
Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's son was secretly "transferred" by a woman, and Yang Shangkun exclaimed: I made a mistake

author:Moon Shadow Creek 111111

In 1953, in Beijing's Zhongnanhai, a shocking event was discovered. Yang Shangkun, then deputy secretary general of the CPC Central Committee, director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, and secretary general of the Central Military Commission, suddenly exclaimed: "Is it a mistake? He squinted at the two similar-looking young men in front of him, and an incredible conjecture came to his mind.

The two young men, one surnamed Lin is called Lin Bingsu, who is the son of Lin Boqu; The other surnamed Deng is called Deng Susheng, who is the son of Deng Zihui. But Yang Shangkun looked at their appearance, but felt that the looks of the two seemed to be reversed. Lin Bingsu's big eyes and fair skin look like a copy of Deng Zihui; And Deng Susheng is more like Lin Boqu's son. How is this possible? Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's own son, how could they be confused? Yang Shangkun was puzzled, so he had to inform the two old revolutionaries of the matter. They sent someone to investigate secretly and soon discovered a shocking truth...... What's going on? Why is this strange happening? What kind of twists and turns are hidden behind this?

The glorious years of the red fathers

In 1886, Lin Boqu was born in an ordinary rural family in Liangshuijing Village, Xiumei Town, Linli County, Hunan Province. Seven years older than Mao Zedong, a native of Hunan, he started a long and tortuous revolutionary career at the age of 18. The young Lin Boqu was a poet and scholar, studied in Japan in his early years, and at the age of 19 joined the China League, becoming one of its earliest members.

Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's son was secretly "transferred" by a woman, and Yang Shangkun exclaimed: I made a mistake

Although he did not initially follow the revolutionary path of Marxism, Lin Boqu soon made a name for himself in Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary cause. He successively served as deputy director of the General Affairs Department of the Central Party Department of the Kuomintang, member of the Standing Committee of the Central Executive Committee, minister of peasants, and secretary general of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, and made significant contributions to the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation and the Great Revolution.

In 1927, after the Kuomintang reactionaries launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup d'état, and after being brutally suppressed, Lin Boqu resolutely chose armed resistance and participated in leading the famous "August 1 Nanchang Uprising". Although the uprising was ultimately lost, Lin Boqu was not discouraged and was sent by the party organization to study at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow, laying a solid foundation for the future revolutionary cause.

Like Lin Boqu, Deng Zihui is also a revolutionary veteran. This descendant, who was born in Longyan, Fujian, also germinated the idea of saving the country and the people under the influence of the Xinhai Revolution. At the age of 19, he joined the Chinese Revolutionary Party led by Sun Yat-sen and began his own revolutionary path.

However, Deng soon discovered that Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary ideas were powerless to completely change the fate of China. In the storm of the Great Revolution, he embraced Marxism and joined the Communist Party of China. During the subsequent period of the Agrarian Revolution, Deng Zihui, with his outstanding military and organizational skills, led the masses to launch a rebellion in his hometown of western Fujian, established the first peasant guerrilla army, and finally founded the Western Fujian Soviet District.

By 1931, Deng Zihui was elected Minister of Finance of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic, and also served as Acting Minister of Land and Minister of National Economy. It was during those years that he became acquainted with Lin Boqu, and the two fought side by side in the cause of land finance construction in the central revolutionary base area.

Previously, Lin Boqu had joined the Communist Party of China and became a veteran of the party. After returning to China in 1933, he entered the Central Soviet District and served as Minister of National Economy of the Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic, succeeding Deng Zihui. From then on, Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui began the revolutionary years of fighting side by side.

Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's son was secretly "transferred" by a woman, and Yang Shangkun exclaimed: I made a mistake

In October 1934, the Central Red Army hastily decided on the Long March in the desperate Gobi situation. Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's wives gave birth to a son for their husbands at this historical juncture. But the war raged, and they had to entrust their infant children to relatives and friends, and threw themselves into the arduous Long March and guerrilla warfare.

The children were born from the remnant sun tribulus terrestris

When Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui fought side by side in the eventful revolutionary years, their wives also experienced the most cruel and tortuous page of their lives.

Lin Boqu's wife, Fan Lechun, was born in a poor family in Hunan. She has been bright and studious since she was a child, and she has been enrolled in a local traditional private school. After getting married at a young age, Fan Lechun has always been a docile and virtuous helper, silently supporting her husband's revolutionary cause. It wasn't until Lin Boqu led the defeat of the August 1 Nanchang Uprising that she had to start running everything at home alone.

In October 1934, Lin Boqu bid farewell to his wife and children and joined the Central Red Army in a large-scale march against the enemy. It was at this difficult moment that Fan Lechun gave birth to a son. She wanted her husband to meet her, but she missed the opportunity. Supporting the burden of the family alone, Fan Lechun made a living by weaving clothes, and his life was very difficult.

At the same time, Deng Zihui's wife, Huang Xiuxiang, also experienced a similar fate in the old area of western Fujian. This woman, who came from a poor peasant family, joined the Communist Party at a young age and became an underground worker. In order to escape the massacre of the reactionaries, she had to hide in the deep mountains and old forests of western Fujian all year round.

Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's son was secretly "transferred" by a woman, and Yang Shangkun exclaimed: I made a mistake

In those years, Huang Xiuxiang almost forgot what a comfortable life was. She often slipped into nearby villages to collect food for the Red Army in the interval of struggle, and became a well-known local "female Jiao'e". At the end of 1934, Deng Zihui left the old area of western Fujian and embarked on a long journey. At this time, Huang Xiuxiang was also pregnant and gave birth.

But the brutal war did not spare their mother and son. Soon after, Huang Xiuxiang's guerrilla unit was frantically swept by the Kuomintang army. In order to protect her children, she had to temporarily entrust her infant baby to the mothers in the old district around her, while she continued to fight in the rain of bullets.

In this way, Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng, two newborn babies, came to this cruel world in the flames of war. Their father was in the far northwest Gobi, charging forward with a machine gun on his back; And the mother killed the enemy bravely in the base area of her hometown, and no one could give them enough love.

During this period, the closest caregivers of the two children were the simple and kind mothers of the old district. They were either the female Red Army who fought under Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui, or the poor women in the old areas of western Fujian, who were extremely loyal to the revolutionary cause.

Some mothers in the old district are still young, and they have children of the same age; Some are old people with gray hair. But no matter who sees these two children from the red family, they will treat them as their own and do their best to take care of them.

In the war-torn era, the cries of Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng seemed to be a clarion call for mobilization, calling every revolutionary to go forward and kill the enemy bravely. The mothers in the old area raised them with hard work, and there are many tragic stories protected by their own blood......

Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's son was secretly "transferred" by a woman, and Yang Shangkun exclaimed: I made a mistake

The people's heroes are immortal

In that turbulent era, revolutionaries all put their lives first. Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's wives Fan Lechun and Huang Xiuxiang are such people's heroes. With their blood and lives, they defended that the seeds of the revolution could take root and sprout.

In 1937, during the temporary probation period in Chongqing, Fan Lechun came to the south pregnant and hoped to see her husband Lin Boqu for the last time. Unfortunately, he was discovered by the Kuomintang spies and brutally tortured. She was unjustly arrested and imprisoned, and soon after was severely beaten and tortured, and finally martyred in December 1938. Before his death, Fan Lechun left behind an earnest teaching that "for the revolutionary cause, any sacrifice is worth it".

Huang Xiuxiang's ending is also suffocating. During the Anti-Japanese War, she insisted on guerrilla warfare in her hometown of western Fujian, and led the masses to fight against the Kuomintang reactionaries many times. In 1943, Huang Xiuxiang was unfortunately captured alive by the enemy, endured merciless torture, and finally died heroically in prison, immortal.

Although the two people's heroes died young, their spirit will always inspire the successors of the revolutionary cause. When the war broke out, Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng grew up under the protection of their mothers in the old area. The mothers' unreserved enthusiasm and care for them is like the blood shed by the revolutionary martyrs nourishing their new generation.

The mothers in the old district themselves also bear a heavy fate. Some lost their children in the war, and some had their husbands killed. But they never wavered in their loyalty to the revolution, but loved Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng as their own flesh and blood. Whenever they hold their children in their arms, mothers can always think of those precious revolutionary struggles.

Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's son was secretly "transferred" by a woman, and Yang Shangkun exclaimed: I made a mistake

In their simple words and deeds, Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng grew up slowly. The danger of being almost taken away by the Kuomintang warlords was also resolved by the mothers in a desperate way; When they are seriously ill, mothers do their best to take care of them. All of this made the two children feel the unique fearless spirit of the families of the revolutionary fighters.

This spirit has endured over the years of armed revolution. Even in the most difficult environments, mothers in the old district never give up their yearning for a better life. For many nights, they would take their two children to hide in the jungle or caves, build a fire to roast sweet potatoes, and tell stories about the heroic deeds of the revolution. Whenever they mentioned Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui, their eyes would always shine with pride.

Under the urging of their mothers, Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng became revolutionary children with small ambitions and high ambitions. Not only do they look similar, but even their personalities and styles are almost identical: diligent, studious, daring, selfless and fearless. At that time, sacrifice and struggle were the norm of life, and the two children naturally understood the importance of revolutionary ideals and deeply rooted them in their hearts.

In this way, Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng, who grew up in the smoke of war, finally had the opportunity to meet their biological father after the final victory in the Liberation War. However, at this time when it should have been a mixed blessing, a shocking thing happened.

In 1953, Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui had respectively held important positions in the Central Committee. Once, Yang Shangkun, then deputy secretary general of the CPC Central Committee, director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, and secretary general of the Central Military Commission, met two young people. One of them reported that the Lin family was Lin Bingsu, and the other claimed that the son of the Deng family was named Deng Susheng.

Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's son was secretly "transferred" by a woman, and Yang Shangkun exclaimed: I made a mistake

Yang Shangkun looked at the two of them, but he was very puzzled. He squinted his eyes and looked carefully, and found that Lin Bingsu's big eyes and fair skin were a copy of Deng Zihui; And Deng Susheng is more like Lin Boqu's son. How is this possible? How could the two sons be confused?

