
6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

author:e Lecture on literature

First of all, let's talk about infidelity in the entertainment industry. Such scandals continue to emerge, leaving many female artists in a double dilemma of career and emotion. Under the dazzling magnesium lights, we see those women wandering on the red carpet, they are peerless and charming, which makes countless people fall in love and envy.

However, once they strayed into the forbidden area of cheating, it is difficult to escape the close surveillance of the paparazzi, even if it is just a trivial cheating act, or a seemingly ordinary intimate look, it may be captured by a keen camera, and then be hyped up, and the headlines on the entertainment page In an instant, the former popular queen will become the object of criticism, and their careers will be hit hard by the ruthless invasion of online violence, and their reputation will decline rapidly. Even the jobs they rely on are facing a huge threat, and what is more serious is that they may lose their happy families because of this, in this whirlpool of derailment, some actresses already have a lot of wealth, so the loss is not too big; But for those women who struggle from the bottom, a mistake can lead to lifelong regrets, and their future is ruined, no matter what, derailment has a profound impact on their life trajectory, and they have paid an extremely painful price for it, and the positive image that has been created by spending a huge amount of money has disappeared overnight Next, let's review the current situation of those actresses who have cheated!

Secondly, we are going to talk about Bai Jing's tragic ending. Bai Jing was once a high-profile rising star in the entertainment industry, but after a crack in her marriage with her husband Zhou Chenghai, she chose to fall in love with the "third party" Qiao Yu, which eventually led to a family tragedy.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

In the entertainment industry, Bai Jing is undoubtedly a rising star, she not only has a stunning appearance, but also has excellent acting talent, starring in many widely acclaimed film and television works, it is generally believed that she will soar into the sky and become a powerful movie star in the future, however, just as her career is booming, her private life has fallen into a crisis, after marrying Zhou Chenghai, a rich man who is 18 years older than herself, the relationship between the two gradually fades, Zhou Chenghai is busy with her career all day long, and Bai Jing feels that married life is boring.

At this moment, a young man named "Gaogan's Son", Qiao Yu, broke into Bai Jing's life trajectory like a meteor piercing the night. This mysterious man not only succeeded in defrauding Zhou Chenghai of a huge amount of property, but also took advantage of the void to confuse Bai Jing's mind, causing her to drift away from her husband Zhou Chenghai, and the idea of divorce became more and more firm.

In the face of Qiao Yu's blazing pursuit offensive, Bai Jing finally completely despaired of her marriage with Zhou Chenghai, and decided to give it a go and go all out to provoke the conflict between husband and wife.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

However, fate struck in the middle of the night in 2012. Bai Jing unfortunately suffered Zhou Chenghai's crazy revenge, and was pierced through his body with a sharp blade, and Xiang Xiaoyu died; And Zhou Chenghai chose to cut himself off after brewing this tragedy with his own hands.

As for the culprit Qiao Yu, he could not escape the punishment of the law in the end and was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

In this way, Bai Jing, who was supposed to shine in the entertainment industry, stopped abruptly in an instant and fell into an irreparable abyss. The staging of this tragedy makes people's hearts ache and sigh.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

The third part, our Dong Jie and Ma Rong's derailment incident: During the divorce of Dong Jie and Pan Yueming, and the divorce of Ma Rong and Wang Baoqiang, the two actresses were deeply involved in the whirlpool of cheating scandals, which aroused strong condemnation from public opinion.

Their living conditions have also been devastated.

In the derailment incident of Dong Jie and Ma Rong, we deeply understand the painful cost of cheating on women.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

Dong Jie, a former pure jade girl, was exposed to have an improper relationship with actor Wang Dazhi when she divorced Pan Yueming. For a while, the Internet was full of evil words against her, and the good image of the past was gone.

Today's Dong Jie can only barely make a living by playing some insignificant small roles, and has been reduced to a supporting role that no one pays attention to, and her future career development is full of unknowns.

As for Ma Rong, she was Wang Baoqiang's virtuous helper, and the two had a deep relationship and gave birth to a pair of lovely children together. However, Ma Rong secretly communicated with Wang Baoqiang's agent Song Zhe, and finally the East Window incident occurred.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

In the first battle of divorce proceedings, Ma Rong was not only ruthlessly abandoned by Wang Baoqiang, but even almost emptied of her family property. Nowadays, whenever she conducts live broadcast activities, there will always be a lot of abuse in the comment area, and word of mouth has already fallen to the bottom.

The two cheating women, one whose image was completely ruined and could only survive by taking on low-quality film and television dramas, and the other who had a broken family and became an anchor with goods, undoubtedly fell into the lowest point in their lives.

