
New energy vehicles generally have fast charging and slow charging, will I hurt the car if I use slow charging all the time?



In the wave of new energy vehicles, fast charging and slow charging have become a hot topic for car owners. Some people say that frequent use of fast charging is good for the battery, while others insist on slow charging and more car maintenance. So, will it hurt our car to use slow charging all the time? Today, let's uncover this mystery together!

New energy vehicles generally have fast charging and slow charging, will I hurt the car if I use slow charging all the time?


In this era of pursuing speed and efficiency, fast charging has undoubtedly become the darling of new energy vehicle owners. It's fast, convenient, and satisfies people's ultimate pursuit of time. However, slow charging is like that unknown guardian, although slow, but steady, giving the battery the most gentle care.

Let's understand the charm of slow charging through a small story. In a quiet town, there are two Mr. Che and Mr. Li, both of whom own the same new energy vehicle. Mr. Zhang is an anxious person and chooses to charge quickly every time he charges, while Mr. Li likes to charge the car slowly at night. After a long time, Mr. Zhang's car battery showed signs of decay, while Mr. Li's car remained in good condition.

New energy vehicles generally have fast charging and slow charging, will I hurt the car if I use slow charging all the time?

This story tells us that although slow charging takes a long time, it has a small impact on the battery and helps to extend the life of the battery. While fast charging is fast, frequent use may accelerate the aging of the battery. Of course, this is not to say that we can't use fast charging, but we have to use it rationally.

Scientific studies have shown that the health of a battery is closely related to its temperature, charge/discharge rate, and depth. Slow charging generates less heat because of the small current, and the damage to the battery is relatively small. Fast charging, on the other hand, will increase the temperature of the battery due to the high current, which may cause irreversible damage to the battery in the long run.

New energy vehicles generally have fast charging and slow charging, will I hurt the car if I use slow charging all the time?

Therefore, for new energy vehicles, moderate slow charging is necessary. It can give the battery a chance to "rest" without urgency, allowing the battery to rejuvenate in the leisurely current and prolong its life. At the same time, car owners should also use fast charging in a timely manner according to actual needs to deal with emergencies.


In this fast-paced world, we're always looking for more speed. But while pursuing speed, we should not forget to give our cars proper care. Slow charging is like a glass of old wine, which needs to be savored.

If you have more questions about the maintenance of new energy vehicles, or want to know more about vehicle maintenance, don't forget to follow our account. We'll share more practical car maintenance tips on a regular basis to help you find the best balance between fast and slow. Click to follow, and work with us to make your car healthier and your life better!