
She returned home from the army in '90, and a car accident changed the course of the future

author:Capital Observation Jun

It was an autumn afternoon, and the sun was shining through the sparse clouds on the streets of the small town. I, a woman who had been training in the army for many years, was discharged from the army and returned to my hometown. I thought I could live a peaceful life, but I didn't expect a car accident to change the trajectory of my life.

I remember that day, I was riding my bicycle to the market to buy groceries, and suddenly a runaway truck rushed towards me. I instinctively dodged, but I was knocked out of the way. When he woke up, he found himself lying in the hospital with a broken right leg and a severe blow to his head.

During my days in the hospital, I was depressed and didn't know what to do in the future. At this moment, an old soldier named Uncle Wang appeared in front of me. He was also a soldier when he was young, and lost his left arm in the war, but he still lived an optimistic and strong life.

Uncle Wang saw that I was in a low mood, so he enlightened me and said, "Sister, life is like a play, with ups and downs. All you have now is a minor setback, find a way to overcome it and get back on your feet. ”

With Uncle Wang's encouragement, I gradually cheered up. After I was discharged from the hospital, I began to learn to use crutches and try to adjust to my new life. However, fate didn't seem to want me to get through it so easily.

One day, I met a familiar figure on the street, it was my comrade-in-arms Xiao Li who used to be in the army. She told me that she now works for an insurance company and asked me if I would be interested in joining. I hesitated, after all, my current physical condition is up to the job?

Xiao Li saw my concerns, and she said, "Don't worry, there are many disabled colleagues in our company, and they are all doing well. Moreover, this job allows you to use the abilities you have learned in the army to help more people. ”

I thought about it and decided to give it a try. Unexpectedly, this decision turned my life upside down.

At the insurance company, I met a lot of like-minded friends, and we worked together to provide protection to those in need. I also found my value in my work and gradually got rid of the shadow of car accidents.

However, just as I was just adjusting to the job, an unexpected news came: Uncle Wang had passed away from a heart attack. I was devastated, and felt that my fate had been too rough. But while sorting through Uncle Wang's belongings, I found a letter he wrote to me.

The letter reads: "Sister, I know you've been worried about me. But you have to believe that there are no hurdles in life that you can't overcome. Even if I leave, you have to live strong and pass on my bravery. ”

After reading the letter, I burst into tears. I know that I can't be defeated by fate, and I want to live as Uncle Wang expects.

Since then, I've worked harder and improved myself. At the insurance company, I became an excellent claims specialist and helped many families affected by disasters. At the same time, I also joined the Mutual Aid Association for the Disabled to help more disabled friends.

Today, I have stepped out of the shadow of the car accident and become a strong, independent and responsible person. Although the car accident changed the path of my life, it also made me understand that as long as there is love in my heart, there is no hopelessness in life.

In this world full of challenges and opportunities, I will go on bravely, pass on the spirit of Uncle Wang, and let more people feel the beauty of life.

Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, I had been working in the insurance company for many years. These days, I'm constantly challenging myself and trying out all kinds of possibilities. And Uncle Wang's spirit has always inspired me and allowed me to grow in the face of adversity.

Early one spring morning, I was walking to work when I saw an elderly man fall down on the street. I immediately stepped forward to pick him up and asked if he was hurt. The old man's name was Uncle Chen, and he looked at me gratefully and said, "Thank you, girl." I'm fine, I'm just old and my legs are not good. ”

I accompanied Uncle Chen home and found that he lived alone, and his home was quite simple. Uncle Chen told me that his children are all working in other places and rarely go home. My heart was sour, I thought of Uncle Wang, and decided to do my best to help Uncle Chen.

Since then, I have often visited Uncle Chen's house, helped him with housework, and chatted with him. Uncle Chen gradually regarded me as a relative, and the relationship between us became deeper and deeper. One day, Uncle Chen suddenly said to me, "Girl, do you know? You remind me of a person, someone who once helped me. ”

I was curious and asked, "Who is it?" ”

Uncle Chen smiled and said, "His name is Uncle Wang, and like you, he is also a helpful person. Unfortunately, he has passed away. ”

Hearing this, a warm current welled up in my heart. It turns out that Uncle Wang's spirit has been passed on to Uncle Chen, and I am continuing to inherit this spirit.

Soon after, the company organized a public welfare event to donate clothes and school supplies to children in poor mountainous areas. I didn't hesitate to sign up for the event and launched a fundraiser at the Mutual Aid Society.

On the day of the event, my colleagues and I came to the mountains with the donated items. Seeing the longing eyes of those children, my heart was filled with emotion. We distributed clothes and stationery to the children, and gave them a lively safety education lesson.

After the event, a little girl came up to me and asked, "Auntie, will you come again?" ”

I smiled and replied, "Of course, we will always help you as long as you need it." ”

When I got back to the company, I received a thank you letter. The letters were written by children in the mountains, and they expressed their gratitude to us in tender words. Looking at the letter, I couldn't help but burst into tears.

As the days went by, I became more and more comfortable working in the insurance company. However, I didn't rest on my laurels and wanted to aim higher. So, I decided to apply for the insurance broker qualification certificate.

After several months of hard work, I finally passed the exam and became a qualified insurance broker. This means that I can provide professional insurance services to more people and help them resist the risks in their lives.

By chance, I learned about a public welfare project called "Sunshine Project". This project aims to help children from underprivileged families complete their education and achieve their dreams in life. I immediately decided to join the project and do my part for those children.

