
From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

author:Big head talks about literature

1. An unfinished musical journey

Tan Weiwei, a strange woman who has shown extraordinary musical talent since she was a child. As early as her studies, she won the attention of everyone with her excellent singing skills. Especially after entering junior high school, I had a special feeling for the high-pitched and passionate "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau", and the touching singing made all the teachers and students of the school fall in love with this confident girl.

Opportunity always favors those who are always ready, and on the occasion of the grand opening of the Sichuan Provincial Primary and Secondary School Students Art Festival, the school decisively signed up for Tan Weiwei's competition. As expected, she overcame all the obstacles and finally won the gold award.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

This success undoubtedly strengthened her determination to study music in depth and systematically.

Time flies, time flies. In September 1998, Tan Weiwei was finally admitted to the vocal music department of Sichuan Conservatory of Music. In the same year, she not only won the honorary title of "Top Ten Singers in Sichuan Province", but also participated in the performance of China's first campus youth musical.

In addition to her studies, she continued to sing in a bar for four years, making her experience and ability a model in the music industry.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

As the saying goes, people go to high places, and water flows to low places. Soon after, Tan Weiwei began to set his sights on a broader stage. In 2000, she confidently signed up for the TV Singer Grand Prix in five provinces and cities, but the result was still all the way to the championship again.

Even the Tokyo International Music Festival in Japan extended an olive branch to her, and with this glorious glory, Tan Weiwei successfully held his first solo concert at the age of about 20.

In 2005, Tan Weiwei once again appeared on the stage of the large-scale musical "Golden Sands" and left her footprints in the Vienna Musikverein. However, just when her career was in full swing, she chose to withdraw violently when she participated in the CCTV Young Singer Grand Prix because of a rating controversy, which is jaw-dropping.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

Friends recommended the popular talent show "Super Girl" for her at the time, although Tan Weiwei was naturally arrogant and didn't care about it, but in the end he reluctantly participated in the competition. With her otherworldly strength, she made it all the way to the finals, but unfortunately lost to the dark horse player Shang Wenjie at the last moment.

This made Tan Weiwei quite dissatisfied, so she created a satirical song "Tan Moumou" against her opponent, and this outspoken style made her fall into the whirlpool of public opinion of "black and red", and her music path also encountered a low point in her life.

Second, the bumpy and touching family journey

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

Tan Weiwei's successful road to the music field cannot but be attributed to her silent and far-reaching father! This simple man, who only takes long-distance truck driving as his profession, always devotes himself to the world of music in his spare time, as if it is a pure land in his life.

It is under such a family background that Tan Weiwei has shown his obsession and love for music since he was a child, whenever their father and daughter spend time together, a warm and pleasant atmosphere always fills the entire room, laughter and melodious melody, forming a harmonious and beautiful picture.

However, the tricks of fate often come unexpectedly. When Tan Weiwei was six years old, a sudden illness shattered the originally happy family. My father's health deteriorated, and my mother had to work hard to raise medical bills.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

Despite this, the meager income is still difficult to cover the high cost of treatment, and can only barely buy a box of medicines.

In the face of difficulties, Tan Weiwei chose to use singing to convey hope, cheer for his father, and pray to the sky. Perhaps God was moved by this deep family affection, and despite the ruthless illness, my father still survived the difficult years for ten years.

When the good news that Tan Weiwei was successfully admitted to the Sichuan Conservatory of Music came, his father finally showed a long-lost smile. In order to raise funds for his daughter's tuition, the resilient father decided to increase the number of long-distance freight trips in the hope of getting paid more.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

However, due to overwork, he was unable to get adequate rest, could not take his medication on time, and his physical condition deteriorated.

Although the tuition fees were paid, Tan Weiwei lost his dear father forever in the summer when he was 16 years old. She has fallen into deep self-reproach countless times, and if she had not persevered in pursuing her musical dreams, her father would not have had to bear such a heavy burden, let alone die young.

If she had known this, she would rather stay in the town for the rest of her life and spend every quiet and beautiful day with her father.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

After his father passed away, his mother became Tan Weiwei's only relative. She once said affectionately: "The moment my father left, I became him." Since then, she has bravely taken on the responsibility of the family and become a solid support for her mother.

Who would have predicted that a few years later, my mother would be deeply involved in another relationship! Once upon a time, the relationship between their mother and daughter was as intimate as that of sisters; However, now, Tan Weiwei can only call his mother "respected Teacher Zhang".

During that time, her mother's actions made her feel deeply angry and lost. It wasn't until he met Chen Yifei, the true son of destiny, that Tan Weiwei realized that everyone has the right to pursue happiness.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

So, she bravely expressed her emotions to her mother on social platforms, and said sincerely: "Although I rarely tell you 'I love you' directly, today I want to see you happy and accompany you into the palace of marriage."

In this way, Tan Weiwei successfully repaired the family bond with his mother.

3. A love story full of twists and turns and romance

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

In 2016, the moment when Chen Yifei proposed to Tan Weiwei at the top of the snow-capped mountain, Shenshan Gang Rinpoche, this romantic scene made everyone present unforgettable.

