land, killed our compatriots, plundered our resources, and encouraged everyone to work hard to learn knowledge, increase the ability to kill the enemy, and strive to defeat the Japanese devils as soon as possible!

In his spare time, Principal Wang often organizes teachers to practice military affairs, such as assassination, aiming, bomb throwing, etc., and sometimes organizes students to train. The four teachers are very accurate in marksmanship, and they have all practiced one-handed skills.

Under the "encirclement and suppression" of the Japanese invaders, the anti-Japanese high school of the mountain villa

Student training

Principal Wang has rich experience in anti-"sweeping" actual combat, and with a short gun (oar) on his waist, he can penetrate Yang in 100 steps.

Teacher Liu Shengyuan is equipped with a long gun, and he shoots 100 rounds with live ammunition. He threw the grenade the farthest, winning cheers and applause.

Mr. Zhang Xide goes out hunting every Sunday with a shotgun on his back, and always returns with a full load to improve school life, and his classmates often eat delicious rabbit meat.

Teacher Niu Qingshan opened the bow left and right, and he could use a box gun with both hands and throw flying targets. Once, when he wrote a slogan to publicize the Anti-Japanese War, he deliberately dropped a little, then dipped the cotton ball in ink, retreated to 5 meters away, and flew over to make up for the point.

The school life is rich and colorful, and activities such as speeches, singing and dancing, and Yangge twisting are often carried out. Performances are sometimes organized in nearby villages. Every time he performs, President Wang always speaks on stage first, and then recites Yue Fei's "Chizhou Cuiwei Pavilion", "Man Jianghong" and Wen Tianxiang's "Crossing Zero Ding Yang", and his impassioned voice won bursts of applause from the audience. Other teachers took the stage in turn, and recited poems such as Lu Lun's "Song of the Stopper" of the Tang Dynasty, Du Fu's "The Front Out of the Stopper", Cao Zhi's "White Horse Chapter" and Wang Changling's "Two Songs of the Stopper". In addition to reciting poems, the students also wrote and performed small dramas such as "Put Down Your Whip" and "Defeat the Devil", which greatly encouraged the anti-Japanese enthusiasm of the masses in the base areas.

The anti-Japanese high school in Weishanzhuang became a strong position to publicize the anti-Japanese war and fight the enemy, which made the Japanese invaders hold a grudge. In the early morning of September 6, 1941, more than 1,000 Japanese puppet troops surrounded and suppressed the villa, relying on heavy artillery fire to storm the village.

In order to defend the village to the death, the village party branch led the militia self-defense force to climb the wall and artillery tower to resist the enemy.

All four teachers and the students who stayed in school joined the Youth Commando Team. They patrolled along the wall, and where the fighting was fiercest, they rushed to it. When the wall was blown open, the Japanese invaders swarmed and returned fire fiercely at the enemy. Suddenly, a grenade flashed with a spark of "whoop" and landed beside the commando, and Mr. Liu Shengyuan flew up and kicked the grenade away. His feet were blown up and flesh blurred.

In the fierce battle, Principal Wang captured a 38 big cover of the Japanese invaders, and he used this gun to kill the commander of the Japanese brigade Hei Gu, who was commanding the attack in Qu Jialin, delaying the attack of the Japanese invaders.

According to Zhang Shu'an, a high school student who experienced the battle, he recalled: It was the midyear festival on the 15th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and the school was closed early, and most of the students were evacuated home, and only a few of their classmates stayed in school to participate in the battle.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the heroic people of the mountain villa relied on earthen guns, earthen cannons, and iron will, and fought bloodily for more than eight hours, killing more than 80 Japanese puppet soldiers and seriously wounding more than 30 people. The frenzied Japanese invaders brought in reinforcements and fired poison gas bombs into the village. In the end, because he was outnumbered, he fought until the afternoon, and was attacked by the enemy. The villa was bloodbathed.

Four teachers and self-defense forces engage in street battles with the enemy. Seventy-two people were killed and 29 wounded, and seven families were killed. The houses and facilities of the village were burned to ashes, and the villagers' belongings and livestock were looted.

Teacher Zhang Xide charged, and he personally killed the Japanese who was riding a horse and holding a plaster flag and was giving orders. When the enemy invaded the village, he and Principal Wang died heroically to cover the movement of the masses. Teacher Niu Qingshan was also seriously injured, and he led some people and students to successfully break through.

Although the Japanese invaders encircled and suppressed our anti-Japanese school, the revolutionary will of the students was even stronger. A year later, all 38 students graduated and participated in the revolution, and 6 died bravely in the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Other students have made outstanding contributions to the founding and construction of the People's Republic of China, and have become outstanding talents in the fields of economy, science and technology, education, health, national defense, and aviation. I (Zhang Shu'an) inherited the teacher's legacy, has been engaged in education, and attended the provincial model worker meeting and was commended.

Today, we are living in a beautiful era of national peace and security, and we should always remember those heroes and martyrs who made dedication and sacrifice for national independence and liberation and for the prosperity and strength of the country!