In Project Sunshine, I have met many like-minded friends. We work together to raise funds for children in poor mountainous areas and build a bridge to knowledge for them.

The years are like a song, and in the blink of an eye, I have left my own footprints in this world. Although fate has caused me to encounter misfortune, I have found the true meaning of life in the face of adversity. As long as there is love in the heart, you can overcome all difficulties.

In this world full of hope and challenges, I will continue to move forward and pass on the spirit of Uncle Wang. Let more people feel cared for and make the world a better place.

Life is always full of uncertainties, and you never know what will happen in the next moment. Just as I was fully engaged in the Sunshine Project, an unexpected phone call shattered my peace.

The call was from Uncle Chen, and his voice sounded a little anxious: "Girl, come to my house quickly, I seem to be sick." ”

I immediately put down my work and hurried to Uncle Chen's house. As soon as I entered the door, I saw him lying on the bed, his face pale. I hurriedly touched his forehead, and it was frighteningly hot.

"Uncle Chen, you have a fever!" I said nervously.

Uncle Chen nodded weakly: "It may be that I caught a cold last night, I'm fine, just take a rest." ”

I immediately went to buy antipyretics and cold medicines, and cooked ginger soup for Uncle Chen to drink. At his insistence, instead of calling an ambulance, I decided to stay and take care of him.

For the next few days, I took care of Uncle Chen at his house, fed him medicine, and cooked for him. Uncle Chen's condition gradually improved, and our relationship became deeper.

One night, I was chatting with Uncle Chen, and he suddenly asked me, "Girl, why are you so good to me?" ”

I smiled and replied, "Because I know what it's like to be alone, I want you to feel warm." ”

Uncle Chen listened, and a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes. He told me that his children, although away from home, rarely came home to see him. He felt like I was like his relative.

Hearing this, my heart warmed. It turns out that in this world, we are all dependent on each other.

That's when I got a call from the person in charge of Project Sunshine. He told me that a company was willing to fund our project, but needed me to negotiate. I hesitated, but finally decided to go.

Before leaving, I told Uncle Chen to take good care of himself and told him that I would come back as soon as possible. Uncle Chen looked at me reluctantly and told me to pay attention to safety.

The negotiation went smoothly and the company was willing to fund the funds for our project. When I returned to Uncle Chen's house with the good news, I found him lying on the bed with a pale face.

"Uncle Chen, what's wrong with you?" I asked nervously.

Uncle Chen said weakly: "It's okay, just a little tired." I'm so happy you're back. ”

I looked at him distressed and decided to take him to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor told me that Uncle Chen had a heart attack and needed to be hospitalized immediately.

During the days in the hospital, I accompanied Uncle Chen, told him jokes, and chatted with him. Uncle Chen's condition gradually stabilized, and our relationship became deeper and deeper.

On the day I was discharged from the hospital, Uncle Chen held my hand tightly and said gratefully, "Girl, thank you." It was you who made me feel the warmth of home. ”

I smiled and replied, "Uncle Chen, this is what I should do." We are all each other's family. ”

Since then, Uncle Chen and I have become friends who talk about everything. I often visited him at his house and spent lonely days with him. And Uncle Chen has gradually recovered his health, and our life is getting better and better.

In this world full of challenges and opportunities, I will continue to move forward and pass on the spirit of Uncle Wang. Let more people feel cared for and make the world a better place.

Uncle Chen's body gradually recovered, and I visited him more frequently. One day, I brought some home-cooked food that I made myself and wanted him to try it. When Uncle Chen saw me, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Girl, you're here." Uncle Chen's voice was full of joy.

I replied with a smile, "Uncle Chen, I brought some home-cooked food today, let's try it together." ”

Uncle Chen looked at the dishes in my hand, and his eyes flashed with emotion: "Girl, you are so good to me." ”

We sat at the table together, tasting food and chatting about home. Uncle Chen told me that he was also a soldier when he was young and had participated in many battles.

"At that time, we did whatever it took for the peace of the country and the people." Uncle Chen recalled.

I listened to his story and my heart was full of respect: "Uncle Chen, you are really a hero. ”

Uncle Chen smiled and shook his head: "Girl, I just did what I was supposed to do." ”

We continued to chat and talk about life now. Uncle Chen told me that he has always wanted to find a way to help more young people understand the true meaning of life.

"Girl, I want to set up a foundation to help young people who have dreams but lack resources." Uncle Chen said seriously.

I listened to his thoughts, and my heart moved: "Uncle Chen, this idea is awesome!" Together, we can work to reach more young people. ”

From that day on, Uncle Chen and I planned the establishment of the foundation together. We reached out to a number of businesses and social groups to seek their support and help. After a period of hard work, we finally managed to raise enough funds to establish the "Dream Foundation".

The establishment of the foundation has attracted wide attention from the society. Many young people have come to us for help in the hope of achieving their dreams. We review their applications one by one and sponsor young people who really have dreams and potential.

Watching these young people realize their dreams, Uncle Chen and I were filled with joy in our hearts. We understand that our efforts are changing their lives and giving them a better future.

Uncle Chen's health gradually recovered, and he became the honorary chairman of the foundation. He uses his experience and wisdom to inspire more young people and let them understand that as long as they have dreams, they will be able to achieve them.

I looked at Uncle Chen, and my heart was full of gratitude. It was his kindness and persistence that made me understand the true meaning of life and allowed me to find my mission.

In this world full of challenges and opportunities, I will continue to move forward and pass on the spirit of Uncle Wang and Uncle Chen. Let more people feel cared for and make the world a better place.