
I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

author:Talk about entertainment every day

1. The veteran Chen Guoping was deeply frustrated, and he regained his strength and fought again!

In the picture in front of him, Chen Guoping's tears flashed, and his eyes were sad. This former majestic "anti-fraud hero" is full of anxiety at the moment: "Public security organs across the country, if there is a need for me, welcome to contact me, whether it is to serve as an assistant police officer or re-employed, I am willing to do my best."

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

Between the words, he revealed his eagerness to return to the battlefield. Two years ago, he was still the highly admired "anti-fraud Lao Chen". Relying only on the unique live broadcast publicity strategy, it has successfully ignited the enthusiastic attention of the whole society to anti-fraud, popularized anti-fraud knowledge, and recovered immeasurable property losses for the country and the people.

However, just as his career was reaching its peak, a sudden "Carnival Gate Incident" completely disrupted the trajectory of his life. An avid fan gave him a one-time reward of up to 1 million yuan, which caused a huge sensation at the time.

The controversy caused by the huge reward continued to ferment, and the doubts from all sides made the veteran tired.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

In the end, Chen Guoping resolutely resigned from public office. Leaving the stage that once belonged to him, he confidently believes that he has found the "wealth code" and can use his fame to set sail in other fields.

However, he did not expect that this decision would become the prelude to the decline of his career.

2. From a rural boy to a soldier with a steel gun

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

To understand the history of Chen Guoping's life, we must go back decades. He was born in 1978 in a remote village in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, to a poor family. Both parents are ordinary farmers, and their expectations for this son are simple and simple: may he have a safe life and peace for the country and the people.

Therefore, naming him "Chen Guoping" is such an innocent blessing.

At that time, the family's financial situation was really unable to support Chen Guoping to receive more education. At the age of 18, he had not yet finished his studies, so he had to follow his father's arrangement and, like many young people at that time, left his hometown and joined the military.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

Life in the barracks was extremely difficult, but it never dampened Chen Guoping's fighting spirit. He is strict with himself and never indulges in any bad habits, as he said: "Do not smoke, do not drink, always maintain duty and self-discipline."

This spirit of diligence and hard work has finally won the praise of superiors.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, in 2006, the tall and burly Chen Guoping successfully completed the gorgeous transformation from a soldier to an ordinary citizen, and was assigned to the criminal police detachment of the Qinhuangdao Public Security Bureau without any suspense.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

Since then, he has gradually moved from a hot-blooded young man from a peasant family to the glorious mission of maintaining social order.

At the beginning of his career, Chen Guoping was assigned to the grassroots police station as a police officer, and he always maintained his enthusiasm for his work and was diligent and responsible. Soon after, drawing on the experience he had gained during his military career, he was transferred to a more dangerous anti-narcotics police position, where he personally fought to the death against cunning criminals.

Chen Guoping quickly stood out with his outstanding performance, and was promoted from an ordinary anti-narcotics policeman to the deputy director of a police station, realizing a gorgeous transformation from a young man in a small town to the pinnacle of his career.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

3. The live broadcast unexpectedly became popular, achieving the name of "anti-fraud Lao Chen".

Late one night in September 2021, Chen Guoping patiently explained anti-fraud knowledge in the live broadcast room as usual, but this time there was an unexpected enthusiastic response. When he interacted with an internet celebrity who called himself "Yuhuatian", the witty conversation between the two instantly attracted the enthusiastic attention of 2.35 million viewers.

In this way, Chen Guoping became an Internet celebrity overnight. The majority of netizens affectionately call him "Anti-fraud Lao Chen", and he has become a well-known anti-fraud propaganda star with the help of this accident.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

However, behind all this brilliance, it comes from an experience many years ago. Around 2017, telecom network fraud cases across the country showed an increasing trend.

In order to concentrate on severely punishing these criminal acts, the Haigang District Public Security Bureau, where Chen Guoping belongs, set up an anti-wire fraud squadron, and he himself was honored to be appointed as the squadron leader.

As a squadron leader, Chen Guoping has always adhered to his original intention, and in order to more effectively disseminate anti-fraud knowledge and prevent people from being defrauded, he led his team to frequently put up posters, distribute leaflets, and hang banners in the streets and alleys.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

Despite this, traditional propaganda tactics have not been effective.

Later, Chen Guoping had a whim and decided to try to use the popular short video live broadcast form for publicity. At first, they faced a lot of difficulties, lacking resources such as funds, props, venues, and actors, and they had to raise everything themselves.

Even when it comes to making a short video, it takes months and thousands of dollars of personal savings.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

However, Chen Guoping never succumbed to the predicament. He steadfastly leads his team to live stream events three times a week, and he never flinched even when he was subjected to numerous attacks, complaints, and slander.

Finally, one night in the third year of 2021, the microphone connection between the live broadcast room and Internet celebrities made him unexpectedly popular, opening a new chapter in his life! .

The word "success" is undoubtedly Chen Guoping's best interpretation of 2021. Thanks to the high popularity of the live broadcast room, he began to frequently appear in various large-scale variety shows, and his exposure rate rose sharply.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

Under his active promotion, anti-fraud knowledge was quickly spread among the general public.