Tan Weiwei has always been a tenacious and independent woman, but at that moment, she burst into tears like a little girl, and tears soaked her beautiful and moving face.

This woman, who once bloomed proudly like a sonorous rose, also shows the tenderness and fragility unique to women at this moment.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

Their encounter was quite dramatic: it turned out that Tan Weiwei had played a small role in the Taiwanese TV series "33 Days of Broken Love" starring Chen Yifei, and it was precisely because of this drama that they became acquainted with each other because of the play, and they quickly fell in love.

Fate is truly a magical force.

From first acquaintance, to getting to know each other, to becoming lovers, the couple's relationship has gone through many ups and downs and twists and turns. However, in that cold winter of 2016, they finally crossed an important step in their lives and decided to spend the rest of their lives together.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

The moment Tan Weiwei put on the engagement ring, the joy and happiness in her heart were like a rushing river, which could not be described in words.

In the three years after marriage, Tan Weiwei was able to navigate many roles such as daughter, wife and mother, and ushered in a new life - the birth of a son, achieving the perfect grand slam of life.

Since then, she has been known as the "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", not only has made brilliant achievements in her career, but also has a happy family life.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

Good times are just around the corner, and the future is full of expectations.

Fourth, the bright stars on the music stage

In 2015, Tan Weiwei, who broke free from the whirlpool of "black and red" public opinion, ushered in a new chapter in her acting career - participated in the popular variety show "I Am a Singer Season 3". With the touching song "Lighthouse", she won the runner-up in the finals with outstanding strength, and her popularity and popularity soared to new heights!

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

Since then, Tan Weiwei's music path has been like a butterfly, and the road has been smooth and unstoppable.

Well-known variety shows such as "The Masked Singer", "The King of Crossover Singers" and "Sister Lang" have thrown olive branches to this former rebellious girl, and she has successfully entered the mainstream vision and won widespread attention.

The most eye-catching thing is that she has appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala for six consecutive years and has become the focus of attention.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

As a representative of the charming female voice, Tan Weiwei's every Spring Festival Gala performance is a masterpiece, especially good at skillfully integrating traditional and modern elements, which makes the audience fall in love with it.

With her unique timbre, she shows the cultural charm of different art categories, making ancient art vibrant in the eyes of young people.

In 2023, Tan Weiwei sang the song "Hundred Birds and Phoenix" at the Spring Festival Gala, showing the intangible cultural heritage Nanyin art that was on the verge of being lost in front of the national audience, shocking the hearts of hundreds of millions of people.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

"As soon as Tan Weiwei opened his mouth, half of the Chinese people had to look up", such a heartfelt praise undoubtedly added endless brilliance to the reputation of "Guotai Min'an female singer".

From the idol draft in the past to the mainstream variety show stage today, and then to the high-profile CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Tan Weiwei has always maintained excellent performance and climbed the peak of his career.

However, this girl, who has been questioned and misunderstood, with her tenacious and never-say-die spirit, finally makes her career as high-pitched and passionate as her singing.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

Fifth, the transformation and sublimation of the past

Looking back on the past years, Tan Weiwei in his youth can be said to be synonymous with "rebellion". The girl who dared to speak out and forge ahead was like a fearless eagle, brave and slightly immature.

After the finals of "Super Girl", she wrote the song "Tan Moumou", unabashedly satirizing her opponent Shang Wenjie "is not as good as me in everything". Although the opponent gave complete tolerance, Tan Weiwei did not appreciate it, but became more conceited and empty-eyed.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

Even in the face of the low score given by the jury, she chose to withdraw from the competition outright, this arrogant and arrogant posture attracted widespread attention and made Tan Weiwei the focus of public opinion.

Friends tried to advise her many times to learn to advance and retreat properly and to grasp the proportions, but at that time she thought that she was in the prime of her youth and did not need to care too much about the so-called fame and fortune.

However, when the music career encountered a bottleneck, Tan Weiwei realized that she was only such an insignificant existence in the entire universe. So, she decided to leave the stage for a while and seek inner peace in the vast nature, and seriously think about the true value of life.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

Fortunately, fate did not abandon her, and Tan Weiwei soon regained her self-confidence and returned with a new look. In 2015, she participated in the popular variety show "I Am a Singer" and won the runner-up, and since then her career has entered a new stage.

She began to learn to hide her sharpness, interpreting the artistic charm of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation with her unique voice, and gradually won the reputation of "Guotai Min'an female singer".

In terms of family life, after years of precipitation, Tan Weiwei finally bravely expressed his deep love to his mother, and even publicly showed his love on social media, promising to accompany her for the rest of her life.

From "Born Proud Tan Moumou" to "Guotai Min'an Female Singer", she is really sexy

In the emotional world, she is no longer the "unstoppable" she once was, but shows the tenderness and fragility unique to women.

In this way, Tan Weiwei, who was once willful and rebellious, finally learned how to love and be loved. She deeply understands that as a musician, she not only needs to have outstanding talent and courage, but also knows how to advance and retreat in a timely manner and measure appropriately in order to move forward steadily in this highly competitive industry.

In this process, all the past has been baptized and sublimated, and her true emotions have also changed under the tempering of time.