
A 35-year-old woman suffered from lymphoma and was in pain, and the doctor advised: If you have these habits, change them quickly

author:Liu Suzhen ear, nose and throat

1. Real case: the sudden attack of lymphoma

Ms. Li is 35 years old this year, which is the age of both career and family harvest. She is busy with work on weekdays, often working overtime until late at night, but her health has always been good. However, not long ago, she suddenly noticed that her neck lymph nodes were swollen, accompanied by a persistent low-grade fever and night sweats. At first, she thought it was a decrease in immunity caused by being too tired from work, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

A 35-year-old woman suffered from lymphoma and was in pain, and the doctor advised: If you have these habits, change them quickly

However, as time passed, these symptoms did not relieve, but became more severe. Ms. Li began to feel weak and her appetite decreased significantly. She had to go to the hospital for a check-up, only to be told she had lymphoma. This news was like a hammer, which made Ms. Li fall into despair in an instant.

On the advice of her doctor, Ms. Li began to undergo treatment. However, the treatment process was long and painful, and she had to endure not only physical torture but also psychological stress. Whenever she thinks about her condition, she feels painful.

A 35-year-old woman suffered from lymphoma and was in pain, and the doctor advised: If you have these habits, change them quickly

2. Lymphoma: a health killer that cannot be ignored

Lymphoma, also known as lymphoma, is a malignant tumor that originates in the lymphatic hematopoietic system. It presents primarily with painless lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and may be accompanied by systemic symptoms. The incidence of lymphoma is increasing year by year, and the trend of younger people is obvious. Therefore, understanding the relevant knowledge of lymphoma is essential for prevention and treatment.

There are various causes of lymphoma, including genetic factors, environmental factors, lifestyle habits, etc. Genetic factors are difficult to change, but we can reduce our risk by making lifestyle changes and improving our environment. For example, maintaining a regular work and rest, reasonable diet, moderate exercise, etc., can help improve the body's immunity and prevent the occurrence of lymphoma.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the early symptoms of lymphoma. If you find that the lymph nodes in the neck, armpit or groin and other parts of the body continue to swell, or if you have symptoms such as unexplained fever, night sweats, and weight loss, you should seek medical attention in time.

A 35-year-old woman suffered from lymphoma and was in pain, and the doctor advised: If you have these habits, change them quickly

3. Doctor's advice: Bad habits should be corrected

Faced with the threat of lymphoma, doctors remind us that some bad lifestyle habits may be the triggers for the disease. Therefore, to prevent lymphoma, the first step is to correct these habits.

First, staying up late and working overtime is unacceptable. Staying up late for a long time can lead to a decrease in the body's immunity and increase the risk of cancer. Ms. Li is a typical example, because she is busy with work, she often works overtime until late at night, resulting in a long-term sub-health state. Therefore, we should try to avoid staying up late and working overtime to ensure adequate sleep time.

Second, irregular eating should be corrected. Modern people live at a fast pace, and many people eat irregularly, and even often eat unhealthy foods such as takeout and fast food. These poor eating habits can lead to malnutrition in the body and a weakened immunity. To prevent lymphoma, we should maintain a regular diet, eat more healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and eat less greasy, spicy and other irritating foods.

A 35-year-old woman suffered from lymphoma and was in pain, and the doctor advised: If you have these habits, change them quickly

Third, the lack of exercise should be improved. Modern people generally lack exercise, and long-term sedentary life will lead to a decline in physical function and increase the risk of disease. Proper exercise can promote the body's metabolism, enhance immunity, and prevent lymphoma. Therefore, we should try to participate in outdoor activities, physical exercises, etc., to maintain good health.

4. Quit smoking and limit alcohol, and stay away from harmful substances

Smoking and alcohol consumption are risk factors for the development of lymphoma. The harmful substances in tobacco can damage the body's immune system and increase the risk of cancer; Alcohol, on the other hand, can irritate lymphatic tissues and induce cancer. Therefore, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is one of the important measures to prevent lymphoma.

A 35-year-old woman suffered from lymphoma and was in pain, and the doctor advised: If you have these habits, change them quickly

For smokers, smoking should be quit as early as possible and smoking in public places should be avoided. For drinkers, they should drink in moderation or abstain from alcohol to avoid the harm of excessive alcohol consumption. At the same time, we should also avoid contact with other harmful substances, such as chemical poisons, radioactive substances, etc., to reduce the risk of lymphoma.

In addition, maintaining a good mindset is also an important aspect of lymphoma prevention. Long-term mental stress and mood swings can affect the body's immune function and increase the risk of disease. Therefore, we need to learn to adjust our mindset and maintain a positive and optimistic mood to face the challenges and pressures in life.

5. Regular physical examination to detect lymphoma as soon as possible

Regular check-ups are one of the important means to prevent lymphoma. Through regular medical checkups, we can detect abnormalities in the body, such as swollen lymph nodes, unexplained fever, etc., so that early diagnosis and treatment can be carried out.

A 35-year-old woman suffered from lymphoma and was in pain, and the doctor advised: If you have these habits, change them quickly

For high-risk groups of lymphoma, such as people who smoke for a long time, drink alcohol, are exposed to harmful substances, and people with a family history of disease, the frequency and depth of physical examination should be strengthened. In addition to a regular physical examination, blood tests, imaging tests, etc., can also be performed to get a more complete picture of the health of the body.

During the physical examination, if any abnormal symptoms or indicators are found, you should seek medical attention in time for further examination and treatment. For the early detection and treatment of lymphoma, better treatment outcomes and survival rates can often be achieved.

6. Pay attention to body signals and seek medical attention in time

The early symptoms of lymphoma may not be obvious, but as long as we look carefully, we can still find some clues. Therefore, we should always pay attention to our body signals and seek medical attention in time once we find abnormal symptoms.

A 35-year-old woman suffered from lymphoma and was in pain, and the doctor advised: If you have these habits, change them quickly

In addition to the previously mentioned symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, fever, night sweats, lymphoma can also cause other symptoms such as itchy skin, weight loss, fatigue, etc. Although these symptoms are not necessarily manifestations of lymphoma, they should not be taken lightly. Once these symptoms appear, we should seek medical attention in time for a detailed examination and diagnosis.

In the process of medical treatment, we need to choose a regular medical institution and a professional doctor for consultation and treatment. At the same time, we should also maintain a positive attitude and confidence, trust the doctor's treatment plan and recommendations, and actively cooperate with the treatment process.