Yang Shangkun was puzzled, so he had to inform the two old revolutionaries of the matter. Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui themselves were taken aback and decided to secretly send someone to investigate this bizarre mystery. Soon, an astonishing fact was revealed......

It turned out that in those war-torn years, Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng were once "transferred" by the mothers in the old district! When Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui went to the front line, the two babies were entrusted to different mothers to take care of. But in the ensuing war, the mothers who took over the care of the two accidentally swapped their children for a time.

This unexpected "package transfer" incident has continued to this day! If it weren't for Yang Shangkun's keen observation, I don't know how long this secret would have been hidden.

After further investigation, the party organization finally found out the ins and outs of the truth of that year. It turned out that at the end of 1934, after Lin Bingsu was born, he was entrusted by Fan Lechun to Su Aiying, a mother in the old district. And Deng Susheng was entrusted by Huang Xiuxiang to another mother, Ye Fengying, to take care of her.

However, it was not long before Minxi was massively swept by the Kuomintang warlords. In order to protect the child, Su Aiying and Ye Fengying were forced to flee and hide with their two babies. At this moment of crisis, the two accidentally swapped the child. When they found out, the situation was already in danger, and they had to "adjust" to raise their two children together.

Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's son was secretly "transferred" by a woman, and Yang Shangkun exclaimed: I made a mistake

In this way, Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng grew up under the knees of an elderly old district mother. Later, Su Aiying and Ye Fengying both died in the war, and the two children were relayed by mothers in other old districts. Due to the frequent change of mothers, no one realized that this pair of "brothers" was actually "unrelated and unreasonable" until the end.

This is the reason why Lin Bingsu and Deng Su look similar but their backgrounds are reversed. Yang Shangkun's "It's a mistake" really made an important discovery! After learning the truth, Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui were naturally taken aback, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

However, the two revolutionary veterans soon came to their senses. They calmly accepted the result of this unexpected "transfer", and personally announced that they would accept each other's biological flesh and blood. For Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng, it is also a supreme honor to have two revolutionary predecessors who made outstanding contributions back then as adoptive fathers. Since then, the two have been officially recognized as "brothers".

The two brothers had their own extraordinary experiences

Although Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng were born in an accident, they each experienced extraordinary encounters and made great contributions to the revolutionary cause.

Lin Bingsu joined the Communist Youth League when he was a teenager. During the Long March, he was once detained by the Kuomintang warlords, but after escaping, he soon joined the revolutionary ranks. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Lin Bingsu went to Yan'an, where he received systematic revolutionary theory education and exercised his will to fight.

Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui's son was secretly "transferred" by a woman, and Yang Shangkun exclaimed: I made a mistake

In 1947, Lin Bingsu was appointed secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and led the liberation war struggle in Langfang, Cangzhou and other regions. His fearless and strategizing command ability made him stand out and won high praise from his superiors and the masses. After the victory of the Liberation War, Lin Bingsu has been holding important positions in the central government.

At the same time, Deng Susheng's experience is equally exciting. As a young man, he studied at the Central Party School and later served in the army. During the Anti-Japanese War, Deng Susheng joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and participated in the Southern Anhui Incident led by Bo Yibo. In the smoke of war, he showed outstanding military command and commanding ability.

In 1946, Deng Susheng was appointed as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Northwest Field Army, assisting the famous founding general Peng Dehuai in commanding operations. That year, he annihilated the heavy army of the Kuomintang warlord Ma Bufang in one fell swoop, turned the tide of the war, and laid the foundation for the final victory.

After the victory of the Liberation War, Deng Susheng was soon promoted to a member of the Military Commission and fought side by side with Peng Dehuai and other old comrades-in-arms. They established the fundamental purpose and fine work style of the People's Liberation Army and made great contributions to the Chinese revolution.

What is even more admirable is that during their military careers, Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng both traveled thousands of miles to the Korean battlefield and personally participated in the bloody battle to resist US aggression and aid Korea. Although they were still young when the Korean War began, they were the first to lead and fearless in the face of danger, and commanded countless fierce ground battles.

If it weren't for the fact that the two brothers were transferred in that accident more than ten years ago, it may not be possible to imagine such a pair of "brothers" who talk about everything at the same time fighting side by side on the front line. But the fact is that the interests of the Chinese people are above all else, and even two children who are "unrelated and unreasonable" can grow up to be revolutionary heroes under the spiritual influence of the mothers in the old district.

Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng went from the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and then to the early days of the founding of New China. They not only inherited the legacy of the older generation of revolutionaries such as Lin Boqu and Deng Zihui, but also personally experienced and participated in the birth of New China.


In those days, every revolutionary carried the lofty ideals of communism. Even Lin Bingsu and Deng Susheng, who have lost their relatives to take care of them since they were children, can also establish firm beliefs under the influence of their mothers in the old district. Perhaps it is this simple and persistent spirit that has led to their extraordinary achievements.