This is the tragic price they must bear for betraying love, and it is also a profound warning to others.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

4. Looking back on Li Xiaolu's declining acting career year by year: Li Xiaolu, who was once a smash hit, broke down his marriage with Jia Nailiang when the "doing hair" incident broke out, and his acting career also fell to the bottom, and now he can only rely on online live broadcast to barely make a living.

Li Xiaolu's unfortunate experience can be called a typical case of "derailment and fall".

As one of the most well-known child stars of the post-90s, Li Xiaolu has been loved and expected by everyone since she was a child. He devoted himself to the film and television industry at a young age, and with her sweet and lovely girl image, she quickly won the warm pursuit of the audience and won the reputation of "National Goddess".

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

However, just when her career was in full swing, Li Xiaolu unexpectedly fell into the derailment scandal of "doing hair". For a while, the Internet was full of condemnation and condemnation of her, questioning whether she had turned her back on her husband Jia Nailiang.

With the leak of the live video, the truth was revealed, and Li Xiaolu parted ways with Jia Nailiang.

This turmoil undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Li Xiaolu's acting career. Since then, she has almost fallen into the predicament of a complete ban, and her acting career has been completely cut off. If she wants to make a comeback, it is even more unattainable, and now she can only rely on online live broadcast to barely make a living.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

The former top star has become an Internet celebrity anchor, which can be described as a 180-degree reversal in life. Isn't the price of all this pain the severe punishment given to Li Xiaolu for cheating? Today, she still lives in a luxury residence, but she has long been away from the center of the stage in the spotlight, which is really regrettable.

5. Introduce Huang Xinying and Bai Baihe's new life after cheating: After the derailment scandal was exposed, Huang Xinying and Bai Baihe each started a new emotional journey, but their career development was also affected to a certain extent.

The derailment incident brought earth-shaking changes to the lives of Huang Xinying and Bai Baihe. After the scandal was exposed, their careers almost came to a standstill, and their personal image was seriously damaged.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

Huang Xinying was originally the leading actress of TVB, and Ma Guoming was once pinned on high hopes. However, she actually lost her temper after drinking, opened a room with Sammi Cheng's husband Xu Zhian in a hotel and kissed passionately, and the cheating behavior of the two was captured by the paparazzi vividly.

Suddenly, Huang Xinying, the former "pillar" of the stage, suddenly fell from the altar of the much-anticipated gods, and suffered overwhelming abuse from the Internet public.

Her career also fell into a frozen period in an instant, and all performance opportunities were ruthlessly blocked, in order to avoid the pressure of public opinion, she had to choose to stay away from home and seek inner peace.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

However, recently, she finally showed the dawn of love again, and fell in love with the well-known band drummer Niluhai.

Looking at Bai Baihe again, she was a box office hit "10 billion actress", but after the "One Finger Bullet" scandal was exposed, she divorced Chen Yufan, and her career suffered a heavy blow. Now she can only start again from film and television dramas, and her love life does not seem to be peaceful, and it is rumored that she has a second child with director Zhang Silin.

The encounter between the two actresses reveals the cruel reality of the entertainment industry, and derailment is undoubtedly a fatal blow to celebrities, even if they can rekindle the spark of their careers later, it is difficult to fully recover their former glory.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

They will remember this lesson for the rest of their lives.

6. Summary at the end: The cheating scandal has undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to these actresses, and their life trajectories have changed dramatically, I hope they can learn from it and cheer them up again.

Through the experiences of these cheating actresses, we deeply realize the heavy cost of cheating. One night of romance, scolded for life; A momentary selfish desire, forever lose the halo. The best of them were once famous and well-known first-line stars, but after the cheating scandal was exposed, their personal image and career prospects were almost ruined.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

Some are like Bai Jing, who ended in tragedy and was killed; Some, such as Dong Jie and Ma Rong, have broken families and are notorious; Some are like Li Xiaolu, who fell from the pinnacle of film and television to an Internet celebrity; Others, such as Huang Xinying and Bai Baihe, although they later regained their careers, it is difficult to regain their former glory.

They could have been popular for half the sky, but because of a moment of confusion, they squandered all their good times. This is undoubtedly a heavy price, but also a profound warning to everyone.

Looking back now, the glory of their fame and success in their careers at a young age is like a flash in the pan of a gorgeous flame, and this derailment has plunged this flame into eternal darkness.

6 cheating actresses got close, got a new boyfriend, became a single mother, was scolded for many years, and was hacked to death

We sincerely hope that they can deeply understand this lesson, be more cautious and careful, reinvent themselves, and reshape the glorious chapters and magnificent dreams in their life journey. After all, the road of life is long and boundless, as long as you bravely face the past and work hard unremittingly, the moment will come when you set sail again!