Fourth, detonate the nationwide upsurge and promote the anti-fraud cause

Overnight, Chen Guoping's fame rose like a blooming flower. With his outstanding acting talent, he frequently appeared in major variety shows and went all out to promote anti-fraud knowledge.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

In the program, he will use his personal experience as an example to sharply point out the key to anti-fraud knowledge; He also conducts scenario simulations to explain the fraud tactics clearly; What's even more rare is that he will put himself in the victim's shoes to convey the importance of anti-fraud, which makes people feel emotional.

It is in this way that the seemingly unfathomable professional field of anti-fraud has become intimate and close under Chen Guoping's vivid interpretation. He used the most easy-to-understand language to gradually penetrate this anti-fraud craze into everyone's heart.

Soon after, Mr. Chen became popular across the country and became a household name as a spokesman for anti-fraud. His figure appeared at the court, communicating with royalty and nobles; His voice reached the grassroots level, laughing with ordinary people, and his anti-fraud propaganda was everywhere.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

Thanks to his efforts to promote, anti-fraud knowledge has been deeply rooted in people's hearts and has become common sense known to the whole people.

In the process, Chen Guoping also gradually deeply understood the great significance of the anti-fraud cause. This is not only an ordinary job, but also a sacred duty to defend the interests of the country and the people.

He was full of awe and firm convictions, and pushed the anti-fraud cause from a state where no one cared about it to an unprecedented peak.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

Fifth, fame and fortune are gained, and reason is gradually lost

No one expected that an originally uneventful live broadcast would bring such earth-shaking changes to Chen Guoping's life. From an unknown grassroots policeman, he instantly jumped to the focus of "Internet celebrity", and this sudden gain of fame and fortune made Chen Guoping's reason gradually out of control.

The first thing that pierced Chen Guoping's "perfect" image was his words that crossed the line during the online interactive live broadcast of a female host. Unabashedly mocking the other party for relying only on their appearance to attract fans, this kind of remarks that do not take into account the feelings of others is undoubtedly a serious violation of the image of others.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

Immediately afterwards, he lost control of his emotions many times during the live broadcast, and even became angry, and his behavior became more and more abnormal. What's even more jaw-dropping is that in order to get more gifts, Chen Guoping unknowingly challenged a well-known Internet celebrity, trying to incite fans to brush gifts for him.

Indeed, anti-fraud should have been Chen Guoping's original intention. Now, however, in the face of the great temptation of money and fame, he has completely lost his way forward. Chen Guoping, who was once known for his low-key behavior, is now blinded by a vain reputation and has lost basic respect for everything around him.

And the outbreak of the "Carnival Gate" incident undoubtedly became the last straw that overwhelmed this former hero. When a loyal supporter rewarded him with a huge amount of money of up to one million yuan at one time, Chen Guoping did not hesitate to take the huge amount of money for himself, without any intention of shirking it.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

This unprecedented "wealth code" made the rational defense line in his heart collapse in an instant. From the inside out, he begins to have deep doubts about the status he holds. The temptation of fame and fortune made him fall into an unprecedented desire for power.

This once the most determined "anti-fraud fighter" has completely lost himself at the moment.

6. Summary of the current situation: regain the original intention of anti-fraud and be wary of utilitarian temptation

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

In the midst of the continuous controversy, Chen Guoping began to waver in his determination to continue to stay in this vanity fair. He knows very well that only by staying away from this land of right and wrong can he regain his original anti-fraud enthusiasm.

As a result, the idea of leaving his job gradually germinated in his heart. Chen Guoping firmly believes that as long as he leaves the former stage, he can use the accumulated fame to set sail again in a new place.

However, who would have expected that this decision would turn out to be the prelude to the decline of his career.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

Leaving the spotlight of CCTV and the many fans in the live broadcast room, Chen Guoping's career is as bleak as the sunset. The so-called "anti-fraud blockbuster" that he worked so hard to plan was ignored by no one, and he took the first step, but in the end it became an empty talk.

His once fanatical followers have also left him, and it is difficult to find the passion of the past.

Today's Chen Guoping has long been a matter of fact, but he is still unswervingly pursuing the opportunity to enlist in the army again, looking forward to taking advantage of this opportunity to regain the original intention of fighting fraud and crime, break free from the endless temptation of Vanity Fair, and return to the simple and unpretentious self of the past.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

For the mistakes made in the past, Chen Guoping has now deeply realized a truth: the temptation of utilitarianism often makes people lose in the original innocence; Too much fame and fortune may obscure people's sight.

The incident after incident was undoubtedly a blow to him, making him more soberly aware of his problems.

The merits are unpredictable. The world only remembers Chen Guoping's crazy experience, but few people understand how much hard sweat and hard work he has put in for the anti-fraud cause for decades.

I have been a soldier and a drug arrester for decades, and no one cares about it, but when I am angry, I am scolded madly, is it wronged?

It was not until today that he suddenly realized its true meaning and value.