
These three countries openly "cold-faced" Chinese tourists, why are Chinese people still happy to travel in the past?

author:Rising Sun MGP of Love Life

Hey, netizens, when I was watching the news recently, I found a phenomenon that makes people laugh and cry: there are obviously three countries that have a cold attitude towards Chinese tourists, and can even be said to be full of hostility, but our Chinese people still go forward one after another, and run there with enthusiasm. What the hell is going on? Let's talk about this today.


First, let's talk about Japan. As we all know, Japan invaded China during World War II, and this history made Sino-Japanese relations tense for a while. However, since the reform and opening up, the relationship between the two countries has gradually warmed up, and many Chinese people have chosen to travel and shop in Japan. But you know what? Some Japanese people are not very friendly to Chinese tourists, and even openly slander us. Do you say that people are angry? But even so, there are still a large number of Chinese tourists who go to Japan to "send money", is it really "healed scars and forget the pain"?

These three countries openly "cold-faced" Chinese tourists, why are Chinese people still happy to travel in the past?

Let's talk about South Korea. South Korea also has a bit of historical entanglement with China, but we have to admit that South Korea's plastic surgery technology and food culture have indeed attracted many Chinese people. However, the attitude of the Koreans towards us is not good. I heard that at the airport, they still have to let Chinese tourists "hang yellow cards", isn't this a blatant discrimination? But even so, there are still many Chinese tourists who go to South Korea in order to chase stars, plastic surgery or try new things.

These three countries openly "cold-faced" Chinese tourists, why are Chinese people still happy to travel in the past?

In addition to Japan and South Korea, there is another country that is not very friendly to Chinese tourists, but we will not say which country it is, so as not to cause controversy. However, this phenomenon is not unique, and there are similar situations all over the world. Why is that?

These three countries openly "cold-faced" Chinese tourists, why are Chinese people still happy to travel in the past?

Some people say that this is because Chinese tourists have money and spending power, so these countries are "red" with us. There is some truth to this, but it is not entirely true. After all, money is endless, and respect is mutual. If you just make money and ignore the respect for tourists, then this kind of business will not last long.

These three countries openly "cold-faced" Chinese tourists, why are Chinese people still happy to travel in the past?

Others say that this is because of the prejudice and misunderstanding of China in these countries. There is also truth to that. After all, historical and cultural differences exist objectively, but that doesn't mean we can ignore each other's feelings. Instead, we should eliminate prejudice and misunderstanding by enhancing communication and understanding.

These three countries openly "cold-faced" Chinese tourists, why are Chinese people still happy to travel in the past?

So, what should we do as Chinese people? I think first of all we have to be rational and calm. An entire country or nation cannot be denied because of a single phenomenon. Second, we need to be dignified and confident. In the face of injustice, we must dare to defend our rights and speak out. Finally, we need to strengthen our own quality and cultural literacy. Promote understanding and respect through learning and understanding the cultural and historical contexts of different countries.

These three countries openly "cold-faced" Chinese tourists, why are Chinese people still happy to travel in the past?

Of course, as netizens, we also have the responsibility and obligation to spread positive energy and correct values. When we see injustice, we can choose to speak out and choose to resist; When we see friendly exchanges, we can choose to like and support. Only in this way can we work together to create a harmonious and friendly international environment.

These three countries openly "cold-faced" Chinese tourists, why are Chinese people still happy to travel in the past?

In short, this topic is indeed a bit laughable, but it is also worth thinking about and reflecting. I hope that our people can hold their chests, maintain their dignity and self-confidence, and jointly safeguard their own interests and image!

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