
The income of 180 million people has been affected, and the encroachment of e-commerce has forced brick-and-mortar stores into a corner



In this era of rapid digital development, e-commerce platforms are like an unstoppable wave, gradually eroding the living space of traditional physical stores. According to statistics, the income of 180 million people has been affected, and this invisible war is quietly changing our lives and economic patterns. However, in the huge shadow of e-commerce, there are still some brick-and-mortar stores that have found a way to survive in the face of adversity. Today, let's explore how brick-and-mortar stores fought back under the impact of e-commerce through a true story.

The income of 180 million people has been affected, and the encroachment of e-commerce has forced brick-and-mortar stores into a corner


In the bustling corner of the city, there is an old bookstore that has been in business for 30 years, which has witnessed the growth of countless people, and also carries the dreams and emotions of the owner, Mr. Li. However, with the rise of e-commerce, people's reading habits have gradually changed, and the business of brick-and-mortar bookstores has begun to deteriorate. Mr. Lee's bookstore was not spared, with sales declining year by year, and he felt more anxious and powerless than ever.

Just as Mr. Li was about to close his doors, his granddaughter, Xiaofang, came up with a bold idea: why not use the power of e-commerce to save the bookstore? Xiaofang suggested moving some of the bookstore's business online, selling books through social media and online malls, while using the advantages of physical stores to create an integrated space for reading, communication, and cultural activities.

The income of 180 million people has been affected, and the encroachment of e-commerce has forced brick-and-mortar stores into a corner

At first, Mr. Li was skeptical about this proposal, but with Xiaofang's persistence and hard work, they began the transformation path. Xiaofang has carefully planned a series of online and offline activities, including writers' book signings, themed reading nights, parent-child reading clubs, etc., which have attracted a large number of book lovers and new customers. The bookstore's social media accounts have also gradually amassed a certain following, and people share their reading experiences and support for the bookstore every day.

After a period of hard work, the bookstore's business has improved significantly. Although it can't compete with large e-commerce platforms, the old bookstore has won a group of loyal customers with its unique cultural atmosphere and personalized service. Mr. Li also learned a valuable lesson: in the era of e-commerce, if physical stores want to survive, they must keep pace with the times and find their own positioning and advantages.

The income of 180 million people has been affected, and the encroachment of e-commerce has forced brick-and-mortar stores into a corner

This story tells us that the impact of e-commerce, while violent, is not invulnerable. If brick-and-mortar stores can be flexible, combine their own characteristics, and make good use of Internet tools, they can also find a place in this competition.


In this era of e-commerce and brick-and-mortar store games, each of us may be the Mr. Li or Xiaofang standing at the crossroads. What we need to think about is how to find opportunities in change and achieve self-transcendence in challenges. Whether it's e-commerce or brick-and-mortar stores, the future of business belongs to those explorers who dare to innovate and practice.

Dear readers, if you like such stories, if you are curious about the future of e-commerce and physical stores, you may wish to follow our account and let's explore more mysteries of the business world together. Remember, every change is the beginning of a new opportunity, and let's witness this new era of possibilities together!