
I can't laugh anymore! Xiang Zuo posted Mother's Day photos, only caring about taking pictures handsomely for himself, completely ignoring Guo Biting

author:I live at the head of the Yellow River


Mother's Day is a time full of warmth and gratitude. Every year on this special day, people go out of their way to show their respect and love for their dear mother. However, the Mother's Day photos shared by Xiang Zuo on social media recently unexpectedly sparked everyone's attention and discussion.

I can't laugh anymore! Xiang Zuo posted Mother's Day photos, only caring about taking pictures handsomely for himself, completely ignoring Guo Biting

I saw that in this group of photos, Xiang Zuo, his wife Guo Biting, and mother-in-law Xiang Tai celebrated this warm festival together. In the picture, Xiang Zuo is handsome, posing his most handsome pose to the camera; However, Guo Biting's state is a little unnatural, her facial lines are slightly distorted, and her hair is a little messy, making it difficult to tell whether this is the real her for a while. Some netizens even thought that Xiang Zuo had changed to a new wife, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion about Xiang Zuo's "taste".

I can't laugh anymore! Xiang Zuo posted Mother's Day photos, only caring about taking pictures handsomely for himself, completely ignoring Guo Biting

What is the situation that caused Xiang Zuo's Mother's Day photo to cause such a big reaction? From this set of photos, it is not difficult for us to find the "uniqueness" of Xiang Zuo.

I can't laugh anymore! Xiang Zuo posted Mother's Day photos, only caring about taking pictures handsomely for himself, completely ignoring Guo Biting

First of all, the most obvious is Xiang Zuo's "self-centeredness" in the selection of photos. We can see that whether it is a photo of himself or with his family, Xiang Zuo seems to only care about himself taking the most handsome photo, and completely does not take into account the image presentation of his wife Guo Biting. For a husband who is "strict with his wife", this is undoubtedly a bit of a mistake. Especially in comparison, Xiang Zuo's choice of photos for his mother Xiang Tai is more attentive and considerate.

I can't laugh anymore! Xiang Zuo posted Mother's Day photos, only caring about taking pictures handsomely for himself, completely ignoring Guo Biting

Secondly, from the photos, we can also find that Xiang Zuo seems to have gone a little "too far" in image processing and beautification. When retouching pictures for himself and his family, he obviously used too much of the beauty filter, so that he "reshaped" the originally beautiful Guo Biting. Netizens said that they couldn't recognize this as the usual radiant "Sister Biting". This is undoubtedly a bit inappropriate, because it completely ignores the feelings of the family and only cares about its own image.

I can't laugh anymore! Xiang Zuo posted Mother's Day photos, only caring about taking pictures handsomely for himself, completely ignoring Guo Biting

Finally, it can be seen from this set of photos that Xiang Zuo is also a little biased when choosing a family photo. He basically only focused on his poses and expressions in the photos, and did not balance the angles and states of his family members well. For example, in the third photo he chose, Guo Biting's state was a little unnatural, while he himself was handsome. This undoubtedly gives people a feeling of "Xiang Zuo is celebrating the festival, and everyone else is a foil".

I can't laugh anymore! Xiang Zuo posted Mother's Day photos, only caring about taking pictures handsomely for himself, completely ignoring Guo Biting

In general, we can see from this set of photos that Xiang Zuo completely ignored the feelings of his family when celebrating Mother's Day, and only cared about his own image. This approach is undoubtedly somewhat selfish and inconsiderate. As a husband and father, he should pay more attention to the feelings of his family and put the happiness and joy of his family first, rather than just caring about his own glamorousness.

However, we also need to understand that everyone has their own personality and habits, and Xiang Zuo may just want to revel in his handsome image at this special moment. But the problem is that he also needs to further improve his emotional intelligence and empathy when dealing with his relationship with his family.

I can't laugh anymore! Xiang Zuo posted Mother's Day photos, only caring about taking pictures handsomely for himself, completely ignoring Guo Biting

For Xiang Zuo, this may be just a small "accident", but for his family, it may already be a big "blow". As the core of a family, Xiang Zuo not only needs to pay attention to his own development, but also should pay attention to the feelings of his family and create a warm and comfortable family atmosphere for them.

In short, this set of photos shared by Xiang Zuo on Mother's Day undoubtedly gives people a sense of "uniqueness". But we hope that in the future, Xiang Zuo can pay more attention to the feelings of his family and make his family the real "protagonist" in his life. Only in this way can his life be more complete and happy.


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