
It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

author:Hot spot slippers
It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

On the day of work and work, we will lean west to see the hot slippers


Unitree recently launched a humanoid robot called the G1, marking a major breakthrough in China's domestic robotics technology.

[You can watch the video]


The robot not only has advanced functions such as smashing walnuts, shaking pots, and welding.

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

It is also highly flexible and adaptable, weighs only 35 kg and can be curled up and stored in itself.

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

Its price is 99,000 yuan, which is almost half the price of similar international brands such as Tesla's Optimus Prime robot.

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

Equipped with 23 to 43 articulated motors, the robot is capable of performing highly complex movements and tasks.

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

Robots are designed to mimic human movements, even to the point of mimicking human hand manipulation in terms of precise control.

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

In addition, the G1 robot is also equipped with 3D lidar and depth camera, and is equipped with UnifoLM, a unified large model of Unitree robots, which not only enhances its environmental adaptability, but also improves its autonomous operation intelligence.

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

This innovation of Unitree Technology not only demonstrates the progress of domestic robot technology, but also indicates the wide application prospect of future robot technology in all walks of life.

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

Industry experts believe that this breakthrough of Unitree Technology may prompt domestic and foreign companies such as Boston Dynamics to carry out robot price wars.

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

Let's take a look at what everyone is saying!

Netizen comments

Netizen: Unitree Technology is the next DJI.

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

Soon, within 5 years, the war machine appeared

Netizen: Boston Dynamics is really miserable, betting on hydraulics for decades, and it is determined that pure motors are disgusted and not feasible Finally, it was found that pure motors can completely replace hydraulics, and hydraulics have directly become a sideshow

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

Each step will not be wasted, but the use of different scenarios

Netizen: Why do Chinese robots use English labels on their chests, not Chinese labels, if you are afraid that foreigners will not understand, you can indicate small English labels under the large Chinese labels

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

Large enterprises are facing the international market, and when Chinese becomes the international common language, the main logo can be in Chinese

Netizen: Cold knowledge: This robot is more advanced than foreign ones, because there is no hydraulic structure, all-motor, more agile and more accurate movements. And the iteration is particularly fast, and with special training methods, the evolution of the robot's movement ability is particularly fast.

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

Boston has just announced that it is abandoning hydraulics in favor of an all-electric solution.

Netizen: I thought it was CG, but it's really awesome, more powerful and cheaper than Boston Dynamics [applause]

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

It's been more than 10 years since I chased it, and the Boston humanoid robot is still in the lab [covering his face]

Write at the end

Today, with the rapid progress of technology, robots are no longer a fantasy in science fiction movies, but are gradually entering our daily life.

The rapid development of domestic robots, especially the ability of companies like Unitree Technology to launch technologically advanced humanoid robots, is not only a victory of technological innovation, but also a microcosm of the improvement of the level of domestic manufacturing industry.

This progress not only means that we can enjoy more high-tech products, but more importantly, it enhances the competitiveness of the domestic industry, breaks the monopoly of foreign brands on high-tech products, and provides consumers with more choices.

In addition, we can expect that with the development and popularization of technology, the application of robots in the fields of elderly care, educational assistance, and home services will become more and more extensive, greatly improving the overall quality of life and efficiency of society.

The rise of domestic robots has also encouraged domestic scientific and technological innovation and talent training, stimulated the enthusiasm and potential of young people in the field of science and technology, and injected vitality into China's future scientific and technological development.

From a broader perspective, this kind of technological progress and industrial upgrading is of great significance for improving national competitiveness and promoting the transformation and upgrading of economic structure.

We have reason to believe that with the continuous progress and innovation of science and technology, the future life will be more intelligent and convenient, and science and technology will better serve the life of human beings and bring people more happiness and security.

It's so powerful, Unitree Technology launched a humanoid robot of 99,000 yuan, and the comment area is very lively

The comments of netizens in the article reflect the diverse voices and opinions of society, but do not represent the position of this article

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#宇树科技推出9 9,000 yuan humanoid robot ##评论区##人形机器人##机器人#

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